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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Staff:Pieter van Os (pu_freak) - DirectorAlexandre Mourey (Chernabogue) - Assistant Directortimaeus222 - Mastering and production feedback assistant With the release of the BadAss 3 album imminent, it's time for me to be moving on to something else. It has been suggested a few times during BA3 that an album of hero themes instead of boss themes would be an awesome idea for an album as well. It sounds like fun to direct such an album after BA3 is released, since it's something completely different in terms of artists and cohesive sound but still being able to maintain the course and process I set for BadAss 3. As such, this is (for now) a topic to gauge interest from the community. The general idea is as follows: - The album wil feature only hero themes - The album has two distinctive genres/moods: courageous (think Crono's theme) and fun (more alike Mario or the general feeling of the Missingno album). People should feel happy, refilled with energy and ready to take on the world after listening to this album. Be wary: that doesn't mean too soothing or calming songs - there has to be energy in the album - The album will most likely start in April or May 2016 and the final cut-off will be Q4 2017 (could be October, could be December). As with BA3: this is a definitive cut-off date since we do not specifically need any track mixed. The deadline for only accepting substantial (90% compllete arrangement) WIPs will be around April 2017. - I will work with personal deadlines like I did with BA3: everybody needs to send in an update once every two months. If you fail, you're out (yes, you can get back in if you send in soemthing good enough, but you won't appear on the tracklist untill then) That's about it for now. Thoughts, ideas, interest?
    3 points
  2. Yeah but my other entry got knocked right out of the top 3 into 4th place No more shiny little badge thingy on their new website for me. (Still in first with that other one though! But the FF6 one was my baby) Either way I did say earlier in this post that numerical rankings were meaningless...and I'm lucky that Streifig let me enter regardless because I misread the deadline and sent mine in basically an hour late (AND we didn't have time to finish mixing it, which was totally my fault). But still... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE DoD! Also in other news I threw my FF6 entry into the workshop if anyone wants to go give feedback and tear it apart before I send it to the panel. Don't worry, seeing Carbo and zykO headbanging to my entry will never be taken away from me so I will still be happy even if you tell me that I am terrible.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. This has been getting posted around a lot but I haven't seen it here yet. If you are looking to increase the performance of your DAW here is an overview of the basics that show the different kinds of demands a DAW pc has over something such as a pc for editing video. What's great is the amount of visual aides the guy has and how he explains everything in terms everyone can understand. Definitely worth the watch. ...and just in case you are about to throw money at solving whatever problems you have, this guy explains how that may not be good enough to fix the problems you are having.
    2 points
  5. Agreed on voicing your ensembles correctly makes a big difference. Here is a video that will show a super simple technique with just some panning and HP LP filters that are on any stock EQ:
    2 points
  6. HoboKa

    MnP 50: NES SMB FFA

    Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 50: NES Super Mario Bro's Free-For-All!!!! 50th anniversary SPECIAL ROUND Deadline: Mar 8th Tues 1 PM Vote Ends: Mar 10th Thurs 11 PM Submit your remix Here when completed. Since it's kind of a milestone, I had the idea of doing something fun. Since Super Mario Bros. is one of the franchises best known for starting the trend of home consoles and popularizing video games, we should do the "MnP 50 NES SMB FFA." Rules: Any track from SMB 1, 2 or 3 for the NES is fair game. Mash-ups and medleys are okay (you can even use multiple games in one track if you want), just don't do it for the sake of doing one. Ultimately my bonus vote will be based on production value and creativity, while maintaining all important parts of the source. -Hypnotyk A bunch of .mid files are available at http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/ (Search Super Mario Bros and you wont have to scroll). This YouTube video contains all three OST's:
    1 point
  7. hOI OCR! I just uploaded my latest Undertale remix. This time I tackle Megalovania in an electro house style. As heard live at MAGFest last friday. Free download available at soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/mykah/megalovania-undertale-remix
    1 point
  8. Well first of all, things sound very out of tune. What's the tuning status and reference frequency (A4) of that piano? Has it been maintained at all? If it's not possible, I recommend trying slight pitch shifting until things jive better. Frequency clash from things being out of tune render things muddy as well, because things that usually just get absorbed into the same note/frequency are adjacent and dissonant (if I play A on a flute and C D A on a piano, the A's should vibrate at the same frequency and thus be perceived as basically one note, otherwise it's two separate microtones). Do that with ensemble harmonies, and you're bound for a mess. Very eye-opening, and a reminder that the best solutions to our problems can be the simplest ones.
    1 point
  9. Alright. I'm going to close this thread and allow MindWanderer to create a new one for the project. MW, it's up to you to find the necessary folks to make this a reality. I'm handing this off to you. Good luck, and keep me apprised of any interesting developments.
    1 point
  10. I finished reading all those posts during my lunch break. That was very interesting, both for the IP aspect and the OCR behind-the-scenes stuff.
    1 point
  11. dannthr

    My stuff sounds muddy

    Ryan's videos are great! Always great tips, whether you're a Reason user or not.
    1 point
  12. I'd like to tentatively claim Spelunky's "Cave Theme". I don't think I'll have the time to start working on it before mid-March (exams and looking for an internship), so I hope that's not a problem.
    1 point
  13. On VV2, we did something similar with "The Eight Deadly Sin". I can totally see this happen again on FFV!
    1 point
  14. I don't give rules, I give advice.
    1 point
  15. Did a little bonus song. maybe someone gets some last minute inspiration
    1 point
  16. Really, just any chord with really low notes (e.g. roughly bass/sub bass range) will sound bad---the frequencies will clash. For instance, you might expect a major third interval in the midrange (500~5000 Hz, let's say) to sound good, and it should. Start moving that diad down an octave and listen to how the harmonics play along. The respective harmonics for each note would overlap more and more at lower frequencies, so they clash more and more easily the lower you go, until it just sounds like mush. That's why I wouldn't suggest that you write chords on very low notes. On the other hand, fourths and fifths can still sound decent on very low notes, and octaves still play pretty well at low notes.
    1 point
  17. Yay! Not that I like needing an extension, but I have a WIP that just wasn't ready. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it in time.
    1 point
  18. Thanks, your submission was the closest I've ever been in a compo, so high props for that. I've had issues before on voting for myself, so not being sure about who did what I was playing it safe (and hoping for literally any other voting outcome than a tie, where that would be relevant, lol). For the future, everyone should vote for themselves, in order to avoid this little snag. Great round!
    1 point
  19. I had a great time at MAGFest, overall better than last year. Was fun playing tabletop games with people, checking out some of the performances, beating Battletoads on a projection screen in the game room, checking out the merch tables, cosplaying as Phoenix Wright, hanging out at Stevo's afterwards among other things. It was great seeing so many of you there, whether it was a reunion or meeting for the first time. I'm looking forward to next year. It was a good MAGFest!
    1 point
  20. I'm on board for being a third wheel, or an 8th arm, or what have you Though the other people you listed are probably better "soloists". But I can play bass and Sixto sold his. /winning I don't know what your plans are, but I wouldn't mind tackling a similar mix on my own. Orchestrated rock. If you're going for "fire", maybe something fitting.
    1 point
  21. Excellent. I reckon you're safe on a time window to join this, we're in for a long bout of field work to get this journal filled up and ready for the scientific community.
    1 point
  22. I have some ideas. I really dig the theme (..yeah), I'll see if I can clear my project backlog before this one's finished. edit: dammit, Jorito already used that pun.
    1 point
  23. This can still come out in February! There's 5 days left!
    1 point
  24. Sorry for the long absence - it has been a long & busy past few years. I am back, and I am going to get this finished within the next 6 months!
    1 point
  25. I haven't forgotten about this. I'm trying to organize my project commitments right now, and I think I can get something temporary by the end of March maybe? Still planning on that Spelunky remix, possibly in a blues style.
    1 point
  26. Skrypnyk

    My stuff sounds muddy

    Muddy sounds are caused when too many instruments are taking up the same frequency. Think of it like you have an empty cup, but you're overflowing it with too much liquids. Panning the instruments are like having 2 empty cups and splitting the liquid between them, but again the cups can only hold so much. Attenuating the frequencies on instruments that don't need them as prominent as the instruments that do will help clean the overall sounds of your projects. In some cases a low shelf filter is good enough, in other a high pass filter does a better job.
    1 point
  27. hi!! here's a metal arrangement of "The Rival" from Shovel Knight. I'd like to do a full Shovel Knight album. let me know what you think please!!! EDIT: here's the new version. I still need to tweak a few things, but I'd say it's like ~90% done.
    1 point
  28. Sure thing! Hit me up when you've got an idea. Maybe some Gradius?
    1 point
  29. Holy crap, that's hot. I love cinematic arrangement, and this one is awesome -- a bit too much synth-heavy for me, but it's great. Reminds me of trailer music tracks. The percussion is excellent on this one. The lead guitar was a neat addition! Love it! Jorrith, we have to collab on some orchestra/cinematic shit
    1 point
  30. I loved this remix back when it was posted for PRC. Great arrangement and overall awesome work from Jorito, I hope I can submit my own remix of this theme someday too.
    1 point
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