friendlyHunter Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Teehee! It's him! I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "dee dee dee". Up until a couple years ago, I followed the damn "silent e" rule and thought it was "king de-deed" Kirby's been seen using a new aerial hammer move in Subspace Emissary (one that actually looked useful)... but was that his new sideways-special move, or was it stolen from Dedede??? I'm personally hoping that Kirby has no hammer move (unless it's stolen from Dedede, or other Subspace baddies), saving his side-special move for something more interesting. Bombs? Sword? Fire? Electricity? ....WHEEL??!!?! It would be awesome if Jigglypuff kept her spinning move (or, a less suicidal and more fun variation of it rather), and then Kirby could steal it and turn into a wheel
Global-Trance Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 TheCatPhysician said: too bad the dk/diddy one only lasted a couple days, that was my favorite Yea it's definitely a good one. Sorry but I have to try to be hip and trendy and be on top of everything.
Kiyosuki Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 ohhhh shit. Dedede. You guys have been asking for him for years, I remember it. Anyone who thinks thats a waste of a slot...
Mastertoku Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Wow. Three characters for the Kirby slot! This is... well, to say the least, a bit confusing, but I'm delighted to see it! I hope this means we can expect the same lavish treatment of all the franchises... but then again, Kirby is Sakurai's brainchild, so perhaps he's just giving the series the attention he thought it deserved in the first place. Smash Bros-wise. Do we know approx. how many characters total will be in this?... Heh. I'm looking forward to hearing Snake's briefing on the King... "Otacon! There's a penguin waving a mallet around!..."
MasterSenshi Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I"M TALKING ABOUT! Ok, so if we get Ganon back, that'll be 3 boss characters with Dedede in now... this is so sweet. I'm sorta glad I'm up at nearly 3 AM here. I think I'll abstain from Smash blog for a while. I want some surprises when I get the game... although I'm not sure if I can avoid all game news until Feb. Hmmm.... this sucks in a good way.
Ray Falling Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Strike911 said: EPIC!!!EDIT: AND... I wonder if he'll have his southern accent from the Television show. haha. For some reason I picture him with the voice of Mr. T n_n
Imagist Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I think I said a while back nothing could convince me more to buy this game than Diddy being playable. I was wrong.
Wintermute Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 King Dedede pronounced: King Day-day-day. Emphasis on the first and last, so it's kind of like saying "Day to day" very quickly, with the 'to' being a middle 'duh' sound, i.e. DAYduhDAY. Hope that helps. edit: Just to clarify, this is my (slightly informed) opinion, and may be incorrect. Best results will occur when we hear the smash bros. announcer.
Bigfoot Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Wow, this is awesome. The way things are going, maybe Ridley really is a possibility.
KyleJCrb Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Am I the only one who noticed that one of the Smash Target maps is shaped like Arizona? Of course I'm probably the only one who noticed or cares, especially since it's now OLD NEWS (OMG DEDEDE)... Just thought it interesting.
SwordBreaker Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 OH...MY...GOD... King DeDeDe being playable is so cool! A Nintendo fanboy's dream come true...and it's getting better by the update!
Dunther Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Geoffrey Taucer said: Changing the subject: HOLY SHIT AWESOME REMIX OF THE JUNGLE JAPES THEME IN THE DK VIDEO.That is all. If they even this time will not make a complete Soundtrack disc (that I will buy) I will kill'em! Bigfoot said: Wow, this is awesome.The way things are going, maybe Ridley really is a possibility. I think Ridley will be in as a boss....his dimensions cannot allow him to join the playable characters....
Alpine Flame Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Dunther said: If they even this time will not make a complete Soundtrack disc (that I will buy) I will kill'em!I think Ridley will be in as a boss....his dimensions cannot allow him to join the playable characters.... Allow me to play devil's advocate for a second here... but isnt Metal ridley... a bit.. smaller? Anyway, I dont foresee a playable ridley. Maybe a possessed fusion suit. That would be fun. EPIC RIDLEY BOSS FIGHT!!!!!
Cavanikus Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Maybe Ridley will be boss for the single player mode like petey piranha just a thought. DEDEDE with special waddle Dee throwing move that would make my life complete
Zeklan Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 I knew we'd get a character today. A week and a half of lack-luster updates had to lead to something. Also, I predict a special move update tomorrow. (Dedede's)
Cecilff2 Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Alpine Flame said: Allow me to play devil's advocate for a second here... but isnt Metal ridley... a bit.. smaller? Anyway, I dont foresee a playable ridley. Maybe a possessed fusion suit. That would be fun. EPIC RIDLEY BOSS FIGHT!!!!! Living Chozo Statue for Brawl 08.
Airwalker Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Wintermute said: King Dedede pronounced:King Day-day-day. Emphasis on the first and last, so it's kind of like saying "Day to day" very quickly, with the 'to' being a middle 'duh' sound, i.e. DAYduhDAY. Hope that helps. edit: Just to clarify, this is my (slightly informed) opinion, and may be incorrect. Best results will occur when we hear the smash bros. announcer. I think we can all agree the only way to pronounce it is the Carlos Mencia way. Gosh, I hate that guy.
Infinity's End Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Whoever was talking about Ridley as playable needs to rethink their options... Although undeniably cool, Ridley is about 3X-4X the size of Samus, or any other character, for that matter. So shrinking him down would just be an insult to the character itself. I'm really excited to play as Dedede, I had a hunch he was going to be playable this time around! I still wonder what those 2 other worlds that we haven't seen yet are going to be... Has anyone thought that they might put Mii's as a character? Think of it: They just have to pop your head on a generic body (or even a Mii body), give you some move sets, and bam! Mii fighter. They really need to do something along these lines.
eternal Zero Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Please, not the Mencia way. It's really just D D D. As if saying the letter three times. Though, the Japanese way to say it is most definitely "deh deh deh". But hot damn I want to know his final smash.
Triad Orion Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 But, as addressed earlier, Ridley would be one bad ass boss for Subspace Emissary. If Ridley's not in THERE, at least, I will be deeply saddened because Ridley's frigging awesome. As for the update? Never been much of a Kirby player, but I am thrilled to see Dedede, because now there's probably a hammer-character to play as rather than all the silly sword-characters. Only way THAT could get cooler is if they introduced Hector as playable... >> Anyway, Dedede looks like he'll be a blast to play. Nothing like a penguin looking thing with a big honkin' hammer. Joy.
BardicKnowledge Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Too bad he probably won't float -- I want him to play like he fights in Kirby's Adventure...but that more than likely won't happen. I'd settle for a massive swallow/throw move. Anyone else a fan of using Kirby to shoot stars at people in Smash?
DjSammyG Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Quote The self-proclaimed king of Dream Land formally joins the brawl! Mechanizing his wooden mallet, he delivers a mighty, earth-shaking blow!He joins as a member of the heavyweight class alongside Bowser and Donkey Kong. Can he defeat Kirby?! iCame. 10char
Fb=MC2 Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Mastertoku said: Wow. Three characters for the Kirby slot! This is... well, to say the least, a bit confusing, but I'm delighted to see it!I hope this means we can expect the same lavish treatment of all the franchises... but then again, Kirby is Sakurai's brainchild, so perhaps he's just giving the series the attention he thought it deserved in the first place. Smash Bros-wise. Do we know approx. how many characters total will be in this?... Heh. I'm looking forward to hearing Snake's briefing on the King... "Otacon! There's a penguin waving a mallet around!..." Isn't Smash Bros. based off the idea of a kirby superstar where players can fight each other instead of just the computer? So, why not put in characters from the inspirational game in smash. The first thing I though of when I played smash was . o O (this games's just like kirby superstar only I'm fighting my friends.). When I played KSS I always wished they'd make a game just like it where people could battle each other. A fighting game with simple controls just like KSS, and that's all smash bros. is really. Not to mention both are made by halken laboratory.
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