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I like this one. It's cute. It may be a bit rough around the edges, but I think the circumstances under which it was made also give it a kind of lively spontaneity that really makes it a fun track. While pixie's voice may not be best suited to this kind of singing, it still makes me smile. You guys did good.


This was an awsome remix. I loved the vocals and the way the other instruments were put together in the background. I espcially like the piano. Easily takes the position of one of my favorite sonic oc remixes if not the best imo. Very very nice, keep it up. :D


I'm liking this remix. The piano and padwork is amazing. Pixie's vocals definately get the high marks here as her voice gives the track high dynamics. Although I'm not big on shinningsamurai's vocals, he certainly sounds like the Moffats' lead vocalist, who can sing decently.

It's amazing what kind of things can churn up at a sleep-over. Great job!



Given my recent commentaries on judging standard in an UnMod thread this is actually the kind of mix I would want to see on this site, but wouldn't expect to be passed. To tell you the truth, I was surprised at having this as a direct post. A spot of nepotism?

There are parts of this I absolutely love.. Taucer's guitar, pixie's vocals, the lyrics themselves and zircon's arrangement.

I'm already a fan of the theme itself (love Jivemaster's Lava Reach), so good choice.

Truthfully I didn't like Shonen's voice either at first. But having listened to the track a few times it works ok. Worse though is the spoken part by D-Lux, I think it detracts somewhat from the whole feel of the 'cheesy love song' and tries to be too 'Real McCoy' as it were, heh.

Despite some gripes, this is a fun mix and I really enjoy it. I'm glad you guys had a good time at your meetup!

And re: bitching etc. Starblast basically summed up my view on that.


The only negative thing I have to say is about the length. I want to hear more! Another verse would be great. Failing that, I hope the five of you get to work together again sometime, and hopefully soon.


Truthfully I didn't like Shonen's voice either at first. But having listened to the track a few times it works ok. Worse though is the spoken part by D-Lux, I think it detracts somewhat from the whole feel of the 'cheesy love song' and tries to be too 'Real McCoy' as it were, heh.

Splice the end of the instrumental version onto the main song?

Personally my only issue with the part at the end is that it really could have benefited from a better microphone. I'll admit my tiny headphones dont help much but it comes out sounding a little telephonish.

"Personally my only issue with the part at the end is that it really could have benefited from a better microphone."

I actually like it better for its imperfect quality. I think it helps capture the feeling of that night.


A very enjoyable mix. I've been listening to the track quite a few times these days. It's just too bad it's short.

Nonetheless, I loved most, if not all aspects of it. I'm not a fan of vocal remixes, but this one definitively is an exception. That's got to be something.

A very enjoyable mix. I've been listening to the track quite a few times these days. It's just too bad it's short.

Nonetheless, I loved most, if not all aspects of it. I'm not a fan of vocal remixes, but this one definitively is an exception. That's got to be something.

I agree with this.

The track for some reason was really enjoyable and I'm not a fan of the vocal arrangments at all. I also agree with the many that have said it is too short.

Also I don't agreed with the D-Lux part. The part with D-Lux is too 'Real McCoy'ish'. (as it has been before mentioned) lol I think the aspect was creative but would have sounded infinitely better if it had been Pixie's voice in a whisper....or something to that effect.

Once again however, great job guys.

Given my recent commentaries on judging standard in an UnMod thread this is actually the kind of mix I would want to see on this site, but wouldn't expect to be passed. To tell you the truth, I was surprised at having this as a direct post. A spot of nepotism?

Nah, I would just say you don't know the standards. :lol:



I liked this mix. I'm not too fond of the male vocals, but i can live with it. It's not that they're BAD (he can sing a lot better than I could ever hope), but without referencing pictures, The lyricists seem to be a rather mistmatched couple to be seranading eachother (one a beautiful, whimsical young woman, and the otehr a semi akward, emotionally unsure nerdy guy... not too often does one see a couple like this). Though that's also part of the reason I LIKE it, oddly enough. The guy could be anyone. It's touching like that.

Also, given all the lyrics talking about snow and cold and stuff, I'm thinking the oft-snowcap zone theme would have been a bit more appropriate...

Though maybe that would be harder to turn into a pop-rock background beat. *shrugs* Maybe mixing the two themes might have been a nice touch, i dunno.

I've been listening to this track on repeat for a few days now... last time i listened to a track this much was "Finally Home", though that was on repeat for over a week, and i don't think i'll go quite THAT far with this song =)

Good jerb, 8/10 =)

Given my recent commentaries on judging standard in an UnMod thread this is actually the kind of mix I would want to see on this site, but wouldn't expect to be passed. To tell you the truth, I was surprised at having this as a direct post. A spot of nepotism?

Nah, I would just say you don't know the standards. :lol:

This isn't the place to continue our discussion Larry and you know it, quit trying to bait me. ;)

P.S. Since I read the context in which this mix was created, I originally misheard the lyrics 'The sun's gone down on our parting hands' as 'The sun's gone down on our party games' haha.


The thing that I like about this mix is that it reminds me of the daydreams I'd have when I was younger, sitting on a swingset in the park, thinking about having a band or something. This is what this mix is. When I hear this, I hear a bunch of friends getting together, combining what talents they have, and making something. It's not about being the cleanest remixer or being the refined musician out of the peabody conservatory or something, this mix is about having fun and making music out of it--and ultimately, I think that's more important sometimes. This mix really does, (no pun intended), give me a warm feeling :D

But now that I have mentioned the Peabody Conservatory...

You people at Peabody Conservatory should know that more than anyone right?

And who the hell are you?


First, I would like to congratulate all who worked on this mix. While it may not be perfect in every way, this piece to me had more soul and feeling to it then the majority of mixes I've heard. I say that because I could really feel the emotion from every member who worked on it, and the positive feelings of friendship and fun really made me smile.

But anyways, great job Jill and everyone else who worked on this mix, keep up the good work!

- Doug (Drum's friend)


It's a complete song, that's for sure; something for everyone, an arrangement that neatly packages those things, and the kind of good-natured cheese that wouldn't be out of place at all if it came from the ending of an official Sonic Team title. Proof? Anyone remember "Dreams Dreams" from NiGHTS? Exactly the same mood.

My real problem with it is...

now I really regret not being able to hang out with everyone long enough to be a part of this. :cry:


I don't have much to say that hasn't been said. This is a well done mix by some of the community's best talent.

I am greatly pleased with this mix partly because the source material is very near and dear to me. I also think you all took the original song in a new and interesting direction, yet kept enough to remind me of the actual Lava Reef theme. For example, I like how you kept the little synth piano part in the background(at the beginning) and then the song takes off from there. Its things like that that bring back memories of this song's origins (for me at least).


I don't have much else to add either, other than I really like this! I know some vocal pieces can be hard to pull off, and some just sound... bad, but damn, this one really came through! I think a lot of people on here have been way too critical of the vocals, but I guess everyone has their opinions. I think ALL of the vocals sound great, not just Jill, who of course is wonderful as usual. Shonensamurai does a fantastic job, and he has a great, unique voice. Warm and quirky, kind of like the dudes from They Might Be Giants. It really works well with this kind of song, which is pretty light hearted and relaxing.

It is a bit short, but that's not much of a complaint, as I just want it to go on for a long time. Congrats on a great mix, and the fact that you guys had fun with this one really shows!


I listened to the track and didn't enjoy it very much. Though there's been a bit of controversy over vocals here, those really were the negative points for me, as I found it hard to listen to the rest of this mix. I've heard a version without the vocals and had no problems with the arrangement itself, nor the notion of it being a vocal remix, as I think it certainly lends itself to that. People have said that being rough around the edges is fine, and it is given the circumstances governing the making of this mix, but my qualm is that the vocal preformances do not mesh well together...at all. If during the duet section one peformer had been used exclusively, either one, I think I would have found this more tolerable. The two just don't work well together and the end product is rather disjunctive.

The lyrics also bother me, but then I think I'm supposed to regard this as a 'bit of cheese' and forgive the lifeless, cliched lyrics - so I'm not going to make that a major issue.

I know each of the respective collaborators on this mix are very talented people and I know they can do sterling work. However, even for a hastily thrown together project, I think this is far below their standards. Made in fun or not, this mix was submitted to the community and therefore is put under scrutiny by said community. This is my genuine response to this mix: I didn't enjoy it.


QQ noobs, learn to review

Now that *that's* out of the way, i'd just like to say that i very much enjoyed this track from the first time that i heard a demo of it. To be honest, i can't see how anyone could ever say pixietricks doesn't have talent unless they have some personal problem with her.

It's just a fun little mix, of the kind that used to litter this site when it first opened, and i love it. win/10, size 10 yes, ftw, and all of that other fun stuff.

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