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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2016 in all areas

  1. Next Monday is World Hate Day then? I don't think that's a good idea though. When has the album ever really been about hating the world? I get it, we remixed boss themes, doesn't mean we have to be maniacs.
    4 points
  2. I'd love some feedback on my last remix from the Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet from late last year. (http://ocremix.org/community/topic/41336-mega-man-x-the-sigma-fortress-remix-gauntlet-2015/ Any feedback is welcome! You can either post your comments in this thread or on SoundCloud. I plan on submitting this to the OCR judges panel.
    2 points
  3. The thing about albums is that if you really like a game and its soundtrack, you should commit to doing the album for that game.. not asking if people are interested and posting a few different album ideas, etc etc... because people will start to see a pattern of stuff not happening and they'll question the validity of the project you eventually decide on.. what's to stop you from being like "Undertale is old hat now.. hey this new game just dropped, wow this song is cool! hey you guys wanna do an album for this!?" I also disagree on choosing something popular to do 'just because'. Even if you choose something that isn't really popular, you can still find people who care about that music as much as you should (if you're doing an album for it).. pick something that really appeals to you on a personal level, and follow it through. That's more important than gauging interest in a bunch of things and deciding to do what other people like the most. but what do I know, I'm crazy!
    2 points
  4. Hello I'm Hashel05 I play guitar and bass (originality level: 0/10) and with my friend Deiselc1 we claimed "Shuffle or Boogie" and i hope it will fits the average quality of this album The song is already done and posted on YT few months ago but i did sent stems to Brandon so he can re-mix it I'm also the organizer of the "FF8 - Seas of Time" album mentioned by Mr. Jackson Parodi a bit earlier! Really nice to meet you guys =)
    2 points
  5. Can't wait to see the trailer, I forgot how it looked like since I made it lol
    2 points
  6. I mostly just stick to the original 32khz rate and with filtering enabled. What higher sample rates bring to the table is entirely dependant on the nature of the samples and how they are used in the respective soundtrack. If it contains sounds that are often played at tones above the native pitches they are stored in, then it might sound a bit brighter. I think soundtracks with lots of simplistic waveform sounds usually benefit the most from this. But a soundtrack like Super Metroid, which mostly uses instruments stored at a high pitch at 32khz and are then downsampled, will not gain anything from that. Disabling or cutting back on interpolation is very hit and miss. I think it would generally follow the same rule of thumb I described above. Simple sounds might sound a bit sharper and crunchier with less interpolation which can arguably be a benefit. But the technical nature of a soundtrack like Super Metroid is actually just going to harm it and turn the whole thing into an aliased mess.
    2 points
  7. Hey guys, I just finished putting this track together and I'd love to hear what you think of it! I usually do very straight transcriptions, so it was fun approaching this as a bit more of an arrangement!
    1 point
  8. I always copypasta what the directions change and replace all the info (remixer name, source names) by copying them from the first post. I use the temp title TITLE throughout the writing process so I can just replace it later. So mine will be: ladyWildfire - TITLE (Abandoned Castle, 1479; Inner Quarters, 2035; and Inner Halls, 1476) It isn't rocket science guys.
    1 point
  9. Not sure if I was one of them (I tried), but if 50% of the names are wrong it probably means the instructions are too difficult or unclear Or as Sun Tzu put it: "If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their oficers.”
    1 point
  10. Holy Hell.....Everyone in this round knocked it out of the park. I know its cliche to say " Wow great round" especial when its the round I'm taking part in, but Simon Bracket is hands down going to be the hardest to vote for....I'm gonna need a few days to mull these over....wow.....wowiewowwowwow........
    1 point
  11. Yes, I'm still among the living, just haven't had much time to partake in the thread...Its funny since working overtime on this remix I found myself emulating the Count's habits. Sleeping all day, up all night, avoiding all daylight, leaving my dwelling only to feed and terrorizing the illiterate peasants of Walachia in the late 1890's. I'll swing by tomorrow and see how everyone's doing, Night.
    1 point
  12. Brandon Strader

    best. song. ever.

    This is always gonna be the best song ever. It's in the lyrics... you can't really argue with it
    1 point
  13. Rozovian

    Workshop Discussion

    "What do you think about the idea to let people post their work and give additional information, like what they wanted to achieve, what do they need feedback for, short description of their work or so?" You mean we don't _let_ people do that already? If someone wants some specific feedback, they're free to ask for that. I can add that to the How-to post. But I don't want to make it any more formal than necessary. If people just want to dump a link to track into a minimalistically titled thread, and see what response they, that's okay. If people want specific feedback on their drums humanization, frequency balance, arrangement, or whatever, they can just say so. If they want to share what their plan was and what their own thoughts on the mix are, that's fine too. Freedom! But you're right in that it should be encouraged in the How-to post. We're working on a post about tags and how to use them, too (to be added to the How-to thread). It's a related thing, and might help clear things up for some tracks, eg covers tagged as such vs. ocr-intended tracks.
    1 point
  14. Disclaimer: Do not interpret this following post as legal advice on how to interpret your contract. That being said, every proper WFH contract that I've seen has had a termination clause(s) that detail how to prematurely terminate the agreement. What goes to who, time windows, etc. Without it, things get very sticky if someone tries to simply leave. If you're not going to let this go, you need to seek legal aid. You not having a case against someone could very easily translate to them having a case against you, and you never want that. EDIT: I just read you said all you signed was a one-paragraph NDA. Unless that one paragraph had USA Declaration of Independence level sentence structure, it doesn't seem like there's any security of your rights. 1. It seems the paragraph didn't have a termination clause. I would seek legal advice to inquire about whether this contract is still in effect. If it is, you're in a really tough spot if you try to make noise or take action. If it's still in effect, then you getting mad about them posting your music and crediting you is actually a bit unreasonable (this is a strong reason to move on and forget about it before it backfires). Unless you also had writing detailing that they couldn't post it without your express approval.
    1 point
  15. timaeus222

    Workshop Discussion

    Obviously I'm not Rozovian, but for another perspective, here's my take on it. Even if someone has some idea of what kind of OCR-oriented feedback they want (such as specifically mixing), they might not be aware of other issues that are also important (such as an overly-conservative arrangement, or an overly-liberal arrangement). I like the idea of adding a short description; it encourages people to actually spend time to say *something* about their track, and sometimes I see people post JUST the links and nothing else, and it feels like advertisement to me. I would be fine with having the goals there, and I think that would help more people than not, but I personally don't really need explicitly stated goals to figure them out. Maybe it's just me. It still helps more of the time to have those goals there, sure. It's fine and dandy to ask for specific feedback, and I'm aware you didn't imply the following, but I would not go so far as to suggest that being closed-minded towards feedback that was NOT requested is conducive to the ReMixer's learning. So, while I would support asking for specific feedback, I would also encourage being open-minded to all feedback, even if it was not asked for. It would be, again, because the ReMixer might need feedback on something they don't think they need help on. (Believe me, there are people out there every now and then who think they've got certain things down pat when they really don't, and then sometimes they deny the feedback they don't want because they didn't ask for it, or something crazy like that. )
    1 point
  16. Then you take Nabeel's advice and move on. Save the kvetching for MAGFest, GDC, or other networking events. It doesn't sound like they're any thing impressive from your description and probably not even a formalized company. Feel free to threaten them with legal action if they use any of your work, but have teeth when you attack, not just bark. I had a problem with an indie dev once when he and I had been sort of off-and-on working on this project of his since 2007--he was really slow moving--so I gave him time when he asked for it. Then time went on and he decided to do a Kickstarter, I crunched a bit for his trailer, fixed a lot of his mistakes, etc. and let him handle the Kickstarter after launch. He didn't get funding, of course, because he was terrible at marketing and he went quiet after that. Some time later I find out that he's working on the project with some other composer with no explanation at all. I eviscerated him in an email while simultaneously warning the incoming composer that the project floundered because of the main dev sitting on his ass most of the time not knowing what he's doing--my language was strong enough to scare him from using any of my assets and all the online promotional stuff with my music and sound was taken down within a day or so. I'm happy to burn that bridge, that guy was an ass to pull the crap he pulled and then I move on. If my stuff shows up on the project, you can be sure I'll send a C&D. But unless you're willing to take legal action, there is NO RECOURSE. The Internet is too much of an infinite void of rage and complaints, you just become part of the noise. Complaining does nothing. Sharpen your teeth and get serious or move on and accept that there will be people out there that will roll over the easy.
    1 point
  17. Arrangement is amaaaaaazing. Production is a bit muddy at points but the arrangement just farts all over it. Killer Studio Chops indeed. Moar. Edit: I just realised the guitarist is Bret Garsed. THAT. IS. AWESOME. If people don't know who he is, he's the guitarist in NELSON:
    1 point
  18. Tex

    Your Hidden Gems?

    This is a childhood favorite of mine. High replay value with friends. Too bad the kickstarter game wasn't promising enough to get funded. But I think the main problem was poor video marketing.
    1 point
  19. Hey HoBoKa, count me in! I could use something to play with while we wait for the results and rounds on the Cacophony compo
    1 point
  20. Finally got the main body of my track arranged, now to add all the bells and whistles!* *Disclaimer: Track may not contain bells or whistles.
    1 point
  21. Good day! My name is Jackson, and I'm an accordion player. If it is still available, then I would very much like to lay claim to Wounded. To the Seas of Time album released last month, I contributed an arrangement of the Overture. Another example of my small ensemble work is this arrangement from Super Metroid. However, the lion's share (hehe) of my YouTube content is solo accordion, and that is the treatment that I think I would like to give to this particular Final Fantasy VIII piece. Recent examples of my solo accordion work are Pat Metheny's "Letter from Home", and the Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (based on Harry Gregson-Williams' arrangement from MGS2). The pipe organ is one of my favorite instruments, and the accordion is more similar to the organ than it is different. Since I've started playing my accordion, I have tried to explore all those beautiful similarities. I think a solo accordion (or, perhaps, solo accordion with some additional instrumentation) would treat this piece very well. Only now in the past few hours, a bunch of ideas have been knocking around in my dome about good ways to approach it. Thanks!
    1 point
  22. I'm going to try and put something together for this round, but I've got a lot of real life obligations in the next couple of months and have to take them all pretty srsly.
    1 point
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