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This song is easily now in my top ten from this site, I love it. Everything just plays out perfectly. I caught the Forest of Illusion theme in there, but it sounded so natural in the song that at first I had to actually think about whether or not is was from the original castle theme or not.

What I really love about this song though is the ending. Hands down, that is the perfect ending, not only because of the build up, but also because I played the game, so that it immeaditly calls up an image of Mario standing on the roof of Bowser's castle just as the evil king appears.

  • 2 weeks later...
This song is easily now in my top ten from this site, I love it. Everything just plays out perfectly. I caught the Forest of Illusion theme in there, but it sounded so natural in the song that at first I had to actually think about whether or not is was from the original castle theme or not.

What I really love about this song though is the ending. Hands down, that is the perfect ending, not only because of the build up, but also because I played the game, so that it immeaditly calls up an image of Mario standing on the roof of Bowser's castle just as the evil king appears.

When I first heard this one, I was floored.

I have NEVER seen anyone write a composition as menacing and smooth as this mix.

I was overwhelmed with joyous abandon as I heard the rock guitar and organ strike in, juxtaposed in themselves, but syncing with the rest of the piece beautifully.

This one was so good, I had to burn it to a disk so i could hear when I wake up to it.


I now need some more writable disks...

  • 1 month later...

I have to add that my friends were FLOORED when I made them listen to this remix. They're not big fans in the videogame music scene and they usually make fun of me because I listen to game soundtracks and remixes, but when I made them listen to this one on my PSP...one of them was like, "what the fuck...? Man, Nintendo should seriously hire this dude! I'm seriously imagining various game storyline scenarios which can fit with this song."

  • 1 month later...

I like it. I like it, a lot.

It is just consistantly cool, every last part is thoroughly enjoyable. This defines what remixing is about, 100%. It is fresh and innovative enough to stand out, yet faithful enough to the original that you can immediately recognize it.

I can say quite conservatively that it's probably one of my favourite remixes on the site. Bravo.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This song is nothing short of epic its by far zircons best work out of all the stuff Ive heard him make and its going to be hard for him to top, Definitely the best mario remix ive heard and there have been some very good ones out there. Very well produced, congratulations Zircon on this great mix.

  • 1 month later...

I had downloaded this song quite a while back. And for whatever reason it got saved to my pictures folder, thus causing it to be forgotten for a long period of time. I usually move song files into a proper music folder and add them to my playlist immediately. But that wasn't the case this time. Anyway, not too long ago I was cleaning out my pictures folder and I came across this song. And upon listening to it, I was blown away. Why had I not known about this song sooner? Needless to say, it was on repeat for quite a while.

I don't know jack about musical terminology, but I just want to say this is a VERY high quality tune. Thank you, zircon, for creating a masterpiece of godly proportions.

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Since I first heard it, this has been and will forever remain my favorite OC Remix ever. Thrilling, awe-inspiring, and amazing, that's all that can be said. zircon, us lesser mortals grovel at your musical feet...er...well that came out awkwardly.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 6 months later...

If there was a top ten list for OverClocked ReMix's best ReMixs, this amazing track would be on it. Seriously, this is sooooo evil sounding, and I love it! The last minute with the "marching" bit was the perfect way to send it off in, like the troopas heading for war one more time. So good.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

wow, long-time lurker here, been visiting OCR for the last 10 years now (seriously! I still remember Chris Abbott's Arkanoid. I cannot believe how far this site has come!), and this is my first post. I was digging through the OCR archives and ran into this gem. Just had to say, this is a serious remix. TBH I never thought my first post would be coming for zircon (No offense! your earlier stuff didn't do it for me), but this is GREAT. Now I have to go through all of zircon's work to see what else I missed..

the last remix that made me feel this good was star salzman's singing robot :lol:

anyway, have a nice day gents, thanks for a trip down memory lane zircon :D

edit: After digging through archives, it seems I've somehow mistaken zircon for some other remixer that I cannot remember. How I missed this I have no idea, but just about everything zircon's made is golden. I think what happened is I was too entranced by some of the other remixers with more recognizable names to bother downloading anything new. Ohhhh I remember this was back before OCR had youtube previews on the mix description, back then I only downloaded mixes from specific remixers and almost completely ignored the rest if I didn't know them.. DJPretzel, adding the youtube previews was KEY btw

Anyway moral of the story zircon rocks and you should download this right away ;(

Edited by hyzteria
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

This is an all-time OCR classic.

I'm already a sucker for eletronic + orchestra combinations, and the guitars that come into the equation during the chorus just make this mix irresistible to me. I also appreciate that it retains the eeriness of the original, amazing work.

Download it now!

Edited by Holy Land

Awesome TO THE MAX!!! I can imagine Mario going into the castle. He sees some bad guys ready to fight him, so he goes and fights them. Then, Mario reaches Bowser Koopa's lair and starts to fight him, eventually Bowser gets killed and buried on a hill.

  • 2 months later...

i definitely feel the epic battle at the end, i couldn't help but picture mario running up to the bridge the when the organ crescendo hits, and bowser rises to tower over him as only a true monolith could.

I feel very much in his house

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