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Welcome to all newcomers! It seems like people are joining in droves now-a-days, which is a great thing.

I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Don't feel pressured to contribute anything immediatley, just post in threads that interest you and you feel you can add to.

Just steer clear of unmo....oh, never mind.


Just steer clear of unmo....oh, never mind.

I'm sad now... Seriously, I ship out to IET, and come back to find out like a quarter of the board got banned in the Sidebar Jihad, and then within a month, the Forums shifts, Unmod gets nuked, and VGDJ goes belly up. I seriously feel like I did when WizKids took over Battletech, I'll get used to it, but it won't be the same.

Anyhow, Newcomers, enjoy the new OCR!


Not really a newbie but I'm thinking of returning to these boards after what has to have been nearly 2 years. So I guess to most people here I am new.

I must say the first few topics I've looked at have somewhat dampened my enthusiasm for returning, especially seeing that the artwork that used to form a signature has gone rather downhill.

In short, I'm a guy in England, a guy who likes other guys (OMFG QUEER!!!!1) and someone who doesn't have much tolerance for idiots.

At my core I'm a nice person though, even if I do come over a little more aggressive than I intend to.


Greetings everyone!

My name is William, and I have been browsing this site for a few years now.

It has always been a source of inspiration, but I am also envying the people here with the talent and determination to give the lovable tunes from the past the shine they originally deserved.

I have a dream, something I want to accomplish in this life, and it is to one day contribute with my own remix on this site.

I'm familiar with a few different programs, mostly Reason, and I play the guitar regularly. But I often feel crippled, because I can't release the music I hear in my head, due to lack of theory.

This is propably because of lack of talent and will, but I am determined to do it one day, even though it will take some time.(Hopefully OCR hasn't been destroyed from natural disasters or the end of the world or anything)

Anyway, I'd like to everyone who even read my introduction of myself. Hope to see you out there!



Greetings and salutations.

I've looked at the site before, and liked the music. I play a couple of brass instruments, but lack the recording devices for that skill to matter here. I do tinker with FL from time to time, though.


Yo everyone!

I found this site sometime ago but then lost it and was unable to find it again.

Th past January I attended the Video Games Live show and picked up the Earthworm Jim Anthology by Tommy Tallarico... later that evening we ended up hanging out with Tommy, the Video Game Pianist, Aktrez and Jack Wall at Denny's when they came in and were seated right next to us.

Becasue of Tommy I found this site again becasue he's really into the communtiy here.

He told me to check it out and the URL is even printe din the Earthworm Jim booklet.

So I been hanging around here since January and I'm hooked.

Within my first few DAYS here I had 2 discs worth of music downloaded :)

I finally decided to join the fourms!

More About Me:

I'm 22 and attending community college.

I'm a mod at http://www.hobbyistsparadise.com

I am an artist who has adapted the anime art style

starting from 5th grade. my art gallery is lat DeviantArt: http://toshimustgrind.deviantart.com

I'm a fan of anime, obviously, with top favourites being Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate and Nerima Daikon Brothers.

I attend anime conventions and cosplay as characters. So far I only have Spike Spiegel but I have Arucard (Hellsing), Chris Redfield (Gamecube REmake alternitive outfit), Ichiro (Nerima Daikon Brothers) being worked on now and I'm aiming to get a Vash and Mugen (Samurai Champloo) done next year or so.

Favorutie games include (but are not limited to... heh) Shadow of the Colossus, Burnout Revenge, Okami, Resident Evil series, Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Trigger, Super Smash Bros Melee, Earthworm Jim, Legend of Zelda series

Favourtie bands include: Tub Ring, Blind Guardian, Mindless Self Indulgence, Joe Satriani, ZZ Top, and the Black Mages


I've been listening to stuff on OCR for a number of years now, and have always kept up with events here, I just never got around to actually JOINING the forums.

Well I have now.

I am 21 and I am about to get my commission as a 2LT in the US Army. Not too much time to myself so I doubt I'll be posting all too much.

I enjoy RPGs and Action/Adventure games. I like shrimp and purple hi-liters. ...and that's about it.

Looking forward to being a part of the community as opposed to just watching from the outside.


I've been downloading mixes for quite a while, but this is my first time in the registered user's seat. Anything you want to know about me, check the profile. If that doesn't answer your question, just send me a message and I'll answer it as best as I can. Unfortunately, I have a knack of disappearing completely from forums from time to time. There are times when I absolutely cannot login because I have loads of work or I'm on holiday.



Not really a newbie, per se, but I've been gone for a LOOOONG time. I've decided to come back because... well I followed Justus here. :P

I want to be a remixer, but I am at a disadvantage due to the fact that audio development in Linux is still kinda shaky. Of course, I won't let a little turbulence scare me off of this flight. ;)

Oh yeah, and I'm poor, so if I wanted Windows (which I DON'T want) or a Mac (which I could totally live with), I couldn't get them anyway. I'm lucky I have a midiman usb uno and VERY lucky that my parents bought this keyboard for me.

I'm making my first remix right now using my Casio WK-3500 and Rosegarden, which is the best MIDI sequencer for Linux as far as I can tell. It doesn't sound half bad if I say so myself... but all I have is a 19 second piano part that isn't even half done yet. But on the up side, I learned my way around Rosegarden and how to mess with stuff like reverb and chorus. I would try to get some of the more advanced effects on this keyboard working, but I don't know how and I probably won't need them anyhow. At least, not yet. I wish I had a bank list and controller list for this keyboard but I can't find one on the Internet, which should be a vast store of knowledge. <_<

I don't expect my first remix to be anything spectacular, but I'd like to get some feedback and learn from the experience.


So yeah, just rejoined (Wasnt aware of an inactivity prune thing..)

Not that I actually got around to posting before, as the forums would glitch and log me off as soon as I logged in, or say that I need to log in, to log in.


Well, I guess I'm new. I joined a while back, hoping to be able to add in my two cents about a few remixes here and there, but never got around to it. Here's hoping I'll be more successful this time around. ^_^;


Hey all! I'm also new here; I've been mooching off the albums and remixes for awhile but have just recently joined. I used to do a lot of tinkering with Fruityloops... 3.4. I hope once I get to college I'll have the time and money (for programs and such) to learn how to compose half as well as most of you people. I've wanted to for a long time, and I'm doing my best to pick things up along the way! I hope I can make some sort of difference here.


Hi. My name is Silvio, I'm from Romania and I currently work for an indie game developer in my country. So far, we're close to release one finished project, a space-based real time strategy in 3D called Galactic Dream: Rage of War .

I don't know if I'm allowed to post any links so, if curious about the game, feel free to search it on Google. One question: Where should I post to request soundtracks to use in our projects?


Hey all, I am new here, and plan to stick around.

I am definitely a mooch of mp3s here, and have no shame about it.

I am different though: I am actively seeking to benefit and promote any game music makers that want my help. NESkimos were the first band to introduce me to this amazing genre, if i can all it that. Since then I have been a big time fan of the typical Minibosses and the Advantage. I am fascinated to find so many bands doing this stuff through myspace: vomitron, bitshifter, entertainment system, powerglove etc

so I guess I lean more to the 'rock' side of remixes, but it doesn't mean I dont have passion for what all of you guys are doing. Let meknow how I can help you.

And I will always something to the effect of "God Bless" because I take up my identity in Christ. That doesn't mean I am unrealistic or a social hermit or critic, just new.

so God Bless!


Another new one, here. I am completely unadept when it comes to music but I do thoroughly enjoy it. I've been partaking of OCRemix for maybe 8 months to a year now. I'm a college student in her last semester, freaking out about finding a job in my wonderful field of 3D Character Animation. I probably don't have that much to contribute to a community based on making music, but nevertheless, I'm registered now. :P


Hello to everyone! this site is awesome! it was presented to me by a french friend from youtube community! I've a question : is it possible to download the beautiful video game songs from this site? Cause I've listened a lot of songs ( in particular of zelda and castlevania) and really want to have them on my i-pod!

You are the best

Hello to everyone! this site is awesome! it was presented to me by a french friend from youtube community! I've a question : is it possible to download the beautiful video game songs from this site? Cause I've listened a lot of songs ( in particular of zelda and castlevania) and really want to have them on my i-pod!

You are the best

right click -> save as...

Welcome to the site.

I'm Brushfire2004 and I was wondering how to obtain a nifty ranking under my name.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Post away, friend. The number of posts here at OCR is directly proportional to the number corresponding to the various rankings you refer to, i.e. under my name is the label "Chrono (+800)" signifying that I have amassed over 800 posts in the nearly two years being a member of this forum. The regulars don't post as slowly as I do, normally, but some of us are content to stick with our favorite threads and not many others.

You'll get your first ranking as soon as you reach 25 posts.

EDIT: Also, that is one kicking sig, yo. Axel is da man... er, VGCat, in this case...

And I will always something to the effect of "God Bless" because I take up my identity in Christ. That doesn't mean I am unrealistic or a social hermit or critic, just new.

so God Bless!

's cool.

Just don't put it on the end of every friggin post, like this guy.

All I ask.

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