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Not sure how impressive this'll be, but my sister and I were playing Resident Evil 5 co-op for the first time a while back. I guess we weren't terribly good at conserving ammo because we quickly ran out during the final boss fight. We did beat him with our trusty survival knives, however.


Lufia 1 for the SNES. It took a long grind to get the game defeated. What made the journey epic was that I lost my data tice when my SNES fell to the ground and thus corrupting my data. The first time it was not a big deal,I was a mere 5 hours in, but the second time I lost the data I was 40 hours deep into the game and was on the last leg of the trip.

I was so happy to defeat it, but history repeated itself and the cartridge wanted a third date with gravity.

Posted (edited)

It's been done before, but I beat Contra with my friend one time without losing any lives or putting in that 30-something lives cheat. I would have to play several hundreds of times before I do that again.

I can run through Prince of Persia (Two Thrones) brainlessly.

In Sonic Adventure 2, my record for the game's hardest stage, 'Mad Space': I beat that stage in less than a minute. As hard as that fucking stage is, even when you're lucky you might not execute properly because gravity bias makes the tasks difficult. However, I am not at doubt that I'll do it again; I did it twice. Wish I had Youtubed it.

Sonic 3's special stages: beat every one of them, no messups, all rings obtained on the first try.

SSB fans know how to do this, but I had beaten Metal Mario with Jigglypuff in about 3-4 seconds.

Kirby Superstar: my brother and I defeated Marx without a scratch. I will do it again, but I won't lie, that's tougher than it sounds!

Kirby 64 (I prefer the SNES versions): beat the last boss in one try, no hits. That's borderline impossible, and I might not ever do that again.

Classic: consecutive flawless victories in Mortal Kombat on the hardest mode, with the exception of the last boss(es).

Jet Force Gemini: fighting all of the bosses with the weakest gun (the pistol's spare pellets when the actual ammo runs out) and winning. In shooters and RPGs, I like to see how far I can go without upgrading stats or weapons.

Edited by Salluz

Arcade: Dual Area 51 1 continue per gun.

Arcade: Beat Bunta in my goddamned RX-7 Spirit R on the first Run. (initial D version 2.)

Arcade: Top ranked Mitsurugi player on local arcade able to go toe to toe with Ivy's

NES: Level 30 on both duck hunt modes.

NES: True ending of Bubble Bobble.


Too many to list for that console...

PS1: All weapons downed in 7 Tore Omega a new one in 8. Ozma....WITHOUT GETTING ALL THE CREATURES IN NINE!

Metal Gear Solid: BIG BOSS. Enough fuckin said.

PS2: GT4.(I friggin Beat it!)

PC: 20 building+player kill streak on 2 fort in Tf2. I'll think up more as i page back through the memories.


PC Team Fortress 2: Defense on first area of Gold Rush Payload. Pulled back an arrow on the huntsman to shoot soldier running on ledge up to my left. His teammate hits me at the feet with a rocket, blasting me high up into the air and to the side. Reaim my shot and release in midair, killing original target.

Too bad they changed huntsman so you can't fire in midair anymore. Also too bad I wasn't recording a demo at the time. I used to create game highlight videos of midair frags and stuff (quake 3 and the like), and I actually have a pretty big collection of demos of midair shots and crazy stuff from tf2. Unfortunately, videos take a long time to edit, so I'll probably never actually create this one.

I'd like to be able to play through all of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 for NES one of these days.

You have my support.

The only really challenging thing I've done was a no-materia game of Final Fantasy VII, and it wasn't even that hard.


Back when Samurai Shodown 2/ Samurai Spirits 2 was all the rage in the arcades, I played Cham Cham like a pro. One time someone played Ukyo against me; he used his pow special (he spins multiple times in the air with his sword), and I used the jumping scratch. Somehow I managed to time it PERFECTLY, avoided Ukyo's whirling blade, landed the jumping scratch, and made the other player nearly break his stick in disbelief.

The priorities in that game are surprisingly exact and unforgiving, so pulling off something like that is no easy feat, especially with moves like jumping scratch in which the character jumps and moves in an arc before it can connect. A MUCH safer, smarter counter would have been a simple upward projectile :P

My reflexes are terrible now. These days I can't even do the projectile counter right sometimes.


There are some Final Fantasy VIII spoilers ahead, nothing story-related, minor gameplay-related. Anyway...

This one's pretty random, but I'm still proud of it:


Got to the final boss(Ultimecia, IIRC), her final form(the creepy one without a face), and somehow got all my characters annihilated within a couple turns, EXCEPT Quistis. Go figure. she was my "I don't care" character, so she had next-to-nil for Blue Magic(her unique ability), NO unique items, not even so much as special armor or a decent whip. She had all the hand-me-downs. So I beat Ultimecia using the only Blue magic I had, which was reflectx2 and shell, and my (low-grade) whip.

...It took me over 3 hours. Thank God I had those two spells.


Oh yeah. I remember now.

Arcade: I made a guy burn through five dollars in quarters playing me in Soul Blade (original game) with Sigfried. God that was hillarious. Nearly as good as the cheeseball ;)


Due to a friends boasting being false which i had to correct, today I just beat megaman zero with a keyboard.. now excuse me while i weep in the corner about the final boss battle being so painful.

There are some Final Fantasy VIII spoilers ahead, nothing story-related, minor gameplay-related. Anyway...

This one's pretty random, but I'm still proud of it:


Got to the final boss(Ultimecia, IIRC), her final form(the creepy one without a face), and somehow got all my characters annihilated within a couple turns, EXCEPT Quistis. Go figure. she was my "I don't care" character, so she had next-to-nil for Blue Magic(her unique ability), NO unique items, not even so much as special armor or a decent whip. She had all the hand-me-downs. So I beat Ultimecia using the only Blue magic I had, which was reflectx2 and shell, and my (low-grade) whip.

...It took me over 3 hours. Thank God I had those two spells.

As someone who adores FFVIII, this made me spit my drink out and start laughing uncontrollably.

Still impressive, though.


There are probably a lot I'm going to forget, but let me see how many I can remember in one go:

-Pokemon Red: Caught Mewtwo with a pokeball. Ran out of Ultra balls for the third time, had nothing left but 99 regular pokeballs, started tossing them and caught him around the thirtieth attempt.

-Fire Emblem GBA: Beat a supposedly unbeatable character (Fargus) after losing a guy to the arena. Later went on the beat the final dragon boss with a triangle attack with the three pegasus knights.

-Cave Story: Beat the final, final boss without using any of the recommended weaponry. This involved basically hovering around the ceiling by firing one gun at the ground and trying to hit him with it as he went by. Ended up taking about 3 hours.

-Mario 64: Found the glitch room behind the front doors of the castle before the internet was cool enough to point out stuff like that. Used to be able to get to and beat final bowser in only a handful of hours (maybe 4?)

-Professor Layton and the Curious Village: beat the whole game in a couple of days without ever looking up a walkthrough or using the hints.

-RPGs: I can't even count the number of times I've taken on bosses and final bosses at well below the recommended level and won. I'm just patient when I know a tactic works, even if it takes longer than it's supposed to.) I know I've done it in Kingdom Hearts, FF1,7,10,12, and tactics (At least until I fought Wiegraf), EarthBound, Pokemon Red (I beat the Elite four around levels 35-50, no legendaries), Star Ocean 3, and Secret of Mana (Didn't know about grinding up magic, in addition to playing solo. Really ups the difficulty.)


I've got 100% in both Kingdom Hearts. So much grinding was involved in KH2.

Got the Sword of Kings without trying to in Earthbound. I was ecstatic.

Minimal run of Ocarina of Time. 3 hearts, no shield (for as long as possible), no capacity upgrades or anything, and um no Zora Tunic I think? Also did Wind Waker but I don't think I got to the end.

100% in Donkey Kong 64. I now have a powerful hatred of that old lunar landing arcade game.


Got the Platinum trophy in Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Yeah, I know everyone's capable of doing that, but understand, the second-last combat challenge mission took me like 8 hours of practice to beat. After finishing it, I didn't have a sense of accomplishment. I had a sense of "Finally. Glad I'll never have to do that again."


Soloed in Left 4 Dead 1, Dead Air campaign. Expert difficulty (instant death from Witches, incapped by Tank punch and rock, 20 damage per Common Infected hit) with only pistols and no bombs. Didn't even get to use gas cans to set things on fire.

Most of the time, it was running like shit to the safe room, hoping that I didn't get pounced/smokered/puked on and that the tank chasing me was too stupid to use a direct route.

The finale consisted of baiting tanks into the naturally occurring fire in the pit near the plane and running around until it died. It took a few tries, but I did it.


Posted (edited)

I beat Silver Surfer on the NES. Oh yeah, I did.

I got over 2 million points in the practice mode in Kirby's Avalanche (I was at Lv. 99 for about 3 hours). It was intense.

I got the code to the Facility in Golden eye 100% legit.

I beat X-com by carrying a sectoid from the last section, mind controlling it, giving it a laser gun and having it kill the final boss on the hardest setting. I've also got the game down to a 2 hour runthrough (one day I'll get it to one hour and beat the record, dammit).

I probably did other things too, but I think my epeen is big enough, for now.

Edited by Gario

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