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Gave me a couple of chuckles but it also gave voice to why I can still listen to SH2's soundtrack on loop for the past eight years; and never get tired of it... Memories of playing it and finding the different endings continue to be an incredible experience.

Much like T2:JD in a way...


Dunno why, but I saw this one coming. Yahtzee partly did Sh2 for himself.

Much like the

without being angry.

Ahah Cubehead. Would have been a thrill to try runing away from one, just to run into the other.

Oh, and for the record,

is still to this day one of the most beautiful and hauting piece of video game music ever made.
Oh, and for the record,
is still to this day one of the most beautiful and hauting piece of video game music ever made.

Amen to that! So subtle and moving, yet uncomfortable and chilling.

I've been watching ZP for a while and, I have to say, he's gone through fluxes of being really REALLY angry and then not being so-much angry as opposed to playful. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was very playful, but then again it WAS his 100th video. Silent Hill 2 was one of the mostly kiss-ass episodes but it was still awesome. My favorites still include Fable 2, Mirror's Edge, Duke Nukem Forever, and Guitar Hero 3.

I hope he gets around to the new Wolfenstein game. It was released with such little fanfare online (at least to me, maybe I just wasnt in the right sites. Hell, Gamespot hadn't reviewed it when I visited it on the launch day).


2.5d review and no Shadow Complex? Nice one Yahtzee

This one was kinda funny, seemed like he enjoyed Trine a little more then the average game it seemed


That review was golden. I actually got a real good laugh out of it... which has been seemingly rare in these more recent reviews as compared to the first ones, which made me pee my pants.

I sat and watched his review,

simply for something to do.

I laugh several times,

listening to his rhymes.

So know that I liked it too.

I read your post with great care

and became acutely aware

of a pattern i see

so basically

I see what you did there

Man how did he keep that shit up for that long.

I read your post with great care

and became acutely aware

of a pattern i see

so basically

I see what you did there

Man how did he keep that shit up for that long.

It's not that hard once you get into the rhythm. I mean, look at the monstrous 'Twas poems I made at times. It just gets into your system, you cruise for a while, and then you fix and trim it so it keeps a reasonably steady beat in the end. It does stick with you for a bit once you're done though :lol:

Or, to put it another way...

Keeping up such rhyming schemes,

is not as hard as it seems.

You just get a groove,

as your fingers move.

Then the beat haunts all your dreams.

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