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OCR02330 - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker "Hoy, Small Fry!"


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Ahh, this warms my Celtic lovin' heart. Each section of the melody and the arrangement is pieced together to sound incredible. Such a happy and peaceful song, and it totally fits Wind Waker's feel. Very nice adding in some seagulls as well. I didn't even mind the "lalalala's" in the ReMix, as it just added to the overall "happy" picture. Ending seemed a bit abrupt with the flute starting and suddenly stopping, but eh, doesn't bother me. Cool stuff.

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Hyperduck Soundworks? Awesome, I'm glad to see you on board here :)

Though this is considerably less metal than I'd expect, this is still pretty sweet. I like the celtic mood of this, and the mix of many themes that I've grown quite familiar with (and I've never even played WW - I'm just thinking of the traditional themes you've blended in here).

Very tasteful remix. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album.

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That's an awesome tribute! Quite awesome, and yeah I can hear the comparative qualities. If you listen to staff credits from wind waker you will see where we struck up our initial influence. Can't say we knew of this piece while we were putting our remix together. Tis a good find!

Edit: sorry iPhone auto correct is silly.

Edited by HyperDuckChris
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I should just express my, in fact OUR gratitude to the very kind words shared about this remix we did. I was expecting to receive a royal spanking from the mighty ocremix since it's our first time here, but you've been very kind with your words and the support of the album is outstanding.

Big man hugs from Ireland.

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I just want to say that I can't stop listening to this song, haha. It's really great! The original song(s?) had more of a... how you say?... "epic finale" feel, I guess? Not sad, per se, but more like a "the success of a legend" kinda thing.

All that to say that it's really impressive how you guys took it and made it into more of an upbeat happy-go-lucky kind of thing, and did so really, really well! Really enjoying it. :)

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Love this track, sounds like it should be in one of the games or in a Zelda movie or something. The arrangement is a little conservative but very enjoyable. The instruments sound fantastic, everything is very whimsical and uplifting. Love when the vocals come in at 2:00. Such a fun song, one of my favorites from the album.

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When this track plays, I suddenly feel a lot more active and inclined to get work done. It's go to do with the flow of the mix and the daydream of a party going on with beer, comradeship and quirky puddle dances in 3/4. I'll play this in the background when studying. Lots.

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One of the first mixes I heard when I discovered the site. And now that I've (finally) decided to stop lurking in the shadows and get an account, I wanted to say how much I love this remix.

I sadly haven't played the game before (no Gamecube/Wii) but a lot of the original music is still familiar to me. There is something about this mix that always brings a smile to my face whenever it comes up on my iPod. The choir helps that in a big way, bringing a cheerful, almost innocent nature whenever it enters. I also really dig the flute (possibly ocarina?) treatment of the melody throughout. It lends a more organic feel to the music and makes it feel as if Link is sitting on deck playing the tune.

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