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Posted (edited)

1cced Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream on lunatic with every character.

Survived seven minutes on hyper hexagonest in Super Hexagon.

I feel like a dumb

I feel like I should feel like a dumb. edit: nevermind.

Edited by K.B.

Platinum trophy number 13. InFAMOUS 2!

The last trophy to get was to finish the game as evil. Oh my God, that ending was gut wrenching! I can't believe what you had to do. I actually muted the game because I didn't want to hear what I chose to do!

Next what I'm going to do is play the ending as good with an evil playthrough. I wonder if it's going to be different than the good ending with a good playthrough.

  • 1 year later...

I've had some noteworthy gaming achievements in the past year or so, but none remotely as satisfying as my most recent one: The Legend of Zelda minimalist challenge.  Wooden sword, 3 hearts, and no items that aren't absolutely necessary to beat the game, including boomerang, extra bombs, red candle, wand, book, potions, and rings.  First five levels were a breeze. Six and seven were nice tests. Eight and nine? Ridiculous.  


Recorded it on twitch for anyone who wants to witness the madness: http://www.twitch.tv/xarnax42/v/5308760


What? I haven't put mine here yet? o.o Okay...


I do have a lot of Mega Man Zero 2, 3, and 4 speedrun videos on youtube, but my hardest and best stage runs, I think, were these three:


Shuttle Factory (Zero 2)

By far, the most risky stage I've done, IMO.


Power Room (Zero 2)

The boss is Phoenix Magnion. If you know who he is, you know it's crazy hard! (Cyril The Wolf has also done an OC ReMix of this stage BGM!)


Energy Facility (Zero 3, Hard Mode)

Such a long stage... two minievents, one miniboss, one boss. Had some cool dash-spring-jumps in there! The boss gave me a run for my money!


Particle Beam Generator (Zero 4, Hard Mode)

This was like, virtual ninja mode. Went as fast as I could!


My best PS3 Platinum is by far Sonic Unleashed, if only because of the Hot Dog stages alone. The entire game indeed took a lot of time and patience, especially to try and get through the Eggmanland Time Trial without dying, THREE TIMES.


(Footage provided by SonicJGB)


It gives you 45 minutes to clear it in, which isn't so bad once you start getting used to it. But my god it is some AWKWARD difficulty curve.


I once was able to glitch OoT into letting me run around in the area in the clouds after where Zelda sends you back to your original time. You had to do the SLG then hope on Epona, then run around in the Gerudo Training grounds and a whole bunch of stuff I cannot recall...It was awhile ago, they called it the "Sky Temple" but it was just a cloud background you could walk around in...not much else...still cool


My for realz best gaming accomplishment was that I beat F-Zero GX on every possible difficulty setting and unlocked everything. Notable because people claimed it was "too difficult" back when it came out. Never understood that, honestly. It wasn't too difficult once you memorized the track layout, set your vehicle correctly and knew how to steer.


Every once in a while I fire up the Gamecube and play it again. I'm still the shit at that game.


I once made it through radiant dawn three times in one week on hard. Not sure if that's something to brag about or just me demonstrating that I have no life.

Both :).  That's amazing.  That game is mega-difficult on hard mode.  I love that game so much.  It's probably my favorite Wii game and my favorite "recent" RPG sans maybe Dragon Quest VIII.  I am hoping for a Wii U release because my buddy has not returned that game and if he doesn't soon then I'm going to have a fit. 


I finally got a real actual gaming achievement earlier this year... I beat Bloodborne and got the platinum trophy (all trophies). And many of the bosses that give people problems (like Darkbeast Paarl) I killed on my first try :-)


Then I had to kill many of them again in the chalice dungeons, the real test of whether you got gud... 

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