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Hello everyone! n_n Bakuri here~

I've always had a passion for music~ More specifically, singing. My main difficulty comes in the form of lacking a decent microphone...stupid lack of money! >.< lol

I've practiced my lyric-writing skills in the form of writing English fandubs of anime openings, but even that skill hasn't been honed yet. I hope to be able to write lyrics out of the blue one day, though. There are a few BGMs I'd like to try and vocalize after hearing a Nico Nico Chorus of "Thank You For Being Born" from Umineko, as well as others.

If anyone's willing to give a newbie a chance to practice lyric-writing, I'm your girl! n_n;

And if you need a female singer, definitely let me know! I LOOOOOVE singing! :D

Posted (edited)

Hi all,

For now I'll just go by DJ Sydehopper. I am currently working on a continuous mix of some of my favorite trance tunes, all taken from right here on OCR. I don't have any links or anything for previews, but maybe I'll have something coming soon. Note that I haven't done anything real special to any of the artists remixes, just thought it would be fun to put them together (and it worked!?). Anyways, glad to finally be part of the community.

All due respects,

DJ Sydehopper

Edited by DJ Sydehopper
Added Detail

Hey, yo, and what's up.

I'm Nathan! Now forget what you just read. I'm Ectogemia!

I'm a super-sarcastic dude, so you should probably never take anything I say seriously, unless I'm being serious. This being the internet, you can't really tell when I'm being serious, so you probably just shouldn't read anything I say to be safe.

I'm 21 at the moment, will probably be 22 sometime, and I'm a semester away from my biology degree and starting dental school. I've been playing music since I was 9, starting with piano lessons for 5 years, interspersed with a few years of alto sax, followed by several years of guitar. I've been mostly self-taught and mostly poorly-disciplined (except for a couple of years of INTENSE guitar), so my musical development has been fairly, no, very retarded. At the moment, I'm working hard to improve my theory, composing, and remix chops because you sons of bitches here at OCR inspired and awed me ever since the first ReMix I heard (McVaffe's LttP Dark World ReMix).

Interesting facts:

-My favorite color is blue.

-I like kitties.

-I lead a primal, "Paleolithic" lifestyle as much as modern schedules and standards permit. Yeah, like a caveman, ok? Saves me money on car insurance. Makes me healthy and fit, too. And bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning??! What's not to love? Why do I do it? Ask Darwin and some hunter-gatherers; they could probably spell it out for you.

-If you have a NES, you don't REALLY need any other systems.

Sometime in the future, I'd love to contribute, but I guarantee at the moment that I'm not in any musical shape to pass by the judges' scrutinizing eyes, Napoleon complexes, and penis envies. As such, I'm sure you'll be able to find me in the WiP forum, with my music shrunken beneath the giants of genius that saturate this site. ECTOGEMIA NEEDS YOU ::points patriotically:: to rip his music to shreds so that he can build it better, stronger, and faster than ever before!

My musical tastes are anything instrumental. Anything. I'm not a fan of lyrics being that I was able to sing and write them very well at a young age without much practice. I have never been able to play an instrument or write complex songs particularly well, even with significant practice, so I suppose my tastes pare down to me being amazed by instrumentalists and bored by lyrics and vocals.

Well, that's about it.

Hope to add to OCR sometime in the distant future, but for now, I'd love for you guys to humiliate and belittle me in the WiP forum!


Hey there. I'm Courtney, a sophomore in college, and I've been a fan of OCR since somewhere back in my middle school days. I was raised by the Super Nintendo and the N64, and I'm a huge fan of the creative potential within video games. I love game music and respect it, as I respect games in general, as an art form.

As I just posted on my first WIP thread, I'm very new to the process of composing music. The only instrument I play is the saxophone, and that only as well as a decent high school band requires. But I consider myself a powerfully motivated amateur, as of... just a few weeks ago, really. I've always been powerfully moved by music- it's my biggest inspiration for everything- but my typical reaction has been to draw. I've always yearned to make my own, and have experimented throughout the years, but only now am I getting really serious about it. A vital step in that process was joining here so I can get feedback, because I really don't know what I'm doing as far as production goes. Just messing around and seeing what sounds better or worse. :P But I also hope to enjoy the community as a whole.

I'm glad to finally be a member of this wonderful site! Whether or not I'm ever good enough to be accepted, I know it'll be a worthy exercise to stretch my skills and creativity in a new direction.


Technically not a newbie but I'm sort of coming back into the forum on a semi-regular basis after about a four year hiatus so I'll re-introduce myself. I'm Knight, a pro wrestler based out of the Quad Cities. Yeah, stupid and crazy, I know. Been listening for something like six or seven years total now. I remember CotMM was what got me first interested in sticking around and then I found what every metal head eventually finds: Goat. After that it was Game Over. Then it was every single remix on the site, genre I cared about or not. I found myself going from Slipknot to Shnabubula solo piano mixes. Funny how that works.

Hey there. I'm Courtney, a sophomore in college, and I've been a fan of OCR since somewhere back in my middle school days. I was raised by the Super Nintendo and the N64, and I'm a huge fan of the creative potential within video games. I love game music and respect it, as I respect games in general, as an art form.

As I just posted on my first WIP thread, I'm very new to the process of composing music. The only instrument I play is the saxophone, and that only as well as a decent high school band requires. But I consider myself a powerfully motivated amateur, as of... just a few weeks ago, really. I've always been powerfully moved by music- it's my biggest inspiration for everything- but my typical reaction has been to draw. I've always yearned to make my own, and have experimented throughout the years, but only now am I getting really serious about it. A vital step in that process was joining here so I can get feedback, because I really don't know what I'm doing as far as production goes. Just messing around and seeing what sounds better or worse. :P But I also hope to enjoy the community as a whole.

I'm glad to finally be a member of this wonderful site! Whether or not I'm ever good enough to be accepted, I know it'll be a worthy exercise to stretch my skills and creativity in a new direction.

hey, a fellow sax player! welcome!


I've been posting for a few days now, but not in the official intro thread, so here it is. I've followed OCR for a while and decided to maybe see if I can get into some collaborations. Drums is what I do...in a world full of MIDI loops I may not be needed, but some songs need a human feel when it comes to percussion. I also play bass, and sing. I'm currently learning to play keys...still have a way to go there. As far as games go I'm an RPG fan as many of us here are. Anyway, if I can help hit me up.


Howdy. New here.

Hmm... what to say about meself...

Well for starters, I usually produce electronic music by the name of Tedd-Z, altho I sometimes go by the name Brainplant if I'm doing drum 'n' bass. Been practising it for over 16 years and initially busted out tunes on the Amiga before switching to PC. You can find links to my stuff in my signature below.

Hope to submit my first ReMix to the site in a day or so... hopefully you'll like what you hear.



um, hi there. I'm very new to remixing(or is it ReMixing? the site has me confused there.), so I'm in need of both practice and advice. Chances are that I'll spend more time discussing other things or hiding in the background, but I do have dreams of actually becoming a decent ReMixer. Most of my internet time is dedicated to either youtube or specific forums, so I may become a frequent poster. I hope you guys will tolerate me, if not like me to a degree.


Hi all. Like probably everyone else on here, I joined because I really like the remixes on this site and I'd like to get to know some of the people behind them. Also because of the Grand Maverick Remix Battle :D

And like a lot of new members, I'm fairly inexperienced at music, I've been composing for about 1.5 years (and kept it a secret to everyone I know, but that will change in the coming months).

Oh, and I draw things, mostly pictures.

Pleased to meet all of you.


Hi! Obviously, I'm new. Hmmm...a little bit about me? Not really a remixer, but maybe will try my hand at it someday. My creativity lies more with creating comics ("Kamikaze Charlotte")...they're not the greatest, but I like them and other people seem to like them, too. When I'm not sketching, I'm playing games. Kind of like a little bit of everything, but particulary RPG, Action/Adventure, and anything that requires you to kill zombies. :D Or i'm listening to metal...Kittie's my favorite and am a self-admited obsessive fan (not to the point of stalking, though).

I kind of found this site on accident. Been trying to work on a Final Fantasy based sprite movie and was trying to find the original Battle Theme when I got redirected to this site and found Brian Duque's rock version of it, which is awesome. Started looking through more remixes and I really like a lot of them.


Hullo! To keep with tradition: "I'm new here". I haven't been remixing for long but I have experience in arranging (particularly string quartet). Not surprisingly I love game music and it's remixes. been on this site for a while and finally decided to join.

not much else to say... Oh well.


I had a friend introduce me to this site a couple months ago, and I've been keeping up on all the remixes that are coming out of here. It actually takes up a good chunk of my music library now.

I finally decided to join. Reviewing is probably going to be the extent of my existence, unless I suddenly have a ton of free time and gain unnatural skills at Finale . . . so yeah, reviews it is. ;-)


Welcome, outlanders, to our glorious hovel! Wipe your boots!

Hi. I've been to this site for a pretty long time now, and I've decided to join it. The remixes here are awesome, and hopefully I might be able to contribute some good ones too. I generally don't remix, that's why I said "hopefully".

I know you! You comment on, like, every OC ReMix on youtube. Good to see you finally made a proper account here!


Hello. I've been visiting OCR for a while, and have been amazed by the content. I want to get involved, and to learn and improve musically, hopefully contributing some good music to the site. I have been trying to create some remixes of my own, but they're still kind of rough.


Well I am finally transferring from lurker to registrant. :D

I think I am up to 93 songs from this site, and I plan on getting more. :)

Thank you to all the artists who have contributed to this site. I have really enjoyed your work thus far. :)

I think mainly I am going to end up commenting on remixes. I am not good at all at creating music.

Anyway that be all.


Hola, everybody. I actually joined earlier this year, but I've pretty much been lurking all this time and this is only my first post here. I haven't done a whole lot of formal "remixing" in the OCR sense, but I know looots of video game music and informally make my own versions of them. I also occasionally write lyrics to some game songs. I sing, write music and lyrics, play piano, keyboard, harp, and some guitar and glockenspiel. I love Final Fantasy, Mario, Zelda, and a buttload of other game franchises. Good stuff. :3

But yeah, it's really nice to meet you all, and I'm hoping I can get to do some of my own remixes and get in on some collabs. If anyone needs any female vocals or anything else I do or just wants to talk and have some music fun, then hit me up. ^_^

Posted (edited)

I am more a math person than a music person, but my computer programming skills are quite good for the amount of time that I have. I am a video game nerd, and I find the music usually amazing, whether remixed or not. Anyway, the music is better than any I could make up myself. I hope to avail myself of all of the ineresting and cool things on OCRemix, and perhap post a mix or so.

I was reffered quite recently by my friend TVTMaster, but I do not think that he has made an account on this site yet.

Edited by MathGirl277

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