Joe Redifer Posted May 7, 2002 Posted May 7, 2002 OutRun 'Instant' For once the C64 music matches the other versions of the same game! Instant Remedy has taken the "Magical Sound Shower" music selection and upgraded to sound like the Miami Sound Machine or something similar. At points it does have a little bit of that NES style sound quality to it, but it's mixed in with the good stuff and works pretty well. If you like Out Run music, download this. If you don't like Out Run music, shoot yourself. Quote
Solarus Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 This guy has talent. It's a fact. I don't know what to say. This mix is great. Listen to it, and cry. What you cry about is up to you to decide. 9/10 Quote
ecco Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 Out Run for Sega Master system was one of my first games i ever owned. All i can say about this mix is thank you for making it! Great job! 8.5/10 Quote
Rayagon Posted March 27, 2003 Posted March 27, 2003 I've heard some music samples with that NES feel to them, trying to capture the old school NES sound quality and make a pleasing, intricate piece of music at the same time. This is almost a paradox -- imitating a very elementary music output system and attempting to make it deep and complex. With some, the final result sounds like a monkey trapped in a prison cell with a 1990 Yamaha, pounding away at the poor keys over and over again in a sharp and piercing synth. Instant Remedy has not only evaded this pitfall, but has managed to take the form to an entirely new and outstanding level. His samples are full and satisfying, but have that crisp NES synth feel to them, and his composition, while following the original, has been layered with counter-melodies and riffs that I notice anew each time I play it through my headphones. Amazing work. Quote
redsnapper Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Pure genius to tackle this song for a ReMix . . . I've been humming this song since the game came out for the Master System. I'm new to this site, but I had to say something about this song. It's amazing how many memories come floating to the surface when you hear this music - great job . . . Quote
buliwyf Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 I like this tune but i'm not sure if it is as good as it could be. I remember Outrun having some great music and there certainly needs to be more remixes for this game. This song is good though and it makes my car CD playlist, now all i have to do is pretend my purgeot is a testarossa convertable and i'm driving along a beach road rather down the M62 on a rainy overcast day and I'm set. 8/10 Quote
Mahjong No OujiSama Yoshi Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 Oh MAN! Outta all the "Out Run" songs, this HAS to be the coolest! THIS HAS GOTTA BE BETTER THAN ANY OTHER REMIX ON THIS SITE, MAN... I could imagine the length of driving with this bad boy in my CD player crankin out the hot music. And this totally is R-O-C-K-I-N! Wheh! Did I mention "WOW!"? Quote
jordex Posted November 22, 2004 Posted November 22, 2004 Not much to say except I LOVE THIS! It's awesome Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Aye, this feels so old school. Great melody. Almost like the bastard child of some random trance and a C64. Quote
TX-419 Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Again, this is another game I have unfortunately not played, but it's still a very nice mix. Can't trump da classic stylez. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 A seriously old school mix that holds up really well over 1500 mixes later. The blend of 8 bit synths and more modern ones works very well, and the minimal (and tasteful!) use of car zooming makes things extra nice. The song is constantly evolving, and isn't content to simply repeat itself. Well played, Sir. Well played. Quote
Devyn Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 One of the best OCRemixes. It still holds up so well. It's a perfect tribute to the game, and it makes you feel like you are actually in that red car driving around the beach with the wind in your hair. Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 This song is going to be stuck in my head for quite some time. Quote
Marmiduke Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 It's ridiculous that hasn't been beaten to hell by the unforgiving hands of time. From the beginnings of OCR to today, and it can still get me moving. I don't get any resistance from the samples or the arrangement amd I don't hear any artefacts that give away the fact that this is about as old as they come. A huge triumph and a great track. If only every genre could withstand the effects of aging as gracefully as chiptune techno. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 I'm surprised how well this holds up despite being the fifth remix posted here...ever. Definitely some nice work here. There's some parts that almost sound like a MegaMan track, and other parts the can really get you pumped. While it's not my favorite track around, it was worth checking out and listening to more than once. Nice work. Quote
Tables Posted July 3, 2010 Posted July 3, 2010 (edited) Insant... classic. Once again Instant Remedy knows how memorable a good intro can make a song, and doesn't disappoint. Like people have said, it's a fantastic blend of 8-bit and conventional synths. Pretty sure I can hear the same 'instrument' from the Ghosts and Goblins mix previously that I loved! It's not exactly a revolutionary, take me to new heights song, but it's definitely a groovy track and worth a download. Edited April 7, 2015 by Tables Quote
Crulex Posted October 6, 2011 Posted October 6, 2011 Unbelievable! This is a cool ReMix and it's really interesting. The chiptune techno with different synths working together makes this pretty unique. I thought it felt like a classic, almost like it could have worked on an actual system back then, so I get more of a nostolgic feeling from the tune rather than the music, cause I've yet to play this game myself. Pretty good. Quote
Gario Posted December 2, 2011 Posted December 2, 2011 Dat C64 chiptune. Fuckin' hell. I hope I don't need to say that I'm a sucker for chiptunes, but if I do then let me tell you that I'm a sucker for chiptunes. These are all so well incorporated, as well - the use of arpeggios, the fade in tracks, the instrument styles, they all work so well together. I'm particularly happy with how well all of it works in concert. The car in the beginning was fun the first time, meh the second time and annoying the third time. Use an effect too often too soon and you lose it's appeal. I love SFX as much (if not more) than the next guy, but there's a certain finess to using them that this track didn't quite achieve. That doesn't detract much from this track, though - it's a very solid, well put together track that I thoroughly enjoyed. It easily earns nine tire tracks out of ten. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted December 3, 2011 Posted December 3, 2011 Sweet! This song has a fantastic sound that doesn't hurt my ears. It does sound a bit like keygen music, the chirpy synth at 0:54 builds on the keygen vibes. This kind of 'tracking' isn't something we hear too much on OCR anymore, if at all.. pretty rare. I wish it would make a comeback. I bet halc could do it, if he abandons that damnable dubstep. The samples and mixing on this are a lot better than the Instant Remedy post right before this one. I'd drop the hihat by about 3db which is really the only thing that is slightly bothering. The bass drum is nice and hard, but the clap is far too quiet, and when the snare and clap are exposed, you can hear how weak the samples for both are. I'd go as far as to say that the snare is barely audible during the song, though. Some better samples and more volume would have done well here. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted December 31, 2011 Posted December 31, 2011 Well done in transferring the source to the genre, and worth hearing for the SID-alicious sounds alone. Sounds good for such an early OCR. --Eino Quote
Flexstyle Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Wow, totally did not realize this was OCR00005. It's been one of my favorites for a long time, ever since I downloaded the "complete" torrent back when there were about 1800 or so mixes on the site. Without having listened to the source, this is the sort of thing I wouldn't mind hearing on the site even today, as long as a bit of production polish was applied. Pretty much nails the "'90s Techno" sound, which, while cheesy, is something I totally have a soft spot for, since I grew up loving that sorta thing. Props to Instant Remedy for creating such a long-lived ReMix! Quote
Dafydd Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Listening to this takes me way back, and I wasn't even familiar with the source when I first heard it. Good stuff! Quote
Necrox Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 Sweet stuff. I did not grow up with the tracker sound like many but I find it quite appealing. Nice way to mix it with some EDM. Quote
DjjD Posted December 2, 2015 Posted December 2, 2015 This still remains such a good mix to this day. Incredible.As one of the first remixes I heard on OCR, this is a rare exception of a remix that's just as refreshing as it was the first time I heard it. I dunno, why or how. Music taste change isn't something rare, but it's almost always different with every person. Looking through the posts before mine, it's good to know I'm not the only one who thinks this mix has remained pretty pristine through the years.This particular song has been through it all though: Acoustic, Rock, Samba/Orchestral, House...(or both)Even the name of a project....or a band. (Probably not related at all.) Deviations aside, the remix is awesome and I'm pretty sure it'll always remain that way. Quote
Black_Doom Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 Just as awesome as the previous (OCR0004) remix. Same ammount of energy, same fun, same feeling of 90's. So great to jam to That moment @ 0:33 hits SO HARD, haha. A classic one for sure! Quote
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