djpretzel Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 I wouldn't know how to classify this, but I like what's going on. It's clear that Anticitizen isn't afraid to experiment, and it shows in some of the bold decisions he makes here. I'm a big fan of the opening build up into the melody and the overall relaxing take this has while still keeping a groove. Nice. Quote
yosefu Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Reminds me of the beach relaxing with fruit punch. Either way i will be listening to this for a long time. I look forward to more of your mixes sir. Quote
MechaFone Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Total atmosphereish sounds. I think I have a little crush on this song. Loved the source, the remixer makes me think this is what FFX would've sounded like if it took a Mario Galaxy twist and applied it. And that's a good thing. Quote
linkspast Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Dude.... I love the source, It could be one of my top ten favorite tracks from games.. and this Mix just makes things better. Its has a fresh and relaxed feel to it. I just got off work and have listened to it about 3 or 4 times and its really helped me unwind. Thanks I hope you stick around and keep making some sweet sweet tunes. Quote
Karrde Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 I always loved the Besaid music. Same goes for all the mixes. The middle section from like 2:08 to 3:08 was kinda not my cup of tea. I'm a terrible mixer, but some of the samples seemed kinda off or at least out of place. On the whole though, I love the very chill atmosphere. I like what you did with the main melody and the repeating background. Quote
Whitedrache Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 I really like this mix. Very well done indeed. Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 A chill source being done in a chill method with chill sounds and chill production? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Mix title makes no sense. That's my only concern. Does it have to make sense? Who cares!? Awesome mix, a little bit meandering at the intro for my tastes, but it doesn't matter when I just close my eyes and drift off to it... Quote
Rozovian Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Finally. Mix title makes no sense. That's my only concern But that's besaid the point. I like this, smooth and relaxing. Had a bit of a Super Mario Galaxy sound to it, especially the intro. The 2:10 breakdown thing is really cool, some nice sample manipulation there, altho it might go on for a little too long and not really find the direction afterwards. Smooth ending, smooth intro, decent middle. Cool track, make more. Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 I have been waiting for this for ages because the title name made me want to listen to it so badly. This song is just so kick ass. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Really relaxing stuff, I really like the reversed guitar parts and the overall feel to this. I'm happy it got posted! Quote
Brandon Strader Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 This remix is a leader amongst remixes. The find the techno drums to be unnecessary, but the arrangement and wall of sound is very well done. Lots of guitar echo and effects in there. Very clean and tight production. The glitch section is tasteful as well, and not ridiculously over the top and distracting like most glitch stuff these days. Remix is made of win. Quote
Matt E. Waldman Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Ohmygod, I'm absolutely diggin' this! I'm a sucker for ambient/moody electronic pieces, and this one takes the cake! The drums fit perfectly, in my opinion. The background synths sound fantastic; a very chill sound that's both driving and soothing. All the production aspects sound very refined and well-rounded to me, so no real problems there. At around 1:47, the mixing sounded a little too hot, but nothing major. Overall, absolutely fantastic! I'd say this is my favorite of the Besaid mixes so far. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Great source. Good ambient vibe. Awful, awful, awful title. Wasn't digging some of the middle sections, but the overall composition is quite smooth. Quote
ambient Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Very chill and pleasant mix that covers a rather catchy source tune. Good work! Quote
Inferno232 Posted June 4, 2010 Posted June 4, 2010 Very cool, very nice, about as good as the original without being the same. Sadly, I didn't really enjoy the original. This was definitely a well done piece, though, even if it doesn't meet my personal tastes. So, don't Besaid, man, you did great. Quote
phantasia Posted June 5, 2010 Posted June 5, 2010 This song sounds so carefree I love it . Very chillout. Really well done for a first mix, I hope you continue to make more Quote
neongirl1554 Posted June 5, 2010 Posted June 5, 2010 This is really great! I love it! You took one of my favorite songs and made it fresh and fun and new! I love it! Quote
Level 99 Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 chill. Reminds me incredibly of Ulrich Schnauss, except a little bit more upbeat. Soothing pads all the way, and very appropriate processing with the delays, reverb, and of course, the reversing you put on some of the sound. Chimes are gorgeous, and effective glitchy stuff in the middle. I'm pretty sure that's a live guitar I'm hearing in there at parts, and it's smooth as butter. Added to my "Chill out vibes" playlist. Rock on! Quote
Martin Penwald Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Very chill and smooth; stuff like ~1:40 conjures images of a green field, blue sky, fluffy white clouds and a nice fresh breeze. Even the glitchy breakdown is relaxed, not whoring for your attention, but simply adding some variation to the remix. Nice work. Quote
halc Posted June 28, 2010 Posted June 28, 2010 very nice! we can never have too many besaid mixes Quote
Catharsis Posted July 27, 2010 Posted July 27, 2010 Pretty nice remix. It gets a little too random for my taste near the end, but still good, plus it's a Besaid remix. Quote
Crulex Posted August 29, 2012 Posted August 29, 2012 I, for one, like punny titles, so that a point for you there. Nice and chill in the beginning, then follows up by building a more energy filled harmony and glitch breakdown. I don't know, something about this ReMix didn't gel with me in certain areas, but it was still nice to listen to. Quote
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