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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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Tiny suggestion that would add a nice extra touch to ReMix pages/topic discussions: Use a video game character image appropriate for the ReMix. Any ReMixes that have an image assigned to them will override the random image. I don't think it is too hard to do programatically, but I know it will just be tedious to assign a specific image to hundreds of them. Not all of them would have a specific image, as there are many games either too under-represented/obscure that there's an available character image from them.

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  • 1 month later...


I got a bit confused today to find that the top of the website in the home page is blank when it shouldn't be. The logo along with the games and music selections and all that were gone. I refreshed and they were still gone. Is this a glitch or a bug or what?

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Pics, or it didn't happen. :lol:

Seriously though, it may just be you, so pics + browser & operating system info would be helpful if you can recreate it.


It seems to just load forever for me on the front page. I use both Firefox and Chrome but on different occasions. I have a MAC OSX 10.7.5

Maybe it is just me...Hm....It wasn't happening a few days ago :S

Hopefully this is a minor issue! I sure did get a bit of a shock to be unable to search for remixes from the games section! :D

Must be my bandwidth or something, It commonly goes mental from time to time.

*Update* i've noticed that the site top is displayed on the forums, but not on the main home page. I think it's just me x_ X

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It seems to just load forever for me on the front page. I use both Firefox and Chrome but on different occasions. I have a MAC OSX 10.7.5

Maybe it is just me...Hm....It wasn't happening a few days ago :S

Hopefully this is a minor issue! I sure did get a bit of a shock to be unable to search for remixes from the games section! :D

Must be my bandwidth or something' date=' It commonly goes mental from time to time.

*Update* i've noticed that the site top is displayed on the forums, but not on the main home page. I think it's just me x_ X[/quote']

Well, I'm a web designer, so if anything, the graphics should be the only things that don't load in the header. The navbar is just text with some style sheets on it. Might just be an error with loading the header itself, or you having the cache think you still turned off javascript, or something like that. Or maybe the site was programmed to load the header last (hopefully not, because then all the cool style sheets would be gone and the site would look terrible). :< Btw, please use jQuery, not Javascript. It loads more universally that way. :P

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Or maybe the site was programmed to load the header last

this might be the case. If you go to the homepage and click refresh, you'll see the rest of the page flash up before the header.

If you have a slow internet connection, it might be more of a long pause than a flash

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sometimes the link(s) to one or more artists in Russian ReMix Roulette is/are invalid. i.e. Today there were 2/5 that were valid. It might have something to do with them linking to old URL formats. Any chance this was meant to be fixed in the v6 update?

It's not fixed on the current version, because it's already fixed for v6. So send good vibes for v6. :lol:

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
What about ReMixes from games that have been released on several consoles? For example, http://ocremix.org/game/624/fallout-3-xb360 lists no remixes, but http://ocremix.org/game/623/fallout-3-ps3 and http://ocremix.org/game/622/fallout-3-win do. Is this just an oversight?

You say game assignment can only go to one game, and in the case of the only Fallout 3 ReMix on the site (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02077/), it's assigned to the PS3 version, but apparently, 2 games (database-wise), both the Windows and the PS3 versions of Fallout 3 list ORC02077 as being ReMixes of them (which totally makes sense other than that the Xbox version doesn't list that same ReMix). So what's stopping both Escape and Secret from listing OCR00670 (even if the ReMix itself only lists Escape)? There are several ReMixes that use sources from several different games and only list one game, but the game pages themselves all list that same ReMix (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02496/ being one example).

EDIT: I noticed the Windows version's list of songs refers to songs actually listed as being songs from the PS3 soundtrack. I am assuming, therefore, that the reason that the Xbox version doesn't list the ReMix is because it doesn't list the songs, either (which it should). Unless the song ReMixed in OCR00670 is identically the same in both the Monkey Island games, it wouldn't make sense to have either game refer to a song that's listed as being part of the other game, or you'd have to crosscheck every time a ReMix is posted whether the song it is a ReMix of exists in another game (take the Zelda overworld theme. Good lord). So... I guess it makes sense to do things the way you're doing them now (besides OCR02077 not being listed under the Xbox version of the game, that is, but again, I'm guessing that's just an oversight).

Yeah, that's a known issue with how games on similar platforms work. Need some extra coders. :-)

Bumping after 2+ years. ;) edit: Links checked and fixed.


I haven't forgotten this, though it'll be a while before it's all fixed, since I want to carefully go through these. Once the systems are corrected in the actual mix tags in the next torrent update, then I can focus on working with djp to correct the database.

Tiny suggestion that would add a nice extra touch to ReMix pages/topic discussions: Use a video game character image appropriate for the ReMix. Any ReMixes that have an image assigned to them will override the random image. I don't think it is too hard to do programatically, but I know it will just be tedious to assign a specific image to hundreds of them. Not all of them would have a specific image, as there are many games either too under-represented/obscure that there's an available character image from them.

Interesting idea. This likely wouldn't happen for years, but I'll at least give things a look as far as matching up characters to games. If djp ever has free time to code something like this, maybe it could happen. Not likely, but I like the idea.

x68k's Akumajo Dracula is listed as a 2001 game, which is the PS1 version release year. X68000 version came out in 1993. wikipedia

Good catch. Fixed.

Edited by Liontamer
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Hey guys, I'm having a particularly strange error on the forums I thought I'd share.

Certain forum threads. Ones that get super big with discussions like the Tropes vs. Women (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43211) or the League of Legends Thread (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35500)

It's browser specific, I'm running Firefox and when I click on any links associated with going to that thread, I get the following text instead:

'Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8336 bytes) in /home/ocremix/public_html/forums/includes/functions_threadedmode.php on line 43'

I'm sure this is local and on my end, but not entirely sure on how to fix it. It's worth noting the page loads fine on IE and Chrome, but I <3 my firefox - is there anyone who can tell me whatsup with this? Is anyone else having anything like this popup?

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