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Kingdom Hearts II?

It pushed the first one to its limits and far beyond! Gameplay was really enjoyable.

Yet another one mentioned in both threads.

The best game sequels, in my opinion?

-Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - perfected the formula without introducing the surplus of gimmick levels in Warped.

-Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Same general idea as the above. The first game was awesome, the sequel polished everything to perfection.

-Jak II - A much darker tone to the whole thing than could be expected for a sequel to The Precursor Legacy, as well as a massive increase in difficulty, but it worked. I love everything about this game. Well, except for that one mission in the Water Slums...

-Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Added some much needed depth to the mechanics of its predecessor. Upgradeable health, weapons, and armor, and some neat space levels that strangely didn't make it into the next game.

-Sly 2: Band of Thieves - Quite possibly the best game on the PS2. This game has it all. Solid visuals, fun soundtrack, great gameplay, and an interesting story with lots of character development. Bentley is the reason I like turtles.

-Metroid II: Return of Samus - If Metroid is the black sheep among Nintendo franchises, this game is probably the black sheep among Metroid (well, not counting Metroid Prime Pinball). But it introduced a lot of key mechanics that have become staples of the series. Samus' ship, the Space Jump, the Spazer and Plasma Beams, the ginormous shoulder pads on the Varia Suit, etc...

-Metroid: Zero Mission - It's technically a remake, but it carries all the usual traits of a refined sequel. This was the one that finally nailed the spirit of the series perfectly. The superior controls and physics of Fusion combined with the open-ended gameplay of Super. One of my favorite games of all time.

-Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - A lot of people don't like the card-based combat, but I loved the strategy element that it added without sacrificing the real-time battles. Additionally, the remake it got on the PS2 had some great voice-acting and pretty graphics.

-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - As I would expect with Naughty Dog, this polished the already excellent first game even more, and added multiplayer (multiplayer has gone to seed at this point, but it used to be great).

-Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Added some much needed depth to the mechanics of its predecessor. Upgradeable health, weapons, and armor, and some neat space levels that strangely didn't make it into the next game.

This on so many levels I loved going commando.Especially those space levels i wish they would of expanded them i was always so sad when they were done.

and Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, it was a huge leap over the original street fighter and pretty much invented the competitive fighting game genre at the same time.

-Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - perfected the formula without introducing the surplus of gimmick levels in Warped.

-Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Same general idea as the above. The first game was awesome, the sequel polished everything to perfection.

-Jak II - A much darker tone to the whole thing than could be expected for a sequel to The Precursor Legacy, as well as a massive increase in difficulty, but it worked. I love everything about this game. Well, except for that one mission in the Water Slums...

-Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Added some much needed depth to the mechanics of its predecessor. Upgradeable health, weapons, and armor, and some neat space levels that strangely didn't make it into the next game.

-Sly 2: Band of Thieves - Quite possibly the best game on the PS2. This game has it all. Solid visuals, fun soundtrack, great gameplay, and an interesting story with lots of character development. Bentley is the reason I like turtles.

-Metroid II: Return of Samus - If Metroid is the black sheep among Nintendo franchises, this game is probably the black sheep among Metroid (well, not counting Metroid Prime Pinball). But it introduced a lot of key mechanics that have become staples of the series. Samus' ship, the Space Jump, the Spazer and Plasma Beams, the ginormous shoulder pads on the Varia Suit, etc...

-Metroid: Zero Mission - It's technically a remake, but it carries all the usual traits of a refined sequel. This was the one that finally nailed the spirit of the series perfectly. The superior controls and physics of Fusion combined with the open-ended gameplay of Super. One of my favorite games of all time.

-Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - A lot of people don't like the card-based combat, but I loved the strategy element that it added without sacrificing the real-time battles. Additionally, the remake it got on the PS2 had some great voice-acting and pretty graphics.

-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - As I would expect with Naughty Dog, this polished the already excellent first game even more, and added multiplayer (multiplayer has gone to seed at this point, but it used to be great).

Oh yes, you're so right.


Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Great music, old characters (despite a few being absent), Psynergy that's all area-of-effect, full control via either stylus or buttons (or both), and events that still make sense in the world. Plus, updated summons that look fantastic. Also, the end hints at another one, which will probably usurp this one as the best game sequel.


-Jak II - A much darker tone to the whole thing than could be expected for a sequel to The Precursor Legacy, as well as a massive increase in difficulty, but it worked. I love everything about this game. Well, except for that one mission in the Water Slums...

...really? I can't say I was a fan of Jak II myself. The original was a fairly standard but rock-solid enjoyable platformer, but Jak II felt for all the world like the GTA-ripoff "sandbox" game it was, with a heaping helping of angst thrown on top. Jak's new personality amounted to generic RAEG, and the whole mission-based system that involved traveling back and forth hundreds of times through that city was nothing short of boring. And dear lord, some of those missions set in the city itself, where there were no health pickups...SO close to smashing my controller. Jak 3, however, did do a lot to redeem the franchise; driving those cars all over the desert was a ton of fun.

That aside, I think most of the games I'd think of, like DKC2, Sonic 2/3, and Melee, have already been mentioned; I'll throw in some Metroid Prime love too. Above all else, though, I have to give it to FreeSpace 2. It's pretty much THE definitive space sim game, and thanks to an incredible modding community, it's still alive and well today.


1) Metal Gear Solid 3

2) Star Fox 64, Adventures

3) Mega Man 2, 3, 7

4) Soul Calibur II

These sequels just really did it for me. They may not be the BEST out there, but I sure as hell enjoy replaying them time and time again.


Mass Effect 2


BK: Nuts & Bolts (if that counts)

Assassin's Creed 2

Mario Party 2

FFXI: Wings of the Goddess (expansions are sequels to me!)

It feels like I should have a bigger list than that... can I just put Elder Scrolls 5 here since it will be the best ever?


No love for Dragon Warrior/Quest? For shame...

Seriously, 2 and 3 were a legitimate sequel/prequel duo that added TONS of new elements. DQ IV may not be a sequel story-wise, but built on the same gameplay elements and told a story better than any RPG before it.


Super Mario Kart 64

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Super Bomberman

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

Worms: Armageddon


I thought these kind of threads weren't allowed in this forum? Back in the day you got a lot of shit for creating a favorites-thread.

Also, Soul Reaver was a great sequel, and then Soul Reaver 2 as well!

I thought these kind of threads weren't allowed in this forum? Back in the day you got a lot of shit for creating a favorites-thread.

I didn't really create it with 'favorites' in mind. Like my initial example, Mario 3... I think it was a huge improvement over the first game and sort of opened up the way for future Mario games. Is Mario 3 my favorite Mario game though? No. Is it one of my favorite games evar? Honestly no. I just thought it was a good example without being all about "zomg my favorite games!11"

I thought these kind of threads weren't allowed in this forum? Back in the day you got a lot of shit for creating a favorites-thread.

apparently it's threads that encourage lists of things without discussion of the items that are looked down upon

threads that actually generate discussion are fine


Half-Life 2: Continued the story of Gordon Freeman and also delved into Black Mesa's history prior to the incident. Physics-based combat and a story that is (in some ways) better than most sci-fi films*.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Vice City ate up my time, but San Andreas ate it, puked it up, and then ate it twice more. No game has taken more of my hours than that one.

Bioshock 2 - Bioshock was already a head spinner, but Bioshock 2 really turned you on your ear. Looking forward to Infinite.

Age of Empires 2 + Conquerors expansion - AoE was my first introduction to RTS games, and AoE 2 took a major placeholder in my RTS life. While AoE 3 had physics and better graphics, the units and environments were not as diverse as AoE 2.

*Totally my opinion. Don't flame/rage/whatever. Plz :shock:


Keep in mind that I'm not trying to say that the sequel is superior to the original - A great sequel often still leaves reason to play the original:

Ummmmm....Sonic The Hedgehog 2. So many improvements in the game that it was


F-Zero X was a good one. Pretty much everything I was hoping for and it seems others

tend to agree. It's not necessarily better than the first one, but it was exactly what

it should have been for a sequel on newer hardware.

Mortal Kombat 2 was a good one. More characters, more moves - just the right balance and made the first one look pretty pale.

Mother 2 AKA Earthbound. I don't think I have to explain. Not saying the first one wasn't good. Kinda like mentioning Mega Man 2. A great sequel to a good and innovative original.

Street Fighter 2. You know I'm right on this one. WOW.

Some more ones I think are worthy - Donkey Kong Country 2, Kid Niki 2 (I doubt you've played it but oh well), Double Dragon 2 (The NES sequel),

Something else I'd like to mention is that there are some sequels I really like but really weren't accepted well, and for good reason. Zelda 2 is an under-rated game, but wasn't really what people wanted, so that's why I don't mention it. I LOVE that game, but people looking for a good, TRUE sequel were disappointed. Not a good sequel, but a good and unique game on its own.

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