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Everything posted by Light_of_Aether

  1. I used to post my work-in-progress covers here on OCReMix, but stopped a couple years ago. Nowadays, I just post my work-in-progress sounds on SoundCloud and publish my finished covers via Soundrop.
  2. I'm definitely looking forward to it! I've heard Sam's remix, it's great! I would have liked to take a track, too, but unfortunately I'm not at OCR standards. Maybe someday. I'm releasing a new album soon (Aural Nostalgia Vol 2) that has a JFG song on it. Here's a link to the track: https://soundcloud.com/willpisani/title-theme-jet-force-gemini-v1.
  3. Sounds a lot more natural now. I can't think of anything that needs more humanization. Does the vibraphone start at 2:21? It sounds okay, but gets better with higher notes. The genre would be orchestral, in my opinion. I can't think of anything else right now. Sounds awesome! Very fitting for the setting.
  4. I swapped the guitar for two trombones and a bass trombone. Here's the updated track: https://soundcloud.com/willpisani/mass-effect-main-theme-v11. What do you think?
  5. The transition is a little jarring, I agree. Souperion's suggestions are great. Great job on this!
  6. Thi is really good! I could definitely see this being used in Metroid Prime. Maybe in a lava lake area where you had to jump in with the gravity suit. Kind of like Phendrana Drifts areas, but lava instead of water.
  7. This is really interesting! Very glad to hear a remix of Sanctuary Fortress. There are not enough MP2 remixes. V4 sounds much better than V3. It still sounds a bit compressed (?) or something. I'm not sure what the term is, but it sounds a little closed in. I really love the arrangement. Are you going to submit this for OCReMix consideration? Great job!
  8. Thanks! I actually missed the reaper connection somehow. Yeah, the guitar lead could use some work. I'm not happy with it either. Thanks for the feedback!
  9. Wow!! This is great! Way better than the source. I'd like to hear this in the next Golden Sun game. Do you have EWQLSO Gold? Only thing I can think of at the moment is that I think there should be a low presence from 3:30 to 3:45. The low wind/synth disappears at the beginning and then reappears at the end, but I would prefer that it didn't disappear so that you have a counter on the high parts during that time. Do you have any more Golden Sun arrangements in the pipeline? I'd like to hear more of your style.
  10. Hi! It's been a while since I've asked for feedback. I made an orchestral cover of the Mass Effect main theme. What do you think? Arrangement improvements? Mixing improvements? Instrument swaps? By the way, this song will not be submitted to OCReMix for consideration. Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. Update: My cover: https://soundcloud.com/willpisani/main-theme-mass-effectv10 Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVm_ljDSdwA
  11. This sounds great! I'm not familiar with the source, but this definitely sounds like OCR quality. I say submit it and see what happens. Great job!
  12. I got a cheap Composer Cloud subscription during Black Friday and so I've been trying out libraries here and there. The Hollywood libraries are much better than the old Symphonic Orchestra library I have.
  13. Those are definitely good ones! Maybe I should take a crack at Ichor or Sekhmet next. Actually I have a new brass library that would make Sekhmet sound amazing. Edit 11:50 PM: Here's a rough draft of Sekhmet I came up with tonight: https://soundcloud.com/willpisani/sekhmet-jet-force-gemini. The soundscape needs some work and I need to work on 0:45 and onwards, but it's a good start. I don't think they're finished because of a variety of things. Depending on the specific track, the instrumentation may not be fully implemented the way I want. Or the sound levels of each instruments need to be adjusted. Or certain instruments need to be panned left or right. Or the articulations of the instruments need to be improved. Sometimes I add in new parts and adjust the octaves of certain sequences up or down to fit new instruments. Unfortunately, as you can see, there's a lot of different things that might make me say a track is finished or not.
  14. No worries! Thanks! JFG definitely deserves an orchestral makeover, I agree. My plan for 2019 is to release an album of Golden Sun music, but maybe I can fit in some JFG music, too. I do have a few more JFG songs as works-in-progress, but they're nowhere near done. Here they are: Character Select, Floyd Race, and Title Theme.
  15. I don't think I've ever seen my music referenced in threads that I didn't start. It's a pretty cool feeling! Of the two, I agree that the original is a bit better. Mine feels like it's plodding along; it's not crisp like the original. I've thought about doing a whole JFG album using sample libraries, but that's not what you're looking for. What might be more realistic is having a university orchestra or a smaller ensemble record a few pieces. I wouldn't worry about licensing the music. From my understanding, it's not too hard obtaining licenses for most things. If you want to get a team together to take a crack at an orchestral JFG album (using sample libraries or real instruments), I'd be happy to help out.
  16. Excellent job on this! Do you have a download link?
  17. Sounds great! I love the atmosphere you have made here. The various instruments mesh very well together. My only suggestion is I think the bass is a touch too loud. Other than that, it's great!
  18. This is really cool!!! As far as submission goes, I'm not sure how the judges would feel about this, but I say go for it! I don't think you need to worry about humanization, though. It should sound like a video game (which it does).
  19. It's not traditional to have guitar in an orchestra, but it works. Sometimes you just need that guitar sound, especially with video game music (see Video Games Live with Tommy Tallarico). Your covers are pretty good! My favorite is Dragon Roost Island.
  20. Sounds good! It could use some humanization to make it more realistic.
  21. Sounds good so far! I'm looking forward to when it's completed. I like your idea of combining themes with similar notes and chords. Maybe you could try adding pieces of each theme to the other themes?
  22. This is really good! I like how the soundscape changes; it never gets boring (which can be a concern with a longer track like this). This is definitely an improvement over the source track.
  23. This is great! I got chills while listening/watching. Great work on the video, too. Have you ever thought about putting your music on Spotify?
  24. This is awesome! A live flute would definitely add more life to the remix. You can definitely still hear the source tune so it's not too liberal. I could see this on the front page as well.
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