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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Say... a question for y'all. I'm currently upgrading my home studio, getting some new gear in there, and I'm wondering... if I were to create a re-mastered version of The American Album (originally released in 2005), would there be any interest? Better mixing, maybe bring in some live instruments, etc.? I wouldn't want to pull a Lucas and re-make pieces of history that were fine the way they were... but then again, I could pull a Schafer and have fun simply presenting some material that hey, you enjoyed this years ago, now here it is again in HD. Btw here's the album if you want to give it a fresh listen: https://mazedude.bandcamp.com/album/the-american-album
    2 points
  2. It's dumb to just hate vocal mixes. Words are allowed.
    2 points
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
    1 point
  4. Hey guys! Just looking for some general feedback on this remix. I'm at that point where I'm not too sure what else to be adjusting / paying attention to. I feel like the arrangement / mix are in pretty solid spots, but I usually end up forgetting about / missing something. Always good to have another pair of ears. Of the top of my head, I know I want to go back to a few of the synth parts and make 'em a bit more entertaining to listen to / more dynamic. (Also heads up, I think listening to the stream on box distorts the sound a bit) Thanks in advance for your time. https://app.box.com/s/a2gcbj5uau85sn6mlx0kb5xog16dscm5
    1 point
  5. Water bottle right next to the controller and a cup, presumably also full of liquid actually resting ON the MIDI controller. The balls on this guy...
    1 point
  6. That was hard as nails. I haven't even attempted an S Rank and probably never will.
    1 point
  7. I'll just note that Rebecca has lost some project files in the past and this one is older. So, though I don't know for sure on this one, keep in mind there may not be the possibility to revise this.
    1 point
  8. You have got to be kidding me. *throws hands in the air*
    1 point
  9. I'm getting sort of an 80s, early 90s vibe, which I'm really enjoying. The lyrics are amazing, which is saying something, because I'm not really a fan of lyrics thrown into video game music that didn't originally have any. I also feel like if you took this to a club or wherever, it wouldn't immediately come off as sounding like a video game remix. Great job!
    1 point
  10. Actually the more I tear into Cutting Edge of Notion the more I'm kind of digging like a slow beatish EDM thing. The sustained parts work really well for it and it has one KILLER Lead line. Unfortunately, doesn't seem like much else past that. This might take me longer than I thought.
    1 point
  11. Hello! Would you mind if I pop in for a bit? I really did enjoy this track on the panel, and I was one of the three that judged it, so I'd rather help out on here than leave it on that sour note. I also like relevant but no-less terrible puns, so be wary. Going point by point: - I agree with you - what I hear is dissonance, not sour notes. It's a strong dissonance for sure (specifically, a melodic dissonance, utilizing a raised 6th in the Wurlitzer melodically against the chromaticism in the organ), but it resolves appropriately. Had that been his primary reason for rejection I personally would have asked him to reconsider. - While there are no 'electronic gaming machines', per se, there are certainly sound effects that sound like pinball machines (such as at 2:14, for a specific time point). It's an honest mistake if we think it sounds like old fashion gaming machines when the sound effects are specifically blips and bloops from fortune telling machines from a carnival, so hopefully you understand. Nominal differences aside, MW's main issue with the SFX (like at 2:14, or the brass at 2:18) is that if the background SFX has pitch it very well could clash with the music you wrote unintentionally. It doesn't bother me too much specifically (it sounds like Charles Ive's 'Central Park in the Dark', which I personally really love), but it's not something everyone is used to. Whether it's advice you want to heed is up to you, but it's a valid point to bring up (because technically there IS tonal clashing with the SFX and themes), so it's something you should make a conscious decision on, not an incidental one. - Listening to this again (as I didn't catch it in my review), the percussion is indeed very quiet. The snare roll is purposeful and at a good level in the mix (as it sounds like something from a carnival performance), but I didn't know bass and hats were even in the mix until looking at it now. I personally don't mind either way (as the track sounds fine with no percussion, honestly), but if you wanted the percussion to contribute to the arrangement take note that I legitimately didn't hear it outside of the snare. - I can't speak for the other judges, but I didn't hear any looping points either. As there's really no rule against a loop point on a SFX that's not likely a deciding factor on your arrangement regardless; the comment directed at loop points was used to support a larger point that the background was too dense as far as SFX use, which is something I did agree with. - I think the panning was sufficient, personally. I will note that with the SFX being as prominent as they are, it makes it difficult to hear the panning in the instruments throughout, but that's not an issue with your panning or spread. It'll likely be something that won't be considered an issue if the SFX are less dense (so you likely don't need to worry about it), but that doesn't make it justified to comment on it. We're all human after all, even on the panel. Seeing there are no mentions of SFX density in the grievances here, I suspect the larger concern that the judges shared unanimously wasn't in as much question. For me, the overwhelming presence of the SFX were overpowering the arrangement, which was the only thing that turned my vote sour. My colleagues pointed out some details that could potentially cause concern once that's addressed, but in comparison those are smaller points behind the larger concern. Hopefully that helps clear up any questions or concerns.
    1 point
  12. Get an armless chair that you can sit up well in. Posture is key to avoiding injury over the long run. You might also want to build/buy a simple desk shelf to put your monitors (audio and that other kind) on to save desk space.
    1 point
  13. Dang it, this would have been perfect for the CastleMania album. Wish I'd known this was in the pipeline. Oh well.
    1 point
  14. I've been pretty outspoken in the past about my opinion of vocal remixes, but this....THIS is brilliantly done. That guilty-pleasure vibe through and through totally works. Cheers!
    1 point
  15. The April 15 check-in date has passed. Thanks everyone who submitted a WIP, and thanks also to the new signups! There's definitely been enough work to keep this project going. In fact, if all the WIPs get finished, that's probably enough for an EP quantity-wise; I'd just look for a few more to fill out the wrestling roster to make sure everyone has an opponent. Unfortunately, @WillRock and @DarkDjinn are MIA, so Death and The Creature are now available to claim. I've set the next check-in date as 3 months from now, July 15. At that time, I'd like everyone who recently signed up and hasn't given me a WIP yet (@HoboKa, @That Headband Guy, and @elenaiwilliams) to send me at least an early WIP, and everyone who's given me an early WIP (@Sbeast, Moire Effect, @ibeginwiththeendinmind, and @JonnyAtma) to send me some additional work. Thanks again to everyone! This is starting to look pretty good!
    1 point
  16. You're probably right, but damn if it doesn't make my heart hurt a bit.
    1 point
  17. To tie this to this thread, I remember starting GTA4 and something like 10 minutes into the game I was suppose to fist fight someone to move on to the next mission or progress the story. The controls were so confusing and I was too lazy to learn them that it ended my gaming career.
    1 point
  18. I'm a bit torn on this one. On the one hand, I totally get this arrangement - it's as if you're at the carnival, with all of the wild antics playing in the background. On the other hand, the crowds, horses, etc., make the track sound far too busy, creating a whole lot of clutter at the cost of being able to hear the music. Upon repeated listening the crowds end up sounding like white noise, which makes the listening experience even less palatable. If this were coming off of a soundtrack of sorts I would be wondering why they left the background sounds in there - it's all pretty distracting. The arrangement is quite good, though, if you look past the SFX. The themes work perfectly on the organ and Wurlitzer; hell, they almost sound like they were WRITTEN for those instruments. The vocals sound almost like a barbershop, and they're well executed and incredibly fitting for the theme you have going in this. Under the crowded soundscape there's a really cool arrangement, but it's difficult to hear it with the layer of carny effects (you can really hear the potential at 2:56, when the music stands alone). Some SFX periodically to help set the mood would be fine, so decrease the SFX density and shorten the intro a bit. It'd be a really cool track to post, so give this another pass our way with those alterations! NO
    1 point
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