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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Time for my first post-Mixpost post! I've waited YEARS to say that!! It's been a trip but OCR has been the primary driving force to improving my production skills. Been a fan of the site and community since 2005 and started actively remixing and assembling my studio in 2010. Feels great to finally be over that bar.
    5 points
  2. You better fucking like those gifts. I had to sift through your Steam account, your post history on OCR, and then finally I asked Darkesword for hints. Took me three days of (kinda-sorta) detective work to figure out what you wanted. Seriously, people: the form on the first page, where you fill out your address, also has this big section for a wishlist. FILL IT OUT NEXT YEAR, GUYS. Also, crack those babies open and let's see some action poses, Arrow!
    3 points
  3. IPS does have this option. I believe to use it with Facebook you need to have an SSL cert issued by a trusted authority (i.e. not self-signed) - this is something we need, something our Patreon backers have made possible & less painful economically, and absolutely something we plan on doing, possibly as soon as next month!
    3 points
  4. I got my present from my Secret Santa a while ago but just opened it the other day. It was a black OCR shirt! Definitely always wanted to have one. Thanks, Secret Santa!
    2 points
  5. Really enjoyed the movie and I will probably see it again when it's available to see at home. Several others have shared my opinion on the movie, which is that it tries too hard to be an episode 4 reboot for it to be truly great. But this is the Star Wars movie we need right now though, something to set the tone for the new trilogy, to wash out the bad taste of the prequels. They can save greatness for ep 8. The acting was better than it needed to be, which was nice (Ridley in particular was excellent), and the special effects were great. My complaints are pretty few and minor - some of the jokes didn't land, and the movie was slightly too overstuffed for me. I think it could have done with one or two fewer characters, and a couple scenes went too quickly for me to really appreciate what was happening. It's not like A New Hope didn't have problems with its script and story either. Ep 7 would easily be a direct post if I were a movie judge. I'm super excited about Rian Johnson writing and directing the next one. Looper was a dark, innovative take on a well-worn sci-fi concept, and I'd love to see what he can do with this well-worn universe. If they are following the spirit of the original trilogy (if not the actual plot), he seems like the right director to do the Empire Strikes Back reboot.
    2 points
  6. A very intimate remix, which perfectly fits this season. The choice of instruments is great here -- love how you chose them and put them together. The mood is quite relaxing and chilly -- nice atmosphere (much needed when you wake up at 4:30 AM to work on some university stuff, ouch). Clean production as well. Congrats to Garpo for his mixpost! -- hope to see more from you soon.
    2 points
  7. Thirded just cause free sample libraries have taught me how painful account-making renders some things.
    2 points
  8. Arrow

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    The Damned returns with the most fire gift of 2015.
    2 points
  9. Come one, come all, and do some reviews! This is the time of year when many needy mixes need extra love and attention, because it's a good month to do it! It's cold out, you are inside, now is the time to listen to some of the millions thousands of mixes that you can download for FREE and then write something about them. It can be a sentence, it can be a paragraph, it can even be a sentence AND a paragraph! GET YE TO THIS PAGE AND START REVIEWING! TRACK THE NUMBER OF REVIEWS YOU DO SOMETHING GOOD HAPPENS?! * COMPLIMENT MY REALLY PRETTY TYPOGRAPHY * There are bribes presents for people who review! There will be little signature badges for people to show off their awesomeness, and if you review MANY SONGS, there are even better presents! 50 Reviews in December: Download code for Mega Man 25th anniversary album 100 Reviews in December: add a Physical copy of Final Fantasy Random Encounter 200 Reviews in December: add a Physical copy of Final Fantasy VI Balance and Ruin OR Final Fantasy VII Voices of the Lifestream 500 Reviews in December: I will come to your house and act like your dog. I could be your dog! Helpful Review Forum Links: ReMixes with the Least Number of Reviews ReMixes that Haven't Been Reviewed in a Long Time
    1 point
  10. Necrox

    MMZ3 - Cannon Ball

    Thanksgiving... more like Creativitygiving.
    1 point
  11. Nice rock remix. I like how the drums aren't stuck to a typical beat and instead switch between different rhytms in the different riffs of the song. However, I feel the drum sequencing is very mechanical (very notice-able in the section where the drums play like orchestral percussion). The bass also felt mechanical in the 2:00 section. Regarding the arrangement, I like the idea of symphonic rock, suits the sources well. I did feel you were lacking some instruments playing higher notes though, since it felt that everything was in the middle. Overall, this is a rather nice rock remix. I'm disappointed you didn't use the "Character Select" theme from Smash 64 though haha.
    1 point
  12. Right after you paste the link, press enter.
    1 point
  13. Congrats on the mix-post! This is really good! It's super-relaxing and I really do love the acoustic guitar. I also did not find it repetitive at all. Not much else I can say except I enjoyed the hell out of it!
    1 point
  14. Dracolixeous

    Drive Any Track

    This was something I had planned to write out for, what feels like a long time but held back for various reasons. Also no means a promotion of anything, just someone wishing to share my personal enjoyment of things. Gaming in general, racing games (because we all love speed right?) and video game music! Game is available here by the way. Never really used the forums. Not out of fear so much really, but probably lack of need to. Anyways! Figured what best place to talk about this, since it involves video game music. Mainly from OCR of course, but other sources as well. I was going to do a video pretty much, as a personal promotion of both OCR (and others) music and the game itself. Never really came to fruition because, as I planned that out my USB cable failed on my headset (Logitech G633). Replaced that this month, but as I was waiting I did a bunch of videos in the meantime. So that became a priority to upload, even if it had no real views at all. It just felt like I did something useful, probably shows a lot about myself huh? Besides that anyways. I wanted to post on here, to kinda show off both. I did a couple one-off videos, mostly when I first started out. Found the game sound was a little high, and later changed that for future videos. Top 2 videos are here and here which I had fun doing, just noticed the drifting sound was a bit overpowering. Also I changed my video naming scheme, when I moved onto CEO 2015: Champion. Which shows up after on my channel, because it was unlisted for so long. Mostly holding back until I got things posted and such, but I couldn't help but continue playing. So in the end I organized on a playlist, all the videos as they were to be actually listed. I ended up covering Apex 2014 at complete random, when I was looking for music so that became my latest uploads. Super Cartography Bros was released, as I was in the middle of everything. So that was also done but sitting there on my drive, I also noted Undertale for it's great music as well. Which of course I bought the soundtrack, along with many other that fill out my music library. Mostly this became a thing of personal enjoyment, as I have enjoyed OC ReMix so long ago. Just never really posted on much when I was a kid, even when I got older I mostly avoided saying a whole lot. Mostly this became a sort-of thank you, to the artists who spend many hours on their music. Who are often unappreciated for all that work, and I wanted to showcase the music in a way I knew was possible. I randomly came across this game, as I was looking for something racing related. Found it was for music and enjoyed myself, just as I spend many hours often listening to game music. If there's any potential questions or likely requests, I'm here to answer since I'd like to share what I can with others who are missing out. P.S. Sorry this was a long post, just it took a lot to actually push myself into posting. It's like walking into a lion's den, and hoping not to get mauled.
    1 point
  15. Awesome man! I can dance to that! (Which I did). This is a real remix, you really changed up a lot. Adding vocals would probably do it justice, it has that potential. About the source material, You gave every aspect of the original your twist, which at first would give the impression that it's a totally different song(and you changed the music style). Maybe it's an idea to add the lead melody to your remix, making a more direct reference to the original... After a while it does become kinda monotone, because the variations are very subtle. It's a trait of Hiphop-music, which is what makes it so great for rapping. HipHop dance communities would probably like it though. trying to dance and move on every hit is quite advanced. Maybe add a few not so subtle moments into it. Keeps the listeners allert. Wiches be like: Girl, where my cattle at? But again, Awesome! Please continue making music!
    1 point
  16. I think this kind of evokes a hometown-like feel (y'know, like the ones discussed in the "town themes" thread) due to the acoustic guitar, flute, and overall 'welcoming' vibe. I didn't find this repetitive at all, actually; just the right length. The production is only mildly problematic (a little midrange-heavy); not enough to really have much to complain about in this context. Congrats on the mixpost! Keep on improving!
    1 point
  17. Hell yeah dude! Grats on your first mixpost. I'm sure it's been a long time comin'! To speak just about the mix alone, I'm totally feelin' the Enya new-age vibe. That guitar is, I don't think I can use any other words than Chimp: It's sweet. Very mellow, very smooth, good production. I'm feelin' some deep feels here. Great job dude. Lookin' forward to the next.
    1 point
  18. Hey man, this is awesome! Sounds really nice It's nice to see someone who actually knows how to handle an EWI--I know a lot of wind players who just kind of, uh, have them. And that's it. I do youtube stuff like this too, so let me know if you wanna collab sometime! Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7206KnnMYvI Edit: wait a minute did you just friend me on Facebook lol
    1 point
  19. Watched the movie yesterday not having seen any of the trailers or knowing much about the story or characters at all. I was pleasantly surprised by how restrained the whole thing felt compared to the prequel trilogy. No Duel of the Fates in the score, no massive space battles, no over-the-top lightsaber fights, no needlessly convoluted story threads, and no one building secret bases in lava biomes just for the hell of it. Still not sure how I feel about the direct parallels between VII and IV, but the idea that the trilogies are supposed to reflect one another in themes and story arcs was already established by Lucas in the prequel trilogy, so I'm entirely willing to give the writers the benefit of the doubt on this one.
    1 point
  20. I really enjoyed your song! I'm in the same boat as you with EWQLSO Gold; I'd love to have the close and hall mics available for more sound.
    1 point
  21. As we all know the stronger you are the more lightsaber twirls you can slip between your attacks.
    1 point
  22. I'm not sure which movies you're watching but the stormtrooper foot soldiers only lose one fight in the entire original trilogy
    1 point
  23. I honestly prefer the lightsaber duels of the original trilogy and episode VII. They're more like legit sword fights rather than live-action anime with flips and shit.
    1 point
  24. I'm honored to have my remix lead in the album this year. Great job, everyone.
    1 point
  25. Awesome job everyone and Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  26. Hooray for Christmas musak!
    1 point
  27. I never even saw a thread on this, I thought it was being skipped this year. Thanks much for the free album *downloads* =D
    1 point
  28. A Merry Christmas to everyone! This was a very fun project to work on and I'd like to thank everyone involved for their very helpful advices and feedbacks! Can't wait to get involved in another OCR project
    1 point
  29. Highlights: Kylo being a tryhard (probably my favorite choice the filmmakers made) Han landing a few more one-liners before exiting the saga Seeing the inside of a TIE fighter(!) Having the major themes of the original trilogy explored a little further (this annoyed some people, but not me) The joy of anticipation. It's been a long time since I've watched a tentpole movie and actually been hungry for more. I'm so pumped to see what Rian Johnson does with the next film. Lowlights: Who cares? This film has flaws. So do all the others (except Empire IMO, but there are still people who hate that movie). Expecting perfection from a subjective medium is a recipe for unhappiness. I thought Episode 7 was great.
    1 point
  30. Merry Christmas, folks. Hope you enjoy the music and such we merry band of misfit musicians put together for you all.
    1 point
  31. Yay! I'm currently on vacation and just got WiFi at my hotel. Glad I could catch this album in time for Christmas! This was my first entry to any OCRemix project and it was definitely a learning experience. Thanks for letting me tag along!
    1 point
  32. Glad to be a part of this again, thank you Coop, Dyne and everyone else involved and have a great christmas and happy new years!
    1 point
  33. There is a plan in my head for v.10. Details after the start of the new year.
    1 point
  34. First mix is up @ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03280 Congrats to @DusK & @The Coop & everyone involved!
    1 point
  35. I second this. Even if I prefer to login with my OCR account, I'm pretty sure that'd be great to reach more people!
    1 point
  36. Well, you obviously could! Meanwhile, I was wondering if being able to login/register with social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) would lower the barrier of contribution on the forums.
    1 point
  37. Interesting track -> rough headphone mix
    1 point
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