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The Shinra Shuffle, eh? Tsung and Elena would probably be dancing in the background if this were playing.

A good piece of music overall. Definitely a keeper.


This is pretty much pure awesome with a touch of win.

Possibly my favorite arrangement of Still More Fighting (though I love Arm Cannon's version, and I still like the Black Mages version, but they're VERY different), and definitely my favorite treatment of the victory fanfare (special kudos on using the classic version rather than the FFVII version).

This is my first exposure to The Runaway Five, though of course I've heard of them many times before. I just checked out their Web site after hearing this track, and now I really, really want more.


That. Was. Amazing.

I mean, I don't even consider myself much of a jazz person, and this was brilliant. (Of course, I do have a bit of a soft spot for anything live.)

Seriously...when I catch myself air saxophoning, you know it's hardcore.

Excellent performance.


Seriously this is the best thing I've heard in a long time... I'm not even saying best VG Remix... Just the best thing. I love jazz, and these people completely rock it. Great job! This seriously just blows my mind. It IS like no other Video Game Jazz I've heard before.


Huge fan of jazz mixes, and this is just so... professional! Not a knock on any other mix but this is something different, not to say there haven't been jazz mixes before (they're some of my favorites actually), but with this being live, it's really been taken to the next level.

Bringing in the traditional fanfare theme instead of the FFVII one was a nice touch, not that I disliked FFVII's fanfare, but the choice seemed to make sense given the style of this mix.

I'd definitely be curious to see what else this crew can come up with, this being a combat theme and all (not that it sounded like one in this style), it might be fun to see what they could do with a different style of song.


I'm almost afraid of lynch mobs after all these raving reviews, but...

I'll take superbuckjazz over this any day.

The one thing that bugs me about a lot of jazz it's the messy solo's that are all over the place and aren't melodically pleasing, but tend to sound like one big cacaphony. And this mix has oozes of that.. it gets on my nerves real quickly.

Yes, it sounds professional, but I prefer simpler jazz with less wankery.

Posted (edited)

It's sloppy in a few places, but certainly nothing extreme. As a whole, this is a fantastic take on the source material - they take the melodies and make them sound like they were always supposed to be jazz. Very impressive.

I do agree that there's a bit too much solo wankery, though, and SuperBuckJazz did do the same thing (but better). BUT I think that should be a challenge rather than a criticism - if this group keeps it up, I fully believe that they will far exceed anyone's expectations.

Edit: Sorry for being an ass about this. My comments were out of line, and I was rightly called out on it. Good piece of music with a smart and creative arrangement.

Edited by oakthielbar
I was an asshole

I do agree that there's a bit too much solo wankery, though, and SuperBuckJazz did do the same thing (but better). BUT I think that should be a challenge rather than a criticism - if this group keeps it up, I fully believe that they will far exceed anyone's expectations.

While Estradasphere (the superbuckjazz guys) did have a tighter ensemble, I would hardly say they did anything "better" than these guys. I held my tongue on the first "solo wankery" comment, but I just want to make sure this gets out: the amount of soloing in a jazz piece holds no merit to how "good" the piece is. In fact, I don't even consider it to be part of the piece. To me, the "arrangement" ends at 1:50 and resumes at 4:40 or so--because in that space, with the exception of the background figures, everybody is improvising. It's purely preferential to the listener. If you compare this chart to the legends of the 50s-70s, the soloing here is very limited. Honestly, I prefer listening to jazz with long solos-- the tracks where the first guy plays a 7 minute solo--but then so do the next four players. So for me, NEITHER of these tracks have enough "solo wankery" in them. For a track of this genre, this is pretty much stylistically standard.

Therefore, I just don't think it's fair to say superbuckjazz did anything "better" per se (except for the tightness of the ensemble, and even that can be a stylistic choice). Just different :)


FANTASTIC PIECE! This mix combines many of my favorite things: jazz, final fantasy VII, and real instruments. I really enjoyed all the solos and they make this song the real deal, in my opinion. I'll be listening to this one for a long while.

Keep up the incredible work guys!

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