djpretzel Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
halc Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 caught this one about 5 seconds after it was posted nice work meshing all these themes together. pokemon tunes may be simple, but it's some of the most difficult music to remix, imo. nice work Quote
WolfenAmphithere Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 Never played Crystal myself, my sister used to have it, though, and most of the music is the same :3 I've been playing Gold A LOT recently, however, and this just makes me want to play it even more XD Definitely a nice, nostalgic mix Quote
42 Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 This brings back so much nostalgia; I love it. I so want to dig through my gameboy cartridges now. Quote
Subz1987 Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 This is awesome. Azalea Town's theme was awesome, and all the little parts of other themes put in there are very nostalgic. The ending was pretty disappointing. I was expecting a pretty big finish when you changed keys instead of a random fade out. Still, this mix is pretty awesome. Quote
cremdogz Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 hahaha man this is such a funky remix! I loved this one all the way, I've been needing a good remix for a while, since I only listen to ones from games I've played, and haven't heard a new one for a while. This is such a funky remix, and I will continue listening to it a lot. Thank you Quote
HitoriJaNai Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 DARN IT DARN IT DARN IT Wanted to be one of the first to comment on this wonderful mix. Oh, well, can't do everything. Great mix, man, and congrats. You're officially an OCReMixer. Quote
Monobrow Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 Haha, this is sick. I'm so glad there is another Pokemon song, there are WAY too few, so you get kudos right there. Well executed, fun as all hell, nice breaks and drumwork, great instrument choices, and I just really like the atmosphere. Everything meshes very well. I also love that bass. Those orchestral hits are so fun too! Keep it up and give more... I'm a real pushover for chiptunish stuff. That fadeout was kinda cheesy though lol... ANYWAY GREAT JOB! p.s. I wish this was longer, however I can understand you not wanting to overdo it or tire the source. THE END! Quote
Nase Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 Fun!! i've never even played pokemon. Btw, I'm always happy when I see a remixer using a palette of rather quirky, somewhat nostalgic timbres instead of EWQLKontaktmassivewhathaveyou. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just especially enjoy it when a remix pays tribute to the sonic qualities of VGM as much as to the arrangement. Nice wurk! Quote
Level 99 Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 This is fantastic. Fresh, quircky, and keeps your attention. Great job, buddy. Quote
WillRock Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 YAY Protodome remix Awesomeness man, pure awesomeness Quote
PROTO·DOME Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 Yeah, I know, the fade-out was a bit of a copout. Perhaps a little laziness my end... Heh. Anyway, thanks very much all you guys for the comments! Much appriciated! ^o^ Glad you're enjoying it! EDIT- Oh and thanks Larry, if you catch mah drift ^o^ Quote
yosefu Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 I may have not played crystal version but i really enjoyed this. It seems to bring out the memories of me playing silver hours and hours. Overall a fantastic job. Quote
Elex Synn Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 This song is really fun. Makes me want to pick up some old school pokemon goodness. Quote
The Damned Posted September 3, 2009 Posted September 3, 2009 Protodome's on my project. Just saying. It's an odd, slightly wild mix of a few different parts of the game's music, but it's like a poppy, zippy little run through the melody. Quote
Sorceror Nobody Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 The phrase "retro chip trip" comes to mind. This is a great little mix, really nostalgic. The bleepy-bloopy feel keeps it nicely energetic without being OOT, and it was fun to pick out the individual tracks mixed into it, which all worked really well together. Addition of the PC and item noises is a cute bonus. But I have to agree with everyone else: the fade is pretty bad. It may have been better even just to have made it more gradual, because it's simply too quick. Still, it's far from bad enough to ruin the mix, so no major worries. Quote
Coucou Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I really love the crazy lead synth of this tune. Great job! And Thanks. Quote
Roihu Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I love this mix (Aside from the ending, which I disliked very much). It's so fun, contains so many memories, and expertly remixed. Really, Pokemon music seems to be among the toughest tracks to remix. No one can seem to get the tracks right. Once in a blue moon, people get them right. In my opinion, this is the only Pokemon song on OC that gets it perfect, with the others getting 'em okay. Most Pokemon remixes crash and burn, though, so to be able to remix 'em is a great feat. (I'm not counting arrangements, which for some reason, also tend to crash and burn just as often as remixes.) I also love how you added the PC noises and made them fit perfectly. <3 Quote
Martin Penwald Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 The first ~30 seconds have a distinct 90's electronica feel to them. The word I'd use to describe this remix would probably be "playful". The chiptunish sound of it, the variety of themes used; it all just works so well. Nice job. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Hey guys, this is how to do a medley right. Very nice syncopated rhythm keeping it moving forward, and a great melody really makes this a class track. The percussion is interesting and varied, and the counterpoint is excellent. Well done, you've earned your badge. Viva la synth revolution! Quote
martinstatic Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 As said, there are too few Pokemon remixes, and this is a good reason for why there should be more. Quote
Carrie-san Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Inexplicably, while listening to this song for the first time, I got that tingly feeling in my nose that I get when I'm just about to cry. If you were trying to trigger my nostalgia, consider yourself successful. I've always loved Pokemon music and it never seems to get the remixes it deserves. Hearing the GSC generation represented here made me so happy. This is a wonderful medley; all of the tunes blend together excellently, never overpowering one another. It's full of energy and rhythm, while still keeping true to the original. It reminds me a bit of the Japanese remixer hapi⇒'s remixes, if you're familiar with him at all. (His Kirby and Pokemon ones tend to provoke the same 'about to cry from rush of happy memories' feeling from me.) My only wish is that there was more of it! I'd love to hear you take on some of the other tunes from the game. Quote
Platonist Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 decent mix, i'm not so fond of some things that tend to have dB issues, but i can't really tell unless i get better speakers. and, for the lulz: Quote
Emunator Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Proto, you are a BAMF! The synth mangling, the retro-sounding orchestra hits (and the rest of the sounds used, too) and the way all the pieces of music were linked together with sound effects and clever transitions make this one of the most FUN remixes I've heard in a long time. You seem like a genuinely talented dude with a lot of passion for music, so please keep bringing it to the table like this Proto I'm so stoked for all of your Pokémon mixes! By the way, I liked the fadeout actually, though I think it could have lasted a little bit longer. No complaints from me on that count Quote
eyecreate Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 This is way too catchy! Pressing play one more time... Quote
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