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Do you see a galaxy thread nearing 1000 pages? Yes its going to sell very well. Nintendo could never make another game after this and be good for the rest of their life.

After this game is released, the console war is officially over. For the next 6 bloody generations. And Nintendo won't have to do much else to cater to the "hardcore" crowd, because every last one of them on the planet, is going to be playing this and not caring about anything else.

A Super Bomberman stage was the first thing I made with that editor but... Uh, I couldn't figure out how to show the picture here.


A screenshot, maybe? Gimme a minute.

EDIT: K here


Nice. Freakin' nice.

After this game is released, the console war is officially over. For the next 6 bloody generations. And Nintendo won't have to do much else to cater to the "hardcore" crowd, because every last one of them on the planet, is going to be playing this and not caring about anything else.

Just you wait. In about two years, maybe less, Sony and X-Box will market their own Smash Bros clone. Crash Bandicoot, Master Chief, and a few others (I'm all Nintendo right now, can't really think of anything else.) But mark my words, they will have a Smash Clone, and soon enough we'll have a giant System Wars Clone Wars break out. But we all know Nintendo's already won the war. Brawl is going to put all of us Nintendo'ers on the map in a way we never dreamed.

All hail Nintendo.


I dunno about this "hailing" business, but I'd certainly send $50 their way <3

I think... this will be the last week I stay up-to-date with the Dojo. If nothing else I'll stop staying up past 4AM on workdays -___________-;;

Balloon Fight is a desert island game for me. One of the best games for the NES, if not of all time.

For truth. It is a highly underrated game - it's one of those games that's very satisfying to master. I really could play it forever. I was so glad to find it in Animal Crossing back in the day.

I dunno about this "hailing" business, but I'd certainly send $50 their way <3

I forgot all about the price. Wow, amazing to think it will only cost a measly $50. I would give Sakurai my first born child for a copy of this game.

A Super Bomberman stage was the first thing I made with that editor but... Uh, I couldn't figure out how to show the picture here.


A screenshot, maybe? Gimme a minute.

EDIT: K here


This is a look into madness. There would be no jumping room.

I would still totally play this stage.

After this game is released, the console war is officially over. For the next 6 bloody generations. And Nintendo won't have to do much else to cater to the "hardcore" crowd, because every last one of them on the planet, is going to be playing this and not caring about anything else.

Actually I don't think SSM has a very widespread appeal. Brawl will be a great game of course, but I don't foresee anyone who's not really a Nintendo fan buying a Wii or anything for it. A lot more people have played Halo 2 than Melee, and I don't think Brawl will change that trend, awesome as it may be.

Actually I don't think SSM has a very widespread appeal. Brawl will be a great game of course, but I don't foresee anyone who's not really a Nintendo fan buying a Wii or anything for it. A lot more people have played Halo 2 than Melee, and I don't think Brawl will change that trend, awesome as it may be.

I know many people who don't like Nintendo and like Super Smash Bros....

A boy that I know, doesn't even still play single player games, since he had Super Smash Bros. Melee....

Actually I don't think SSM has a very widespread appeal. Brawl will be a great game of course, but I don't foresee anyone who's not really a Nintendo fan buying a Wii or anything for it. A lot more people have played Halo 2 than Melee, and I don't think Brawl will change that trend, awesome as it may be.

I actually agree

I love the SSB series but I don't really see how it could be a bigger entertainment hit then the 7th book of Harry Potter like Halo 3 was

I actually agree

I love the SSB series but I don't really see how it could be a bigger entertainment hit then the 7th book of Harry Potter like Halo 3 was

Hmmm, about 6 million sales for Halo 3, over 11 million for Harry Potter (most likely around 20-30 million today, and over 12 million sales for the Wii.

As long as half of the Wii owners buy SSBB, it'll beat Halo 3.

Harry Potter will win in any scenario.

Actually I don't think SSM has a very widespread appeal. Brawl will be a great game of course, but I don't foresee anyone who's not really a Nintendo fan buying a Wii or anything for it. A lot more people have played Halo 2 than Melee, and I don't think Brawl will change that trend, awesome as it may be.


Sorry for pointing out the contradiction in your statement. I just beat Trials and Tribulations, y'see, and...

Hmmm, about 6 million sales for Halo 3, over 11 million for Harry Potter (most likely around 20-30 million today, and over 12 million sales for the Wii.

As long as half of the Wii owners buy SSBB, it'll beat Halo 3.

Harry Potter will win in any scenario.

The Wii has been out a lot longer than Halo 3, plus it's already had a full holiday season.

EDIT: There's more Wii's in circulation than 360's? That's news to me.


Brawl will sell TONS. By the time it comes out, everyone would have beaten Galaxy. Then people will need another fix. Since there aren't as many "hardcore" or amazing games coming out on the Wii, it'll be the Halo 3 launch for the Wii.

Well, I'm probably wrong because Nintendo rarely overhypes anything on TV. I mean, I only saw the Metroid Prime 3 commercial on TV once..

Brawl will sell TONS. By the time it comes out, everyone would have beaten Galaxy.

"everyone"? Oh geez, does that mean you guys are going to start posting Galaxy spoilers without mercy after Feb 10th? No matter - I probably won't have time to look on the internet because I'll be playing Brawl.

And speaking of TV: they'd better make another Smash Bros. commercial with big mascot costumes...


I think the college scene will help do some viral marketing this time around. Just like they did for Halo, I know there's lot of college students who love Melee, and with the huge hype the game has already, and the competitive nature of the game, it should be the must-have figher of next year, if not the must-have traditional fighter.

And yes, it will sell TONS!


I don't know if Smash is anywhere close to being a traditional fighter, but that just might be me being picky. Regardless, Smash Brawl has been hyped up quite a bit through indirect means. Look at what these updates are doing to everyone.



That's what I meant. I just read the Virtua Fighter 5 review for 360. I'm pretty sure people don't think of SSBB as traditional, so I wasn't trying to compare something uber-realistic to the type of game Smash is.

Although there could be some folks who see it as traditional after nearly 10 years of being out..


lmfao. I'm sitting here reading all about this, while listening to the Sonic Advance 3 soundtrack, and I just happen to look up. Eggman was staring -right- at me on top of the page.


Remember, kids, aim well and sally forth!

Because... sallying is half the battle.

EDIT-By the way, folks, regarding the last screenshot on The Summit update, Dedede is swimming. It was apparently seen being done at E for all - rather than just plunging through water, one can swim through it...

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