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OCR02340 - Final Fantasy VII "BadAzz"

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Nice, downloading the album right now.

Seems like One Winged Angel isn't untouchable. I'd go so far as to say it was touched, beat down, and ripped the other wing off.

More incredible that this was done without synths or drum machines. I'd say your hard work paid off here. Now we just need someone to make a video of Sephiroth walking into a club to this haha..


I'm really glad we got this one on the album, it just screams badass all over the place (alright, strictly speaking it screaming "Sephiroth", but still)! Being a big fan of dubstep myself, especially with the awesome gritty sound PrototypeRaptor brought in here. Great build-up to keep things interesting and listening to this makes you feel completely awesome! Probably my favorite from the album, awesome work!


Oh, how I've awaited this. PrototypeRaptor has got to be one of my all-time favorite ReMixers, without a doubt (and he ends up choosing so many games that I've actually played... its brilliant!). Having heard Black Wing Metamorphosis, The End, and various other interpretations of taking on Sephiroth, I thought I'd heard it all. Of course, you can NEVER have too much of the good ol' One-Winged Angel, and Jon really delivers here. I can't help but get up and dance when I listen, and when the vocoded "Sephiroth" bit comes in... well, not much I can say other than this is going to be listened to A LOT. Especially while I'm running. Y'know, away from Sephiroth. While I play FFVII. :razz:


Woo, new OCR project! And of course, someone just HAD to pick Sephiroth somewhere didn't they? :razz:

But it's PrototypeRaptor, and I've been quite a fan of his since he handled Kirby 64's Miracle Matter a few years back. This take on "One Winged Angel" might get some purists puzzled over the house direction for what can be essentially seen as an 'untouchable' piece of music, but in its own right it managed to really take apart the source and the pieces were used as a solid foundation for Raptor's signature developing elecronic style.

The gate work with the robo-voice at around 2:35 was neat, the drums felt really active throughout (if sometimes a little bit on auto-pilot), the synths have been really manipulated with to give the interest the track had, and some of the tempo shifts down were also freakin' neat; a more experimental take on the source, but with the effort put in I believe it adapted quite well to Joker's noted vision.

So I'm glad to see him back in business! I'll take a look at the album properly later this week, but it's a solid taster for what's to come :D


Is that techno club organ!? Holy shit! I never thought I'd hear that! Nice dark and gritty club beat, and the electronic voices starting from about 1:20 was godly! 2:35 was so good with the computerized vocals, and I think this was the perfect way to start off the BadAss album. I had this on repeat all day yesterday. Sephiroth starting off the album about villains, for villains is great. Awesome work PR, I can't even really nit-pick at this one.


Yeah! I've had this mix since I caught it in WIP, and I've been waiting for the day that it would show up on the front page. Damn, it is GOOD. I didn't like it at first, mostly because of the style, but it soon had its hooks in my brain. I think I had this stuck in my head for a good few months straight. I can't recommend it enough, thanks for the mix, Raptor!


hells yeah! ive been waiting to see this up on the front page ive been blasting this since the wip stages. im glad to see this on here this shit really gets me hyped enough to get up and start dancing my ass off. Keep up the good work man i have my eye (and ears) on you.


Gritty and dark. It definitely has the Justice thing going, too. You keep things going by always adding something to the plate, great breakdown with the chopped up vocals, and the key/melody is something else. Still recognizable, too. Honestly, I never thought of hearing OWA this way, but you made it fit. Well.

I look forward to hearing more. :)



When the phat beatz enter at the one-minute mark, I could put it on repeat all day! The choice of instruments and drums is pretty neat, though it is a bit repetitive in the end. Hopefully, the organ playing little leitmotives (-is that correct, leitmotives??-) from the source really help not to fall into something too much repetitive. Digging the voices too.

Dark. Creepy. Awesome.

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