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OCR01408 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Ten Rupees"

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Whoo! New Neskvartetten!

They've been one of my favorite remixers/groups on OCR, and it's great to see another one posted. I just love their smooth lounge style, especially with that guitar, and the more jazz remixes, the better. It's all good. Download or die.


Very mellow. Bring yourself straight to the lounge with this one.

Neskvartetten brings us here a very laid-back, smooth Jazz remix with his latest posting to OCR. The original tune is barely recognizeable, but might be familiar to those who have heard some of the artist's previous work - namely, "Link Goes to New Orleans". The whole song is rather minimalistic, but refers back to the source enough to be familiar.

This song is one of those interesting ones in that it doesn't strike you up front. You do not turn your head and notice this one right away, so in that sense, it differs from a lot of the other remixes on this site. However, it's well produced, and sounds amazingly natural. You literally slide right into this one. The organ is jsut right, and the bass is excellent.

However, I'd mostly recommend it to people who are rather appreciative of smooth jazz, because it moves along slowly, and not enough occurs in the duration of this mix to keep firm user interest. It moves along at a slow pace, and has a great improv feel to it, but when it passes, you might not even notice it's gone. There's a slight climax at 3:00, and a stronger one closer to 3:53, but the track does not change mood abruptly or vary strongly in volume. You get exactly what it is from the start - and nothing more, nothing less.

It's certainly worth listening to at least once, and jazz fans may really dig this. For me, it was a fascinating listen, but nothing I would repeatedly enjoy over and over again. Definitely worthy of being on OCR, for its uniqueness and the atmosphere that the track generates.


Neskvartetten! I love you!

I love all songs made by Nesk so far, I really do! His Jazz is so awesome and calming. It's nice to listen to when you don't feel like being eaten by the annoying techno beats and rave repeats that every freakin' remix has to have.....It's like my failproof fallback music if I every want to relax.

This song is absolutely genious in my mind. I love the jazz guitar that makes him so notorious. It's perfect and fitting for every beat of the song....I really don't know what else to say, other then calm, smooth perfection.


I really like this remix, it's very mello. It relaxes me, makes me feel like I dont have to worry about anything for a while. Great work Nes. I cant really get the tune, but I still love this jazzy remix :wink:

I havent heard a good jazz remix in a while so this is very nice..

Neskvartetten! I love you!

I love all songs made by Nesk so far, I really do! His Jazz is so awesome and calming. It's nice to listen to when you don't feel like being eaten by the annoying techno beats and rave repeats that every freakin' remix has to have.....It's like my failproof fallback music if I every want to relax.

This song is absolutely genious in my mind. I love the jazz guitar that makes him so notorious. It's perfect and fitting for every beat of the song....I really don't know what else to say, other then calm, smooth perfection.

Neskvartetten is a band, not a person.

"Ten Rupees" is truly great... although I still think that "Ganon's Temple" is a step above everything else. Oh, and this song is like two years old. afk.


Neskvartetten. You can never go wrong with these guys, and their Zelda bias molds well with me anyhow (yeah, I'm a Nintendo fanboy, what you gonna do 'bout it?).

Loving the laid back nature of the mix. The arrangement is great, as per usual for Neskvartetten. A friend of mine thinks that they only play the main melody once and then go off at a tangent for the rest of the mix, but the reality is that the source is evident for the whole song. I'd love to see these guys live.


Hahaha wow. I had this a long time ago, but I lost a lot of music in some big hard drive problem.

This will be good for the guys who've lately wanted some good jazz [jazzy?] stuff on the site.

While I'm not really a fan of sparse, abstract jazzy music [i'm too unsophisticated for it I guess], it's a clearly well-done, professional piece.

Good job :)


Abstract?? This? :D

You have not seen the world yet :D

Anyway, this tune is very old. It's not my favorite of the NK-tunes (oh, and isn't it fun we all have different acronyms for them :D ), but it's bloody good music still!


Trevligt att se att det finns svenska remixare också, ger den här sidan en blandning av nationaliteter.

Hursomhelst, det här var då en väldigt lugn och eftertänksam remix, originalet är ju egentligen ganska hektisk, så att man får panik när man inte hittar den dumma knappen till nästa rum, men tack vare er har den nu fått en mycket mer coolare utsida. Jag är ingen expert av musikgenrer, men själv tycker jag att det här låter mer som blues än jazz, om det fanns ett saxofonsolo kanske jag skulle tänka om, men nu fanns det inget.

Sammanfattningsvist: Bra låt, kan ha den som bakgrundsmusik när som helst. Neskvartetten, ni gör oss svenskar stolta. :D


I can translate that ;P

(proud swedish boy)

Bummerdude wrote on swedish translated to english;

Genial to see that the exists Swedish remixare also, gives this side a mixture of nationalities.

Hursomhelst, this each then a huge there and thoughtful remix, the original is of course actually quite hectic, so that one sheep panic when one does not find the stupid button to next room, but due to your has the now got an a lot of more cooler outside. I am no expert of musical genres, but alone thinks I that this lets more as blue than jazz, about the existed a saxophone sunbathing perhaps I willed intend about, but now existed the no.

Summary sensible: Good tune, can have the as background music when as entire pcs. Neskvartetten, you do us Swedish proud

My own opinion is that it was a really funky tune.

I liked it.

Neskvartetten has done it again ^^

Anyway, this tune is very old. It's not my favorite of the NK-tunes (oh, and isn't it fun we all have different acronyms for them :D ), but it's bloody good music still!

The acronym the band uses for themselves is "NES4", as Neskvartetten means "NES Quartet". Smooth work by these bros as usual, you really can't go wrong with them. Glad to see this piece finally make its way to the site, and I'm always looking forward to more.


Holy crap! You won't believe how happy I was when I meandered to OCR, quite uninentionally actually, and saw the ALttP picture where the newest mix goes. Then I saw the name, and nearly fell over gasping for air! It's been so long, it seems, since we've had new Neskvartetten. Immediately, I downloaded it and listened to it...and have since then three times on repeat. I can't stop listening to it, even though I'm in a computer lab and should have given up my seat about....ten minutes ago.

What we have here is probably the coolest, slickest, smoothest dungeon themes ever. At first I didn't like the whole lack of volume on the piece, but after a second, and even third listen, I love it's faintness...fits with the mellow piece. Gotta love the chord progressions while sticking to the melody enough to keep the nostalgia flowing.

I'm glad to see it made the remixes finally, and props to the NES-4 for contributing to society in such a great way. Keep up the good work!

I can translate that ;P

(proud swedish boy)

Bummerdude wrote on swedish translated to english;

Genial to see that the exists Swedish remixare also, gives this side a mixture of nationalities.

Hursomhelst, this each then a huge there and thoughtful remix, the original is of course actually quite hectic, so that one sheep panic when one does not find the stupid button to next room, but due to your has the now got an a lot of more cooler outside. I am no expert of musical genres, but alone thinks I that this lets more as blue than jazz, about the existed a saxophone sunbathing perhaps I willed intend about, but now existed the no.

Summary sensible: Good tune, can have the as background music when as entire pcs. Neskvartetten, you do us Swedish proud

My own opinion is that it was a really funky tune.

I liked it.

Neskvartetten has done it again ^^

Yay ! First OCR'er from my hometown i believe :D

En jävla kunglig sajt det här :wink:

Anyways..This stuff goes straight on to my playlist ,there's no doubt about that. The Dark World Dungeon jazz really soothes my returning hangover well.

Excellent work guys !!

Genial to see that the exists Swedish remixare also, gives this side a mixture of nationalities.

Hursomhelst, this each then a huge there and thoughtful remix, the original is of course actually quite hectic, so that one sheep panic when one does not find the stupid button to next room, but due to your has the now got an a lot of more cooler outside. I am no expert of musical genres, but alone thinks I that this lets more as blue than jazz, about the existed a saxophone sunbathing perhaps I willed intend about, but now existed the no.

Summary sensible: Good tune, can have the as background music when as entire pcs. Neskvartetten, you do us Swedish proud

Man, you just made my day with that translation! Did you run it thru an online translator? :D


Great job with fusing the tune with the whole mix, making the dungeons seem less threatening hehe...

Everyone seems to say that you are pretty good in these types of mixes, so i'll take their word for it!

I really like the lounge style in this song... relaxing but you are always aware its the dungeon theme... with a massive boss in the end... urgh...

Great Overall job!

Genial to see that the exists Swedish remixare also, gives this side a mixture of nationalities.

Hursomhelst, this each then a huge there and thoughtful remix, the original is of course actually quite hectic, so that one sheep panic when one does not find the stupid button to next room, but due to your has the now got an a lot of more cooler outside. I am no expert of musical genres, but alone thinks I that this lets more as blue than jazz, about the existed a saxophone sunbathing perhaps I willed intend about, but now existed the no.

Summary sensible: Good tune, can have the as background music when as entire pcs. Neskvartetten, you do us Swedish proud

Man, you just made my day with that translation! Did you run it thru an online translator? :D

yes I did I noticed the spelling now xDDD

Yay ! First OCR'er from my hometown i believe Very Happy

En jävla kunglig sajt det här Wink


OCR rocks!

Trefligt med en annan person från Umeå!


Hi, the dude is here. Didn´t realize that my swedish review would cause so much chaos. Sorry bout that. I have noticed that Hanpusudude here has already translated quite well, but so that there aren´t many losses in my thoughts, here are mine translation:

>This was a calm and thoughtful remix, the original is quite hectic, so that you get paniced when you can´t find the stupid button to the next room, but thanks to you it now has a way cooler outside. I´m no musicgenre expert, but I believe that this is more blues than jazz, if there was a saxophone-solo in it I would rethink about it, but now there isn´t one.

To sum it all up: Good mix, you can have it as background music anyday. Neskvartetten, you make us swedes proud.<

There, sorry for the trouble. Hanpusu-kun did a great translate, only a few words wrong. And for the remix:

I stay put on my review. Next time I write in swedish, I should do an english translation at the side. But it sure was funny to see everybody so confusing, I thought noone would care!

Thanks to Neskvartetten, and Hanpusu-kun of course.

Hejdå! (Goodbye!)

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