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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2016 in all areas

  1. There are only 8 Double Dragon series mixes on the site despite the NES trilogy in particular having awesome music. And only 3 from the original Double Dragon. You see that? WillRock is right. THIS IS BULLSHIT. :'-( Any VGM from the core Double Dragon series is pretty strong, and virt killed it with Double Dragon Neon. Let's see if anyone can find some inspiration. I'm proposing this: 1. If anyone in the next 6 weeks submits a passable Double Dragon arrangement (old or brand new), we'll post it! 2. If we get 6+ solid total tracks by the community by mid-February, we'll aim to release a quick EP soon after, since (surprisingly enough) there are also not many fan arrangement albums for anything in the series. If this idea works to get a few good arrangements, I'll continue this on a regular basis with a new series, and we'll also involve fan voting on what underrepresented comes next. Check out the core series music, and use this thread to announce what you're working on and share works-in-progress. Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77093Txe-c&list=PL918478793D2E4C44&index=1 Double Dragon II - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxnQmBt2Cw&index=1&list=PL07AF4A56EE67B990 Double Dragon III - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83KMTt0625o&list=PLD897946A6015F608&index=1 Double Dragon Neon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQUYUesBHOI&list=PLfUvsxulQQd9B6Yxt5b-WrCMlzTmIr_OS&index=1 The other games in the series have some good music, so dig through those as well. Happy hunting! Double Dragon (Game Gear) - (playthrough video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY9TAd1ihi4 Battletoads & Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bl1d3l3SJQ&index=1&list=PLBB632369D9187A99 Super Double Dragon (IV) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9meRqSGB7I&list=PL7C88525809BF9265&index=1 Double Dragon V - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVaMa7g2vGg&index=1&list=PL7A5EB6D0F79A7A32 Double Dragon (Neo Geo) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBQpvj8fZSA&index=1&list=PLONR6CCwpAASArTTveTGxTLyxi8TDGl4W FAQ How can you do this, Larry? I'm Larry.
    2 points
  2. I contacted BMC_WarMachine (who worked on VV3) and he'll try to enter! Just waiting for him to register lol
    2 points
  3. Thanks @timaeus222 (hurhurhur I didn't know we could do that in the new forums.) MOD REVIEW Alright, cool. Huge improvements over the original version of this without a doubt. Lots of clarity in this, not as much mud at all. I like the interpretation of the source. and the breakdown at 1:39. Very chill. The snare coming in at 2:00 sounds like it needs some EQ adjusting (it has too much low end to my ear). The swell at 2:20 ish gets a bit noisy, in that there's just so much going on that it feels like it's slapping me all in the face. That could be fixed easily with just some level adjusting, but be careful you don't overcompress that section (I feel like I heard some pumping in there that wasn't supposed to come out). I'm sorry I don't have anything dramatic for you, but, hey, Mod Review is supposed to be when it's good enough for judges. Overall, I gotta say I really like the take on the source and what you did with it. It's a nice driving arrangement. Dance music is absolutely not my forte, but I enjoyed this. I think it's leaps and bounds better than your original crack at it just by virtue of mixing. The mixing was the real problem in the first one, and now that you've clearly improved your ears it might be a good time to give this a second pass with the judges. END REVIEW
    2 points
  4. TBsmasher

    Odin Sphere

    Anything from this game, really, but I would love to see the music from the fight with King Gallon done up all rock style. Really lots of potential in this one.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the heads up dude Hey guys, here's what i have to throw into the fray: 1st choice - The Fury Within - Heart of Fire from Castlevania -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcZpu4ClZ28 2nd choice - Hidden Treasures - Treasury Room from Super Castlevania 4 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx-UYli3rOk 3rd choice - The Road to Destiny - Beginning from Castlevania 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78706bv98S8 4th choice - Eternal Conflict - Battle of the Holy from Castlevania The Adventure - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbgGxQGd4I4 5th choice - Successor of Souls - Ruined Castle Corridor from Aria of Sorrow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abD92rOl90Y
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah as for the lead, I tried to keep it to the original wii shop sound in the original version which also sounded kinda MIDI-ish, didnt want to change it that much And yeah the flute, it was in the beginning, middle, and end, but I removed it from the beginning and middle and left it at the end. I was thinking of removing it altogether but I left it at the end because it was a light sound for the ending of the song if that makes sense. I probably should have just removed it, but ah well
    1 point
  7. Half of said "brutally honest list of 40 plotholes" was also straight-up over-analysis (and a few others were actually explained in the movie and the person simply didn't pay attention, like "how did the monsters get loose?!" It showed Rey release them by accident.). The movie has problems, but not that many problems. Again, if you rally around a complaint about a gag (Every original trilogy Star Wars movie was funny) where Han Solo tries out Chewie's bow caster, I've filed you under "complaining just to complain".
    1 point
  8. I'll get something in, worry not!
    1 point
  9. I've got some extra time on Wednesday if you'd be able to extend it to at least Thursday.
    1 point
  10. I'm guessing you aren't familiar with Stan Brakhage. I've been following this thread for a bit, and I'm on Angel's side when it comes to separating 'games' and 'art'. Djp comment on trying to define art is pretty accurate though
    1 point
  11. "Art" is one of those words where trying to come up with a complete & concrete definition is almost an exercise in futility... "Games," however, is a word that to me conveys a general emphasis on challenge, goals, and interaction... not ALL software that provides an interactive experience should by definition be considered a game; especially with VR seemingly on the cusp of a breakthrough, the idea that all interactive entertainment software is a "game" of some kind needs to die, and I believe it will, as non-gaming virtual environments become more common for more practical purposes. So my answer is somewhat semantic; "art games" are no more or less "art" than "traditional" games... there is room for artistic expression in the traditional, goal/challenge-oriented space, and there is room for artistic expression in the broader category of interactive entertainment software.... art is where you find it, basically; I don't love the phrase "art games" because it somehow implies that art cannot be found in the mechanics of a 2D platformer, or the storytelling of a JRPG, or the soundtrack for a AAA FPS... and that for something to be "art," it has to be more abstract and/or less challenging; those are limiting & relatively elitist constraints.
    1 point
  12. I said Pac-man is not emotionally impactful, which is a subjective statement. I don't qualify games as an artform medium as "all games are impactful and creatively designed", I qualify them as an artform because they are capable of demonstrating artistic qualities and have shown themselves to do so in recent history. It's not about "every game is so artistic and impactful, look at Street Fighter and Pac-man they're so GENIUS AND ABSTRACT", it's about "this medium can be explored to find artistic and creative things, and pioneers like Journey and Shadow of the Colossus have shown us how games can be art." Every other artform behaves like this. There are primitive works early on, by unskilled artists and early people not understanding the strengths of it. Movies used to be simple camera recordings of stage plays, until cinematography and special effects were invented and now it's a unique artform. And yes, many would argue those have little to no artistic value in the context of artistic film analysis. It's okay to say things used to be primitive, and now they are better and more refined. Artforms grow. They don't simply start existing with all their nuance and greatness. To bring it to games, I am not talking about nor was I ever talking about the "old stage plays" (pac man). Though if someone wants to go back and try to argue that those have unique artistic value to them, that surely is welcome here. I don't particularly agree with it, but I'm willing to be persuaded. I'm not saying "look how creative Dark Souls mechanics are, so Space Invaders must also be really genius too, right?" But for the record, my interest in Dark Souls does make me take it as seriously as great works of art, because I find aspects of the game's design (including that one that I've tried to explain now 6 or 7 times) to be incredibly unique, unprecedented, and memorable, and making a lasting impression, forever altering the way I look at how I approach game design.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Always had a weakness for the battletoads & doubledragon ost. Might have to give this a shot.
    1 point
  15. Thank you! I was having some kind of problem accessing the text box because the video was taking up the whole thing. I could get the mouse pointer to turn into a text cursor, and I assumed that meant that I was hovering over the textbox, but clicking in there and pressing delete didn't do anything. But trying to paste things somehow made it work. I owe you one, Timaeus!
    1 point
  16. Man, this is CRAZY; really catchy backing track, rappers that got the flow, and insanely clever lyrics; "I literally carry the team when I carry the team," "I'm dat echidna, but I ain't a kid, nah," and much, much more amazing stuff. Gotta love this track.
    1 point
  17. Hey everyone, Fan here of the recordingrevolution.com. Graham just released a video of his One Song in One Month challenge and it looks like he's giving away a few grand worth of studio gear this month. Alongside random drawings for people on his mailing list he is also doing a compo of sorts. You just have to write and produce one song and submit it to his site to have a chance at winning a Presonus 192 Interface and Presonus E5 Studio monitors. The winner of the compo will be handpicked by him at the end of the month so plenty of time to get some writing in. It would be awesome to get some OCR folk in on this thing as we've had tons of compos over the years that required completed music in less than half the time!
    1 point
  18. I might be able and interested to be in this, but I've never played a Castlevania game and know nothing about the music. Are there any playlists or info on what all the available sources or games are?
    1 point
  19. As someone who is about to complete and eventually market an acoustic cover album I can say with the amount of time I have put into rearranging and recording each track that it has taken every bit as much time and effort to make my album when compared to the original releases, if not more so. I'll have each song licensed and will sell the album for something but I don't expect to turn a net profit on it at all. So, "making money"...? Hopefully just enough to cover the licensing fees and i'll be happy with that.
    1 point
  20. The issue doesn't lie in what you're saying, but rather how you're saying it. You're saying it incredibly pompously and dismissively, as if you're anyone who's deserving of trust on career advice in the musical realm. Yes, VGM covers is hard. You can tell someone "VGM covers are not lucrative for xyz reasons so I discourage pursuing it as a main career" instead of "lol good luck being dirt poor sorry-not-sorry for being a fucking asshole". In short, stick to facts, anecdotes, stats, etc. when your word alone isn't credible, generally don't dismiss people who have genuine questions, and save the "sorry kid, not gonna happen" attitude for when you have insightful career advice to give someone and it is an appropriate counter-attitude to the way the advisee frames the question (i.e. if the person asking is also an asshole, you could finagle a justification for your response).
    1 point
  21. I actually took that quote as "it's better for someone to correctly say something smarter than usual than to pretend he/she knows more than he/she does."
    1 point
  22. This recently became one of my favorite quotes: "Better a witty Fool than a foolish wit." ~ Feste the Fool
    1 point
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