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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2017 in all areas

  1. JJT

    ReMixer JJT on SNL

    Hey ocremix pals. Just wanted to let you know I'll be playing SNL this week with my new gig, Father John Misty. Check it out. I'll be the guy on piano. http://jammcard.com/jon-titterington-books-father-john-misty-gig-playing-snl-and-coachella/
    5 points
  2. Awesome news everyone! We're finally under the review process!! We fell through the cracks somehow, which is why it took this long, but we'll have an answer soon about the album's approval so cross your fingers and start playing your wind wakers so that we pass xD
    2 points
  3. I would like to start by saying a very big thank you to everyone who worked/is working on the Star Fox 25 Anniversary Album project. It's truly great to see people so passionate about something, especially something that is so close to my heart. I would like to especially thank @The Nikanorufor dedicating so much time to this project and for getting it off the ground. I have full confidence that this album will one of the best things to ever be produced from this site. Also, when this album gets released, if I am mentioned anywhere, make sure it's the last name on the list. The reason I am saying this is the same reason I myself didn't direct the album. Life sometime takes us by surprise and we don't have time for things that we used to. I am am fine health-wise, but I am just having less and less time to stop by, and it looks as though things wont be getting any better in that regard. And I just have to say @djpretzel, thank you so much creating such a wonderful place that brings so many different people together to make such beautiful things. I haven't been here as a member long, but I've been visiting for years, and I really just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done for this site. You may not know me, maybe we'll never meet, you probably don't care, but I hope this Star Fox album brings you at least a small degree of happiness. I hope that because of an idea some nobody had one evening, your day has been improved if only for as long as the music lasts. I was here.
    2 points
  4. For real I'll make something this time...
    2 points
  5. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Hey folks. I've decided to continue on with the compo. I'll be posting Round 3 match-ups tonight, and Round 1 and Round 2 music together tomorrow night for voting. For those wondering about my family emergency, my mom passed away last week while visiting India. While I certainly appreciate any condolences you have to offer, please do not post them in this thread; I'd like to keep the thread on-topic. A "like" on this post would be fine, though. Thanks for understanding! I'm looking forward to everyone's entries moving forward.
    2 points
  6. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
    1 point
  7. Review time! For Hope and Shovelry: Oh, man, going after Gario on his electronica home turf? That takes guts, even with the guitar help. You clearly had lots of ideas about how to integrate these two themes! Lots of clever blending. It does have a few awkward moments, though: At 0:36, the arrangement begs to repeat the phrase a second time, but instead moves on. Same thing at 2:24. 1:12 is a little strange, structurally--it starts the transition with rising notes and then drops low instead of the high climax it leads the listener to anticipate. Some of the blends get a little too busy in the highs, e.g. 2:18-2:47, which is so cluttered the cymbals turn to mush. Overall, though, really great job, and I hope you spend some more time on this and send it in to the site. The Wanderer: Well, it's a good start. Reminds me a lot of Phonetic Hero's Tengu Man remixes from the last compo, which I liked a lot. Too bad you never got a chance to finish. Boulders Wreck Rapiers: Nice soundscape, but those leads aren't strong enough to cut through it all. Interesting coincidence how the opening hooks of both themes were so similar to begin with, and you really took advantage of that, although at the expense of the rest of the sources. The last section, where it becomes more melodic, doesn't fit very well with the rest of the arrangement or with the backing, and the transitions are a little awkward, especially with the wild portamento. Still, lots of good stuff here. Age & Alchemist: Very thin soundscape, lacking in both low and high end and cluttered in the mids. More importantly, this is basically a medley until 2:25, with Plague Knight followed by Saturn. Nice effort to try to make the two play together at the end, however briefly, but there are a lot of clashing notes there. I like where this was going, but it needed a lot of adjustments to work.
    1 point
    1 point
  9. Phonetic Hero

    Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo just did a Direct featuring some of the upcoming indie titles for the Switch: ...Also I'm doing music for Wargroove (14:23 in the vid)
    1 point
  10. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Folks, voting is up for round 1. I'll put round 2 up tonight. I encourage everyone to leave some reviews in the voting threads.
    1 point
  11. It's on Twitch at twitch.tv/bardicknowledge Thursday nights when enough of us are free. Like this Thursday, at 9 PM EST!
    1 point
  12. This. I'm not proud of my work so far so it's been difficult getting back to it. But I really want to impress thanks to messages like this.
    1 point
  13. The tears... They're real... After a post like that, there is a teeny bit of pressure... But nothing bad, just a drive to continue working towards a quality soundtrack.
    1 point
  14. Just a quick thing: @Thomas Neil wrote a few words on his status update I thought I'd share with everyone on the project - you can find it here. Keep up the good work ... and no pressure, everyone!
    1 point
  15. Mirby

    Nintendo Switch

    Okay time for impressions. Event opened, we walked down a red walkway right to the stage at the far end of the room it was set up in, that was nice. There were 4 demo stations for each game on display that was playable except Zelda, which had about 16 or so. Anyways, to go in order of what we played (went with my fiancé). ARMS: Very intuitive controls. I picked the robo-girl and he picked Spring Man (really I just keep thinking MM when I hear that name). We went through the tutorial first. Very basic stuff. Tilt Joy-Cons to move, L/R dashes in the direction you're tilting, punch to punch, tilt to turn punch, ZL/ZR to activate Flurry which just lets you unleash a bunch of punches. That's basically it for controls. And then you get into it, where you get to pick which parts you want for each arm, and that's where the fun begins. You've got your basic fists, you've got the 3-fists-in-one that I had default as robo-girl, and then there's also a boomerang. In Flurry mode these get powered up and the boomerang basically becomes the Gale Boomerang from Twilight Princess. It's great fun, I can see it being fantastic for party mode. Next up we played Disgaea 5 Complete, which was pretty standard as far as Disgaea goes. Nothing really special to mention there. After this we also grabbed our tickets for Zelda because we had to get in a group based upon time slots. After that I went on stage to challenge someone in Quick Draw, part of 1-2-Switch. The way this works is both players get in position holding their Joy-Con down with their finger on the trigger (ZL/ZR depending on the Joy-Con) and listen for the audio cue. The game goes READY then STEADY... and when it says FIRE both players raise and fire to see who gets the shot off first. The game then says the exact time it took for each player to fire and even shows the angle the controllers were at while moving. I won the first game, but lost the second. Got a nice Switch hat. I was kinda on the fence about 1-2-Switch but I can see it's very well-made and will be a blast at parties. Next up was Sonic Mania, which I didn't even know would be there. This took just one Joy-Con set horizontally to control. Knuckles was unfortunately not playable in the demo, and we could only choose between Green Hill Zone and Studiopolis. I picked the latter and it controlled wonderfully. Took a bit to get used to the Drop Dash but it's well made, and the level design is wonderful. Even more hype for this one now. Then after that we played a bit of ULTRA STREET FIGHTER II. Did three rounds of this. First round I was Zangief and my fiancé was Dhalsim. I won in the 3rd round. Next up I was Ryu and he was Vega. He annihilated me lol, and he did again in the final battle between Guile and Blanka. After that we did some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe battle mode. I needed revenge. Picked Fem-Villager and he chose Waluigi. Course was randomly picked, and it was Battle Course 1 from Super Mario Kart. The mode was Bob-Omb Blast, where the only item you get it Bob-Ombs and you can hold as many as you collect because the point is to blow EVERYTHING UP JUST BLOW IT ALL UP OH THE HUMANITY IT ALL BLEW UP. I was in the lead for a short while (when you're in the lead you end up wearing a crown and it goes away once you lose that lead) and ended up 3rd overall (we were playing against 10 CPU). I'm sure that in the full game you'll be able to turn off CPUs entirely in Battle Mode because you can do that in MK8 already. After that we kept the explosions going in Super Bomberman R. Which is classic Bomberman action brought back to current consoles. So much fun. Also includes the whole "when you die you get to throw bombs from the edges" thing from some installments, and if you take someone out in this way you take their place and rejoin the fray. And if you land a bomb directly on someone while on the sidelines (you usually throw one space away, not in the adjacent one) you'll stun them. Great fun, and up to 8 players too iirc. We only had 4 though. Then we went to Puyo Puyo Tetris. They had us stick to the Swap mode of multiplayer, which would keep you in Puyo Puyo mode for 30 seconds then swap to the Tetris board for 30 seconds and then back to Puyo Puyo for another 30 seconds and so on and so forth until someone lost. And the board you started on wasn't always Puyo Puyo, it would randomly choose at the start of each round. Very basic fare for both of those, and if you had a combo going in one mode as it swapped it would continue and affect the other. So it's really built for those who are good at both. However, my fiancé was rockin' the Tetris board while I was rockin' the Puyo Puyo side so we balanced each other out that way. So it works. Lastly, we played our demos of Breath of the Wild. You start off doing a new game, and have to OPEN YOUR EYES. Then get the slate, get clothes and climb outside. From there you get to do anything, which we of course already knew. That's not the point of THIS impression. It's nice to be right into the game that quickly compared to other Zelda games that have absurdly lengthy intros *coughSScough*. I went right, found a stick, gathered mushrooms, then set the stick on fire and started a small grassfire because lol. Also apparently hitting apples with a burning stick bakes them, so that was nice. I then found an axe, cut down a tree, and entered the Temple of Time. Or the ruins of it, at least. Prayed to the statue of the Goddess Hylia, and then headed outside and tried to climb the temple. Failed. Walked 10 feet to the right and found a ladder. Climbed it, found a bow, and then jumped off... and died. Link's leg was bent in the completely wrong direction so that visual was well-done. Reloaded the save and then tried to climb down the ladder and ended up jumping off (not dying this time) and then found a Bokoblin base. Managed to take them out with the axe, including the really tough leader (this was in the skull rock y'all might've seen in screenshots being blown up). The leader kept leaving himself open long enough for my axe swing to connect twice and cancel his attack. He even leapt at me once and I knocked him like 10 feet away! Also stole his spiked club (which has like 3x the attack power of the axe) and killed him with it. Also when firing arrows you'll need to adjust for distance because the physics engine in the game is very well made. I killed a few more Bokoblins, stole their meat, and them climbed a rock... and then the demo time was up. And then we left because nothing else really interested us. My fiancé's playthrough consisted of him bumbling into the Talus Steppe thing (the giant rock golem) and getting murdered. He also successfully hunted a boar (headshots are the way to go, he says, as hitting them anywhere else causes them to flee, and you need to use a bow. Also be very aware of how much sound you're making, it tells you in the lower-right corner), and then fell to his doom and then drowned trying to catch a fish. Both of us were very pleased. But yeah we left after that. They gave us cookies with the Switch logo on them as we left. All in all, great games. Didn't really check out anything else (wasn't interested in them). The controllers are very comfortable and lightweight. Forgot to play in tablet mode cause I didn't think about it, OH WELL.
    1 point
  16. Awesome cover! Took me a while to get the time in the beginning, but once you get it, it's amazing. Like how you switched up some harmonies! Always a plus for me!! And eh...brutal guitar man!
    1 point
  17. Heads up @Kanthos and @theshaggyfreak, your gifts will be arriving late.
    1 point
  18. I had received confirmation that Mr. Wayne's shipment had arrived. He sends his regards sir. And wait till you see what that letter opener looks like. You'll want to do not adult things with it.
    1 point
  19. To be honest, your reaction made it all worth while. I'm a big fan of VG lore - I have an original Nintendo Power strategy guide at home for a Link to the Past that details things like landscapes, Hylian fashions, and pre-OoT descriptions of the history of Zelda. I couldn't find anything that 'fit' based on your quite specific instructions, but when I saw this, I had the gut feeling that this was the RIGHT THING - and I'm super happy you like it!
    1 point
  20. I'm glad you liked it, wildfire. Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  21. Don't forget that a lot of us have Steam accounts, and the autumn sale is going on still. Also, I think if anyone didn't really fill out their interests and/or wants on the page, this thread might be a good time to do it. I recall last year where I had a person that I couldn't find anything for at all, and had to question another member to get even a little bit of info. Like, two weeks of digging around and asking to find out they liked Sentai stuff, which would have fit perfectly in the info page we all set up the month before. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
    1 point
  22. Mine was pretty clear and gave me a good place to start - still spent two hours in the store trying to find THE RIGHT THING though. I should have mine in the mail by Thursday at the latest.
    1 point
  23. And it was probably my favorite Christmas gift of the year! I'm in as well. Hoping to get someone with a creative list this time, too!
    1 point
  24. i'm in! a reminder - make your 'list' of stuff unique and fun! it's cool to just get whatever you say you want, but it's more cool to say a bunch of weird stuff and then get something really interesting or fun or unique or creative. i gave flexstyle a vinyl album, some artisan hot chocolate, and cans of a hard-to-find soda last year. not much gaming but still a fun thing to do. i'd never have done that if he hadn't had crazy stuff on his wishlist =)
    1 point
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