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OCR01700 - Okami "Celestial Winds from the East"


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I've heard somewhere in the region of 4-500 ReMixes as of right now, and this is most definitely my favorite out of the whole bunch. Okami is a totally astonishing game, one of the most beautiful on the PS2, and the song (Reset) that's McVaffe ReMixes is one of the best on a really good soundtrack. And the ReMix is in all ways superior to the original, I actually think it would've fitted the ending better than the original does...

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

The Okami OST is undeniably one of the best game soundtrack ever made.

As such I'm always both curious and admirative to hear anyone trying his hand at remixing this soundtrack.

Globally, it still has this distinctive traditional japanese feeling, but the ethnic element is less prominent.

This piece is even more emotional, much like the piano arrangement of the soundtrack, and in that regard, is very well executed.

The building is quite similar, with some signature instruments to retain the characteristic of the source.

But the disparities with rythmic elements, bass, piano solos are really giving this piece another dimension.

I find this rendition much more personal. It feels like another point of view on the same story.

This remix succeeds at re-imagining the original tune, and also tops the vocal version effortlessly imo.

While these winds now sounds a bit more like they're coming from the west, they still bring a refreshing breeze on the source.

No less exotic, slightly more melodic. Nonetheless exeptional.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sad that this is the most recent McV mix on here :( This is a stunning moody piece of work (if there's anything I like it's moody) which regretfully was one of the first songs I put on my first mp3 player, resulting in listening to it waaaaay too often for a while ;) This piece holds up so well though, I hardly had to take a break to enjoy it again!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Do I detect a Hint of Reggae? Somewhere in the middle...

Nevertheless a beautiful arrangement of a a brilliant source. Producers really should pay OCremix for advertising. I've had this game in my Eye for a long time, but after hearing this again I'm gonna go order it. I won't be able to play it until I go home to my Wii for Christmas, but I'll read the instructions and drool...and listen to this mix some more :)

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  • 8 months later...

I lived a somewhat different weekend recently. Went to a farm full of birds, cats, dogs, monkeys (!) and rats (which I hunted for and killed like, two of them). I played with children that I roughly knew, and had loads of fun with them. Ate and drank things that I'm not used to (like balm tea). Settled some personal stuff and it felt like, easier to smile after a long time.

I tend to live musically, so every situation has some kind of song to fit in. If I could choose a song to the situation I was in, I'd definitely choose this one, as it evokes this simplistic, campestral, peaceful atmosphere :)

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  • 1 year later...

This is one of the best remixes on the site. I freaking love it! I especially love Japanese music, and you pay homage to Okami very well with this piece. Seriously, I wish I could remix this game half as well as you did. This is just too good.

I feel like this song takes you on a journey of sorts, overall. Each section kind of feels like it leads you somewhere different in the game, and that piano interlude - man, that was just epic! From beginning to end, this song just feels good all the way through.

This is one of those songs that has really influenced me musically. Thank you for making this piece, McVaffe. If there's ever an opportunity, or maybe some kind of Okami project pops up, please make more Okami remixes! : D

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