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Found 20 results

  1. Hi dear Ocremix Community, Here is my latest recording, is a cover of the opening of the japanesse version of the videogame Mega Man X3 on the Playstation 1 console. I hope you like and could send me a review of this version. Here is the Youtube link: Kotono Shibuya - One more Time (Mega Man X3 Cover) Regards!! lml
  2. Hello everyone! I worked on that track a few month back, I like it very much, and I thought maybe you would like it too! Introducing "Ninja Kitten vs the Killer Bots", a track alternating between high speed synth metal shred galore, and anime like / Touhou inspired melodic chorus (seriously, I don't now how else describe the mood). It all started as a sound design project. I was looking to reproduce the "floppy disk" sound from Master Boot Record ( you can here it right at the beginning of this album ), and I built around it. No guitars, including VSTs, were used in the making of this track. In my head cannon, this is the opening cut-scene track of an action packed 2D platformer in a dystopian future where a ninja cat fight against an omnipotent high tech corporation (I know, it's the most original idea in the whole history of video games ^^). Hence the title. The story would go like this: The shreddy part would be the evil corporation robots wrecking havoc, the chorus is our hero appearing to kick some metallic butts, then robot counter-attack on the shred part 2, theme on the piano is the hero, wounded, having like a flash back (of his familly being captured by the said evil corporation, of it's mentor, or anything else cliché enough to fit your bill), then second wind of the hero, fight, fight, and the bots lay broken while the intro riff play back and is tape stopped. I think it's a really fun track with a lot of energy, but what do YOU guys think? I hope you'll like it, that's for sure!
  3. I finished my new original song "Virtual Quest 1". It's kind of futuristic theme, composed with video games, movies and animations in mind. This is my first release where I use synth and orchestral elements together. Here is the song: How did you feel about this song? I'm very interested to hear your thoughts about where you would hear this kind of music.
  4. Hi everyone ! Today, I have a great question that is a problematic. How to enhance video game remix industry ? I am aware that this question can be difficult to answer. In the video game remix industry, we are fortunate to have GameChops as a label and OC Remix as the publishing platform. However other problems are present ... the video game remix industry is not a recognized industry, few people do video game remix. In the publishing platforms, the details are too long, it's understood they miss the staff. And then there is the taboo subject "Copyright" everyone lies to themselves and knows nothing about it. I, too, know nothing about copyright. So! How to enhance video game remix industry? It's an excellent question? What're your waitings and what would you like to see change? Bonus: How to enhance anime music remix industry? Here again, the same problems are present, worse than Video Game Remix industry. Because the punishments are more important, that's why there is no record label or publishing platform... Or very bit... I do not even speak of the "copyrights" I want to make it clear that this is only my point of view, it is not the absolute truth. Any ideas or debates are welcome.
  5. I haven't posted to OCR in several years now. I miss arranging! But, I've focused more on honing my teaching/playing/recording craft. I was on the fence about which forum to post this in: It's a full band cover (but with the original vocals), it's non-VGM, and it's from a music-based anime series called K-On! So, if this needs to be deleted or moved, that's cool. I figured someone here might enjoy it!
  6. I covered "Sis Puella Magica!" from the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica for An Overclocked Christmas Vol. XI. I recently made some tweaks, and along with a video my husband put together - which shows scenes from the anime - I uploaded the (hopefully) final version to YouTube. I arranged it in a folk style not unlike the original. So, I sang the vocals and played the harp, hammered dulcimer, Irish bouzouki, and recorder. I had fun arranging this song and I think the video is very fitting, so I thought I would share this improved version. Enjoy.
  7. A song inspired by classic 90s anime openings. I've been working on this track for a while. the mix is almost finalized, I'm only waiting on finding a saxophonist who'd be willing to record the saxophone parts. For now, the DVS VST will have to suffice. Please feel free to leave any feedback. All constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged, thanks.
  8. I'm a big anime fan and fan of the classical scores used in the alot of anime. Gurren Lagann or Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan is a pretty good short mech anime with decent scores. My favorite Gurren Lagann instrumental comes in the final battle between Genome and Simon as heard here (All of You, Get Fired Up!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X4_2...). This track samples from it and with some drums and piano to make chill Gurren Lagan Mashup. It's somewhat vanilla but it's chill Enjoy.
  9. My remix of Box 15 and 16 from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc I hope you enjoy it!
  10. Info: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/coming-october-catherine-stay?trk=prof-post Album Trailer: Hype Video:
  11. This is a little rock remix of the opening theme from the Pokémon anime series. It's my first remix of an anime soundtrack after making a few remixes for several videogames. I'm not the typical die-hard fan of Pokémon - but I loved the anime when I was a child. Pretty fluffy and hearty stuff with a nice touch of adventure. Some time ago I've listened to the opening theme of the anime once again which has a really decent melody I still like - and I thought that this could be a nice track for improving my virtual guitar skills. So, I put some effort into the articulation of every single guitar note. Sometimes I tought for hours about where the different articulations or playing techniques (like long played notes, hammer-ons, tappings, slides or some FX guitar sounds) might fit best within a short guitar sequence. But I got into it after some time and I think this helped me improving my music production skills a little bit - especially for creating much more realistic guitar sounds. Thanks to my really awesome virtual guitar amplifier Vandal I could give the guitar sound its totally unique style and make a decent final touch with a little bit hall reverb and a little bit more pinging stereo delay - really good combination for reverberant but also strong, assertive guitar sounds. I've also enjoyed working a bit more with velocity dynamics to bring some more life and vibrance into the track - but it's still pretty tough for me to find the right balance between the velocities of the different tracks within a song. Already a velocity value change of just 10 out of 127 can make a perceivable difference between hearing single notes in the whole mix and not noticing or at least not feeling them anymore. But I will work on this in the future. Just as usual I've mastered this remix at EBU R 128 loudness standards and used absolutely no compressors or limiters for keeping the full, natural sounding dynamic range and best possible hi-fi sound quality. So, check this stuff... Original Intro Theme: >>> ---------------------------------------- Newest version of my remix: 1.0 >>> >>> https://clyp.it/ymrif5kn
  12. Hey guys, I've been working on a game for the last 2 years and we're in need of at least one more composer. Before I lose your interest, you can check out a video of the game in action at the link below: If I had to quickly sum things up, I'd say it's like... -a virtual world come to life, with a character driven story -entirely hand drawn 2D animation -gameplay that evokes platformers like Mega Man Zero and Kirby Superstar... -but also fighting games like SF: Third Strike, Marvel 3, and Guilty Gear. -with a heavy emphasis on a team of playable characters that are entirely unique from one another. If you'd like to learn a bit more about the story and characters, you can check out my patreon over here: https://www.patreon.com/hybridmink?ty=h ---------------------------------------------------- You might notice the music in the background of the video above. It was composed by Rozen, who's on board for composing some of the more epic and dramatic pieces in the game. We're also working with the Cynic Project who's posted a couple mixes on OCR before. He's handling the more electronic and trance pieces. However, at least half of Rudra's music needs to rock. Something along the lines of Mega Man and Sonic with some punk and metal mixed in. After speaking with both artists, we decided that we basically need a guitarist. While I definitely have some people in mind, I've found over the past couple years that it's better to reach out to a community that I love and actually find people that really want to work with you. So I of course turn to OCR, the site that's provided a substantial chunk of my music collection for the past 15 years. If you are interested at all, please let me know by replying in this thread or simply emailing me at: hybridmink (at) gmail (dot) com I'd love to talk to anyone interested, though I'd just ask that you provide a couple examples of your previous work. Full disclosure, we are planning on having a kickstarter in August. The goal is to have at least one more track (on top of what Rozen and Cynic Alex are working on) ready for the trailer. Thanks for reading this far and I hope to hear from you soon! If you have any questions about the game, characters, or scope, don't hesitate to ask. -Nick
  13. Re-wrote all the drums and bass from scratch. Turned out quite good...I think! Enjoy,
  14. Hey everyone, I'm the Teen Coordinator at a library and I just started our Teen Anime Club. I'm a little out of the loop with the best new stuff, still thinking Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are the best of the best. So I need some suggestions for the kids today! Any anime I should think about showing? It needs to be appropriate for 12-16 year olds. Also, it needs to be on Crunchyroll because that lets us show it legally at our library. Thanks!
  15. Hi, Anyone going to Anime Boston this Saturday? My first time going after years of missing it. Not that I know anyone here, but just wondering.
  16. Sup everyone! Super happy to announce that my Kickstarter-doublefunded anime soundtrack album, "Beyond Libra", has been released AND we're having a listening party tonight!! For those unfamiliar, this was an album of original music I wrote over the last 8 years, with lots of stylistic references to composers such as Yoko Kanno, Jo Hisaishi, and Yasunori Mitsuda. I collaborated with several OCR artists on this one, including Jeff Ball, DrumUltima, Jillian "Pixietricks" Aversa, Sixto, Finbeard, Harmony, Audiofidelity, XPRTNovice, Shrack, Snappleman, and Jose the Bronx Rican. We also had three different live choirs (The Philadelphia Boys Choir, The Yale Slavic Chorus, and a Nigerian vocal ensemble) and live orchestra, along with artwork by Keiiii and Star Wars artist Stephen Chang, so it was a gargantuan production across three continents. Kickstarter backers who opted for the digital release should have already received their copy via an emailed bandcamp code; Physical copies will be mailed off later today and tomorrow. The album is available at https://rogetmusic.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-libra for the full release with all our gorgeous disc art, and it'll be available on iTunes, Spotify, and several others soon as well. Listening party will be on Wednesday, March 9th (ie. today) at 10pm EST (7pm PST), courtesy of 8bitX: www.twitch.tv/8bitx Scott Porter (SeattleOvercoat) will host the show, and I'll answer questions and give behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the album's production. Sorry for the short notice, but I hope you guys can make it!
  17. http://www.j1studios.com/earth-wind-fires-maurice-white-produced-the-music-for-the-gatchaman-anime/ So, about week ago (cue Bobby Shmurda here) we found out that the legendary Michael Jackson produced music for Sonic 3, something that should have came to light ages ago. It seems like we're following a trend here as an article surfaced stating that the late Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire is said to have produced music from the anime Gatchaman. Honestly, I'm glad that things like this are surfacing, but I just wish that these artists would get their recognition while they were still alive. What do you guys think of the article? Do you think or know of anyone else in the spotlight that might have had any involvement with music in games in anime?
  18. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bz9wR2QXakXiZmNZN3Z2OEd0ajg&usp=sharing I figured I'd share a couple of my new projects. You can see a change in the line art starting around "Project 10" or the one of Piccolo from "Dragon Ball Z". I finally started using 300p resolution for my drawings around the time I started that one. I wish I could've done that for the "Street Fighter V" drawing I made (Imagine how much better it could've looked; also lazy-eye Ken). "Project 12" (the Smash Bros. one with the random fox-guy/my pseudo-mascot) was actually a collaboration, between me and UK artist John Baker (better known as "Deamondante", who can be found on deviantART). Of course he did most of the work, I mostly made fixes, such as to my own character, adding in Pikachu (for a 4-Player Smash), and of course making Link look more like, Link XD Anyways enjoy the drawings and let me know if you have any album covers or posters you want me to work on.
  19. Hey guys! I posted about this aaaaages ago, but now finally my anime-inspired soundtrack album is almost ready for release! Influenced by composers like Yoko Kanno, Joe Hisaishi, and Yasunori Mitsuda, the 44-minute album features live orchestra, three live choirs (including a Nigerian vocal ensemble and a Slavic women's chorus), vocal performances by Jillian Aversa (Pixietricks), Raj Ramayya (from Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain), Brandon Bush (Harmony) and others, and instrumental performances by Sixto, Drumultima, JeffBall, AeroZ, Audiofidelity, Chuck Simpson (Finbeard), and many more! EDIT: Our kickstarter is now live!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rogetmusic/beyond-libra-an-anime-inspired-soundtrack
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