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The first game I played: Pokemon Blue.

The first 3D game? ....yeah. It was A Bug's Life. My dad bought me an N64 and that game. Fortunately my mom got me Banjo-Tooie shortly thereafter, and thus began my rise to nerd-dom.

Hmm...I should do a Challenge for B-K/B-T music.


i had trouble getting quick reply to work..... does it?

i remember atari briefly... we'd shop at willworth's for atari games and nintendo came out about 1 3/4 year later i believe. i was very young, i normally watched... ummm pacman? :[ i am not proud of that.


Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt. I remember specifically Duck Hunt was more fun but, technically, I chose to play Mario first. I was home sick from school with chickenpox, and my Nana bought me my first video game console. We only had one TV that I could use it on since I was primarily confined to my parents bedroom. I remember calling her up and thanking her over and over again for it. And thus began that slow downward spiral to the magnificent man I am today :nicework:


Well the one I remember as first RPG I loved was "Legend of Dragon". But truth be known the first video "console" game I owned was the yellow Pong console hooked to my Magnavox Console TV.

I truly was cool then..

I used to watch my dad play the original Prince of Persia on our old Macintosh computer, so that was the first game I played. Nice gory starter game for a four year old. :P

*high five*


I don't remember the name of it, but there was some sort of really cheesy Dos-based jeopardy matching game that I played when I was 4, on an old IBM. It didn't even really have graphics, just lines and words, but I loved it.

First game whose name I can remember was another Dos-based game, Magic Carpet. Still love that game - something about flying around throwing meteors at wyverns and dropping volcanoes upon the heads of the unwary townsfolk just makes my day.


Let's see, it'd have to be Space Invaders or Asteroids for the good ol' Atari. I remember my parents coming home with the system, and then sending me to bed so they could play it all night. Then the next day I took it over, and I've been into games ever since. I believe I was 4 years old at the time. :)


I think my first was Pong. I was probably 4 or so at the time. Then we got our first NES when I was... 5 or 6. I got so pissed playing Super Mario Brothers. Wanna know a cruel way to torture a 7 year old kid? Give him Zelda 2 for his birthday. That was the first game I ever owned.


The original Super Mario Bros. in like 1991 or 1992 or something.

My tech-savvy uncle found a NES at a garage sale somewhere and bought it cheap along with game (which was the Mario/Duck Hunt combo cartridge). So I have memories of him showing me and my sister how to play, and then I played at some point.

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