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First of all, I'd have to agree with Geoffrey Taucer:

Interesting, now that I think of it: I have a much more powerful emotional response to the older console games than I do to those with more realistic graphics. I think it's because the older games leave the gamer's mind to fill in the details and give the characters life, which gets us far more attached to them.
While I'm not sure if I cried at these scenes or not, they definitely struck a chord with me and I may have cried, but I don't remember; it's been a long time since I've played these. Also, some of the scenes listed may not be sad, but they were so emotionally charged that getting teary-eyed was just a natural response, I think. I get teary-eyed in response to awesomeness more than I do to sadness.

In no particular order... THERE ARE ***SPOILERS*** HERE.

1) Xenosaga - At the very end, when it appears KOS-MOS is going outside to sacrifice herself to shield the Elsa from burning up in the atmosphere, and Shion is quite distraught, then KOS-MOSs show her true self and sprouts those wings...yeah, that whole scene gets to me every time.

(starts at 5:01)

2) Final Fantasy VIII - The conversation between Squall and Rinoa on the Ragnarok. There are very personal reasons for that one.

3) Final Fantasy IV - The entire ending, from encountering Zemus, Zeromus, up through the very end.

4) Xenogears - When Fei's personalities all come together. I don't know why, but that whole event is very satisfying, and elicits a big response from me. EDIT: Coming back to this, I think it's because Fei is finally taking responsibility for what he did, even when he was a child, and even though he did not mean to do what he did. (I'm not going to say what that was, as it's a pretty big spoiler). He owned up to his mistake, and now he is a whole, complete person -- faults and all. This is something I constantly struggle with: the desire to be right instead of the desire to be truthful.


Lost Odyssey is the only game that's actually made me shed tears. A few others have made me a little teary eyed though, like Suikoden II and Terranigma.

And this might seem a bit strange, but the title screen to Secret of Mana always makes me tear up.


Glad to see I'm not the only one to need a tissue for Drakengard's Caim and Angelus story, and it's **spoilerish** sad, bittersweet, yet touching conclusion in the second game. That cinema was the hardest minute-plus I've ever sat through in a game, knowing what the two of them went through and became leading up to it.


During Year 1998 after Hurricane Mitch Almost Destroyed all my Country... When my Syster and I Were alone in House Playin' in our Super Nintendo, the Game: "Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble" (1996 RareWare) and we Finished all the Available Map, then Reached 50% we Were Happy...

Continued Playin' untill Reached 69% and while Playin' a Final Stage, the Power Source interrupted... :puppyeyes:

When Power came Back, the Saved data (inside the Cartridge itself) was Lost! ... instead of 69% we Found 0 !!!

So we Cried... :sad: ...and we miss that Game since That, 'cos no one of Us liked to Play in Such Volatile saving Memory Again...

Same Horrible Thing Happened the Next Year, with "Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past"

Kind Regards.

As a victim of save data corruption due to power outage, I can say with 100% certainty that it is an event worthy of tears.

This man speaks the truth.

Once upon a time, I had a PS3 Oblivion file with 500+ hours of gameplay. Then, randomly, the harddrive died and I had to get a warranty exchange. I cried :(

I cry when I get a mochi or a suezo in Monster rancher 2

Holy Damn. I played one of the Monster Ranchers as a kid, god, thats a name i haven't heard years.

I was playing chrono cross, JUST beat the entire dead sea part, then my little brother threw my memory card in a pool, it sat there for hours. i thought "Hey my ps1 memory card has went through the wash dozens of times, I stick it in, and as i look at my save files, everything was gone. I'm currently using this card for CC again. and this incident not only happened years ago. but with multiple times, and this card which is in my ps2 infront of me, still works.. (he also threw ps2 cards in his little pool) But yeah I cried. I tried to get back to that point and failed. i think im currently back to where i was though now. Sad day indeed ;[


I think about the only time I became really sad enough to become teary eyed with a video game, was when Alys died in Phantasy Star 4. She was my fav character up to that point and I kept thinking she'd get better. The worst was playing Chaz. I really hated playing him. Couldn't play the game for about 2-3 weeks after that...

  • 1 month later...

I about cried in Twilight Princess, during the scene when Zelda fades away when she saves Midna. I knew she didn't die, because the game would have really no point for Link then; he could have become a wandering hero but Nintendo wouldn't do anything that awesome. But the almost death coupled with the mournful piano song playing before the scene made me sad.

Actually, a open world game set in Hyrule would be freaking awesome... hey Bethesda, how's Elder Scrolls V coming?


Well my roommate recently turned me on to the Devil May Cry series, and so after plowing through the first game I decided to try the second.

Man talk about a tear jerker; the first cutscene plays and immediately you are confronted by the Devil May Cry series being killed and violated.

I sobbed as a great man named Devil May Cry died.

No but seriously the only time I can immediately think of was when I was 11 and playing through Final Fantasy died. I honestly don't remember what happens in the scene but You're Not Alone started playing and it made me bawl.

PS: No really, Devil May Cry 2 is horrible.

i dont' know if i've already posted in this thread and i'm too lazy to chekc but i've cried at least once during nearly every zelda game i've ever played


Not sure about MM but I did over OoT and Link's Awakening.

Link's Awakening.

I think I almost did on Link's Awakening as the very concept of suddenly finding your self in a land where you tried your best to bring peace only to see it all disappear like a nuke just struck it makes it seem pointless. Doesn't help that it shows certain scenes around where it all fades to white before Link is thrust back into reality out at sea once again.

I don't remember if this occurred in the original version but in the DX version, if you managed to beat the game without losing a life and completed it entirely you'll see an image of Marin, the girl that sings the windfish song, in the sky before fading away to a seagull which flies away afterward.

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