Liontamer Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 It's all connections and track record, believe me. Nah, no it's not. Quote
A-RoN Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Yeah. I was stupid and came into this half-expecting Tupac, and found it being worse than Lil Wayne. You can't really blame me,/thread Well at least your expectations were a quest for pure hip-hop. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Can't say I'm a fan of the song, primarily due to the, quite frankly, terrible lyrics. That said, I view this song akin to Lover Reef & Rhymes of Elixir - it's not meant to take itself seriously, and considering this was made during the OUS BBQ, I rest my case on the nature of the song. Not all songs OCR posts will necessarily be everyone's cup of tea. OCR isn't about passing judgment on songs in that manner. Vinnie believed the song met the criteria the site uses for posting songs, and as he said, he stands by his decision. If the song isn't your type, there was another song posted today as well to add to your collection. Quote
GeneralJehy Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Well. Really? That was "vulgar"? It sounded like bad white rap to me (and believe me, I have a twenty year old brother who thinks he's going to be the next Eminem...I know bad white rap). It's one thing if you're doing it as a joke; another if you want it to be taken seriously. I don't get the feeling that this particular piece was worked on very long. At least not lyrics-wise. The music itself was good, I'll give you that, but otherwise... I agree with what someone said earlier that the lyrics were just plain lazy. And there's a shocking lack of motherf*cker in this. I mean, come on. it's rap for god's sake. Quote
zircon Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 It's all connections and track record, believe me. Haha, yeah, no. If anything at all, OUS and OCR staff used to be on kinda rocky terms, though there's absolutely no hate either way now. OLR does post joke remixes, but that doesn't translate to "all joke mixes are bad." You can have a funny remix that also has great production and arrangement. Quote
Scrobble Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 eh, all the drama is kind of silly. it's a goofy song about booze and flik's crotch. not exactly my style, but certainly not as bad as all the commotion about it also lover reef is awesome Quote
joe_cam Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Well.Really? That was "vulgar"? It sounded like bad white rap to me (and believe me, I have a twenty year old brother who thinks he's going to be the next Eminem...I know bad white rap). It's one thing if you're doing it as a joke; another if you want it to be taken seriously. I don't get the feeling that this particular piece was worked on very long. At least not lyrics-wise. The music itself was good, I'll give you that, but otherwise... I agree with what someone said earlier that the lyrics were just plain lazy. And there's a shocking lack of motherf*cker in this. I mean, come on. it's rap for god's sake. Hahaha. I love this reply so much. Keep in mind, the name of this group is "The Crakaz" so that should answer your first query right off the bat. We've always been bad white rap and we've never tried to claim otherwise. We're better than we used to be, but that doesn't make us great in any sense. Yeah, I can see the complaints where the lyrics seem lazy (though I'm really happy with most of mine. I'm sure I can touch them up now, but the song's a year old now...) This was all written within the span of a few hours (lyrics probably under an hour) during the 7th Annual OUS BBQ. It was never meant to be an award winning piece of music or a serious act at being a legitimate rap group. It's a fun song made during a BBQ. I'm really quite honored that it's here on OCR. It means a lot that our dicking around songs are getting to be "good" enough to be accepted here. Lastly, I am very sorry for not having "motherfucker" in there. I will keep this advice in mind for future reference. If we had an extra hour or so to do some adlibs and what not, I'm sure I'd have thrown one in there somewhere. DCT can back me up that I support the use of "motherfucker", but I guess we were still a bit hungover and it slipped my mind. Many thanks for the reply Jehy. I genuinely enjoyed your feedback. And goddammit Scrobble, why the hell didn't you get to the BBQ this year?? I missed you. Quote
Scrobble Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 slaving away in the chocolate mines, joe. gotta make that money. Quote
joe_cam Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 slaving away in the chocolate mines, joe. gotta make that money. Make it rain, Rob. Make it rain. Quote
docnano Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 WTF!?!? I don't like rap much and these lyrics are particularly immature, but hell, it's HILARIOUS. The themes are woven subtly but to good effect throughout. Against my better judgment, I think I'll add this to my library! Quote
b0nez Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Played once. Permanently filed in the circular bin. After listening to over 2000 OC remixes, only two or three others have received such a response from me. Not that Mustin doesn't make some killer mixes, but this certainly ain't one of 'em... Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 I think my argument is more that Lyrics -are- a part of arrangement, and should be a serious factor in the evaluation of any piece of music. This. As to the mix itself: The instrumentation was pretty well done, overall, I thought, but the laziness of the lyrics kept me from enjoying it. Still, as Theophany said... five?... pages back, it's an inside joke and there's nothing wrong with that. I just can't see the average guest wandering onto the front page, listening to this, and enjoying it. Quote
WillRock Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 You guys suck, your remix sucks, why has ocr posted this shit, ZOMG. jk Ok so its quite obvious that this isn't a mix that should be taken seriously. Its not really what I would call a great remix, but then again, I wouldn't call Rabbit Joint Cover or music of my groin great remixes per say. But they are damn good fun, and pretty funny, and i'd say this is something more along those lines than what you'd usually see here on ocr. I'm not sure if this is my style of humor like those two, but i'm not going to say its bad for it. Its not for everyone sure, but its a good laugh for those that enjoy it, which is all that you need imo Quote
Josh Whelchel Posted July 22, 2010 Posted July 22, 2010 Okay, so I looked back at "Rhymes with Elixir," the precedent in this situation. djpretzel said it all: ... the overall tone is certainly goofy, but we don't post "joke mixes" that don't at least sound good & have some merit to both arrangement and production. ... This mix is actually ahead of RWE in terms of those things in my opinion. That's why this is a few (by few I mean many many) levels above OLRemix. Quote
fester Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 I've been visiting OCR for nearly a decade and never felt the need to register and post until now. I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to musical styles, and I like quite a bit of rap, but this mix was simply terrible. I was cringing the entire time while listening to the lyrics, not because I'm offended by some "fucks" and a "dick", but because the lyrics were delivered in such a pedestrian manner. The "embarrassed for the other person" feeling I was left with was reminiscent of the feeling I got when "rapping" commercials were popular in the 80s and 90s. Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Holy hell, 10 pages already? And I haven't chimed in to hate yet? D'awwwwwwwwww... *listening* Hey, this sounds like da black market, and I liked that. Oh hey, it's by those dudes! No pixie to chime in with a 2 second clip to break up the sausage fest. Umm..... So yeah. Why was this so hated? Rhymes with Elixir was terrible, this is actually good though. And the lyrics in this are A) Pants on head retarded, and Not at all game related. Oh right. Production... that's important, eh? This right here is the difference good production can make for a song. Turning a joke remix into something enjoyable to listen to, something that you can actually appreciate the music behind because everything is mixed well. The lyrics are awful, but the delivery is fantastic. I kinda wish Flik was more identifiable as Flik though. I miss that guy.... And even though it's a bunch of white guys rapping in a white manner (aka without soul) It's all mixed properly, sounds good, and is enjoyable. Did I mention this is enjoyable? Oh, and really? This is profane? Like.... really? People don't understand profane I think. Profane is what is not the widely accepted. And everyone I talk to, talks like this when they aren't in a job interview or talking to their boss. So yeah. Good stuff guys Would have preferred to hear something more game related a la black market, but this will do. Quote
Barnsalot Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 This belongs on OLRemix, not on OCR. The lyrics and the way they're sung both have the vibe of "we did this for the lulz". Quote
MessagesFromEarth Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 I was discouraged by the comments and I guess it's my own fault for reading some of them before listening to the song, but.... Guys, this is fucking hilarious! I laughed the whole time. I'm not sure I'd like to hear more remixes like this, but goddamn, you all had me rolling. Also, was that Flik at the end? The voice sounds like the one from the Link plays guitar at Hyrule High School. Bad ass. EDIT: Apparently Flik was the one needing people to sit on his crotch or something. Oh boy. Guys, let me just say one more time that this is fantastic, deserves to be on OCRemix in every way, and that if more people had a sense of humor the world would be a better place Quote
djpretzel Posted July 23, 2010 Author Posted July 23, 2010 I've been visiting OCR for nearly a decade and never felt the need to register and post until now. I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to musical styles, and I like quite a bit of rap, but this mix was simply terrible...You do realize that this is actually a form of incentive for us to post mixes like this? If it gets long-time lurkers to finally participate and say something, that's kind of a plus At any rate, I figured I would chime in again since we did in fact receive the hailstorm reaction we expected; I agree with a LOT of the criticisms, and everyone involved in this mix can - and has - done better, that almost goes without saying. But so many comments focus on the lyrics and the production, which deserve the flack, but ignore the actual arrangement. Pretend they were singing something else, and pretend the production was a LITTLE better (I don't think it's awful by a stretch) - the actual incorporation of the themes is, to me, pretty cool. Of course, to enjoy music, you shouldn't HAVE to pretend, but that just speaks to where our respective tastes & preferences lie; I can listen over some silliness and forgive some laziness if I feel like there are some well-executed arrangement ideas going on. Now, for all you folks who chimed in and haven't posted in a blue moon - or ever - before this mix, how about throwing some positive comments to a few of the other 1,800+ mixes maybe you DID enjoy, past & present? Quote
Karrde Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Heh, anybody who can't enjoy this is either some kind of purist or a prude who can't stand juvenile humor. Oddly enough, a friend of mine and I were discussing last night an article written by a thirty something mother who didn't get why her 13 year old found juvenile humor so funnny. We're both almost 30 and we still find it funny, so call us juvenile if you will Definitely up there with the aforementioned mixes as well as Team Gato's tongue in cheek stuff. Musically, meh, but that's not the point is it? I laughed my ass off though. Quote
last light Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 This song failed to impress me, but I liked Rhymes with Elixir. Neither song made much progress in buildup of the music itself (not counting lyrics) in my book, they just stagnated through the mix. I suppose that's part of the reason I don't like rap in general; It just doesn't seem to ever reach of a crescendo. However, at least Rhymes with Elixir had a lot of effort put into the lyrics. They were clever and original, and stood out from any other rap in history (probably because they were based on Final Fantasy 4. I don't think anyone else had ever tried that before then). These lyrics were just uninspired and unoriginal. What did they add to rap that had not been seen before? Lyrics about partying and getting smashed? Been done a thousand times. It's just disappointing to me that for a website that has had such high standards in creativity, something like this was passed. Quote
DiggiDis Posted July 23, 2010 Posted July 23, 2010 Are you serious ?? ..... arguably the easiest genre that people do around here. Quote
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