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It only works for Peach since she's the quintessential dumb blonde... and yet...

...so undeniably sexy! :<

I bet you were one of those kids who paused the game when she did her high kick, weren't you?

Ah. I remember December 2001. *looks off dreamily*

I'm pretty sure that's his animal camo from MGS3. But, you know, don't let that stop your blind outrage.

I realize that, but the animal camou looked decent on the MGS3 fatigues... not the skintight MGS2 sneaking suit that it wasn't designed for. The other camous look very cool though.

strike and atma both are like polar opposites yet the same in that they both take this shit too far

its just a game people

Nicholas... buddy... I like you, but I really don't like how you insist on being a know-it-all while using forumulaic one-liners. I mean, we have a whole compendium of your comments throughout this entire thread which show that (more often than not) you very rarely have nothing more to say that's not bitching at people and attempting to show off your "wit." Seriously man, in words similar to your own... its just a forum. Chill, no need to overreact to the way that people writing things, much less do it through the entire thread.

By the way, anything I say on this forum is never actually written in anger. It's half-joking and criticism, but never an actual full-blown complaint; merely because I'm too much of a Smash Bros fan boy to do that; I pretty much appreciate anything I see in the game even if I do think there are better choices that could be made.

And without Atma, let's face it, this thread would not be nearly as entertaining as it is.

I love you Nicholas.


Wednesday's update has to be the second-most depressing update (aside from the delay announcement, of course) I think. It even beats Lucas's announcements, which seem to confirm the death of Ness.

I was pretty much hoping that the same "press buttons to change colors" mechanic would be used to change costumes, instead. Samus -> Zero Suit, Peach -> Daisy, Zelda -> Sheik, Fox -> Falco, Lucas -> Ness, Pikachu -> Pichu, etc. I'm now guessing that this whole theory is now proven false, if not at least highly unlikely. BOOOO!!

And without Atma, let's face it, this thread would not be nearly as entertaining as it is.

without me every post would be OMG GREAT UPDATE then a bunch of useless stuff no one ever reads as to why they love it so much

and i dont really write stuff out of anger i just write stuff the way i see it

i guess im angry at nintendo for in my opinion sucking horribly this generation (loved them last gen) but that doesnt really have anything to do with this

and i love laughing at all the really comical fanboy responses to me

I was pretty much hoping that the same "press buttons to change colors" mechanic would be used to change costumes, instead. Samus -> Zero Suit, Peach -> Daisy, Zelda -> Sheik, Fox -> Falco, Lucas -> Ness, Pikachu -> Pichu, etc. I'm now guessing that this whole theory is now proven false, if not at least highly unlikely. BOOOO!!

and thats bad why?

oh and fusion suit was available in 3d a LONG time ago

metroid prime - fusion connection


Yesterday's update didn't disprove anything (such as selectable Zero Suit Samus, or Ness costume for Lucas).

Peach -> Daisy

Daisy costume was in one of the screenshots in a recent update.

Fox -> Falco, Pikachu -> Pichu

uhh I don't think so.

Zelda -> Sheik

They need to do a Zelda moves update, pronto. And her Final Smash too. My best guess is that Sheik is an unlockable character completely separate from the new Twilight Princess Zelda, but no one can be sure of anything at this point...


That's true, but it really didn't look that great in 3D, in my opinion anyway. Especially when you got the Fusion Phazon suit. You go from the sweet black and red Varia to orange diving suit. I was really disappointed.

and thats bad why?

That's bad because clone characters provide slightly different styles of play without feeling like a completely new character. To me, clone characters add a lot of depth, and being able to select them via original characters would remove some of the clutter.

Most changes are really small, but some of them have great impact on playing styles, such as Falco's gun vs. Fox's gun. Admittedly, some differences are lame (Pichu, lol), but the option for a slightly different feel to a character offers good potential and spices things up occasionally.

TODAY'S UPDATE: I can't tell if this new assist trophy is totally awesome or is a totally lame advertising tactic by Nintendo to get people to buy more Virtual Console games. I suppose Fire Emblem was totally sweet, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someone with more knowledge of Japanese Nintendo games can come in and tell me I'm an idiot for acknowledging the true importance of Saki Anamiya. OK, GO!

My best guess is that Sheik is an unlockable character completely separate from the new Twilight Princess Zelda, but no one can be sure of anything at this point...

Yeah, you may be right in that Zelda may be separate.

But Sheik will be replaced by Postman :350:

TODAY'S UPDATE: I can't tell if this new assist trophy is totally awesome or is a totally lame advertising tactic by Nintendo to get people to buy more Virtual Console games. I suppose Fire Emblem was totally sweet, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someone with more knowledge of Japanese Nintendo games can come in and tell me I'm an idiot for acknowledging the true importance of Saki Anamiya. OK, GO!

Yes sir! This is very important!! Sin and Punishment is a gem N64 title by Treasure and we finally were able to play it (legally without importing) in the US just recently!

S&P rocks and I guess since Treasure got their stuff in Smash Bros I guess anything can happen now... Mega Man as an AT if he's not playable. Wow. Cool. Didn't expect that. Very Cool. More S&P recognition is cool.

as far as advertising games with Assist Trophies... hmm, could be a cool idea if it was downloadable content later on. I know Fire Emblem did do well, like you said, but I just hope Smash won't turn into more of a playable Nintendo advertisement than it already is. :)


Uhm, as much as I enjoyed Sin & Punishment (though for just a few days) I don't really think this character has done enough to have "earned" a spot on Smash Brothers.

Now I don't want to start the whole "well no one knew Mr. Game & Watch either" discussion, but this one just seems plain ol' silly, like whoa.

Sakurai: "There were many requests from users for his inclusion, and he IS pretty cool, so I did what I could to include him."

Yes...fan-boys/-girls come in large packs...that's why we have pop-music...and people screaming they want Cloud in it, and characters from Golden Sun T__T;

Just because so many request for something it doesn't mean it would fit in the game.

Their judgment is clouded...

I'm gonna go with the "well, it doesn't hurt the game either" stance, but still, did it need more assist trophies that just hack away with a sword (and then some)?

Okay, the stutter in today's final caption is just plain unnecessary.

I was just going to say this. It's not like they should HAVE to do this every time...it doesn't even make much sense there.


In the Japanese he simply does a "I-i" once like usual... I think that lithe translator guy who introduced himself at E for All as the... translator... was just mocking Sakurai a bit. "He-he-he" is so rediculous it's near unreadable....


Now it just reads "H-he." Did they change it a minute ago or was I just in a daze when I read it the first time?

Now it just reads "H-he." Did they change it a minute ago or was I just in a daze when I read it the first time?

I think you were in a daze. I checked it within 5 minutes of 2 a.m. EST, and I recall seeing "H-he" as is written now. I also remember reading that and going, "OK, that's a bit if a stretch." It kind of reminds me of that HomeStarRunner/Strong Bad email where they told Coach Z he was going over the top with the "JEEOOORRRGGHHHBB" vowel sounds. Like just adding it in for fan service at this point.

O wait, Sakurai's been doing fan service since the first update.

Uhm, as much as I enjoyed Sin & Punishment (though for just a few days) I don't really think this character has done enough to have "earned" a spot on Smash Brothers.

Now I don't want to start the whole "well no one knew Mr. Game & Watch either" discussion, but this one just seems plain ol' silly, like whoa.

Sakurai: "There were many requests from users for his inclusion, and he IS pretty cool, so I did what I could to include him."

Yes...fan-boys/-girls come in large packs...that's why we have pop-music...and people screaming they want Cloud in it, and characters from Golden Sun T__T;

Just because so many request for something it doesn't mean it would fit in the game.

Their judgment is clouded...

I'm gonna go with the "well, it doesn't hurt the game either" stance, but still, did it need more assist trophies that just hack away with a sword (and then some)?

lmao, dude, this is a game tailor-made for FANBOYS. Geez is people running out of topics to rant on? lol Nintendo is practically delivering every fanboy request in this game, so I don't see S&P being out of place and he did earned the spot there, after all fanboys bitched so much for this game that it got released in the VC after all.


In the update regarding the colours of your character it is shown that Mario wears a Wario costume. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Wario would be wearing a mario costume?

That would be awesome :D.

I've recordet a match with a friend of mine, if someone is interested here it is: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=CQssIQIKSDs

I'd like to recive some feedback :)

Typing as I watch

Are you Link or Fox?

I'm mainly going to focus on Fox here, since I play Fox a lot more than I play Link.

For starters, USE SHINE! It comes out in one frame (ie 1/60 of a second), and can be cancelled just as quickly by jumping. It's the fastest attack in the game, and great when your opponent is right on top of you (as Link is quite often in this match).

Fox also depends heavily on the dash attack, which is probably his single most easily-punishable attack. When rushing in, it's generally better to cancel your run by crouching, then pull out a tilt, a smash, or a shine.

Link: this is a minor thing, but try using Up-B on the ground as a ledge-guarding move; hit fox with that, and he's pretty much fucked, even at very low damage.

Another thing -- and this is something it seems both players could work on -- is following up on your attacks. That is, after you nail your opponent, don't sit back and wait for them to collect themselves and attack again -- chase them down, and keep comboing them as far as you can.

Fox's play seems to pick up as the match continues, though he still doesn't cancel his shines, and depends too much on roll dodging to get around. Some characters can be played pretty well without wavedashing, but for fox to be anywhere near the top of his game, the player needs to be able to wavedash; it provides much greater meneuverability, improved speed, and best of all, much less predictability.

Another thing for the fox player to work on is short-hopping his aerials; there are a number of instances where fox does a full jump at close range to come down with an aerial; this is much slower and thus much easier to counter than a short-hopped aerial. Of course, short-hopping is significantly harder with Fox than with many other characters, so it will take some time to master.


Link: more nair (kick). And use the up/down A aerials more as follow-up moves. Failing to connect a down+A, even with L-canceling, leads to trouble in general (see 4:32), but especially against someone as fast as Fox.

If you want to throw, shield-grab, don't just hookshot out of the blue. Down throw+up B or up A smash works decently, though I forget if Fox has enough time to recover from the throw to attack you (the down-throw puts Jigglypuff in the perfect spot to rest you, for example, :) ) Also, don't up+B randomly (at 5:15 Fox could have up smashed and killed you). It's usually not worth it.

In general, as Taucer said, chain your attacks. Judicious (particularly against Fox) use of projectiles-->nair->SHFFL aerial forward A smash. Playing against Fox is tricky; compensate for Link's overall sluggishness by using kicks and tilt-As, which come out faster.

I'm not that great at Smash, but hopefully the Link user can improve his game from this advice.

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