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The only problem with this being a reality Steban, is that they don't make Big time movies "just for the fans". It is a very rare occurrence, with few notable exceptions (Snakes on a Plane, the insertion of "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch" in X-men 3). If anyone really took a swing at making a Zelda movie, Nintendo would have a huge say in it, and it would not look half as ridiculous as this. And I highly doubt Miyamoto wouldn't be involved given it's his IP for the most part.

That being said, if it turns out to be some kind of strange indie project, I wish them well. I can live with cheesy indie movies, because at least I can take them as they are. Wonderful joke either way, I like it.

The other thing I wanted to point out is that, if it is a serious attempt by gamers to make a movie based on a video game, than their ambition oversteps their ability. Why choose something so easy to mess up? Why not go a little less mainstream, or even just a little less high profile? Seems odd to me that, if they wanted to be taken seriously (assuming this is no joke) they would choose one of the hardest videogames to translate to live-action film (I give you Mario Brothers as a shining example of this. While not a total loss movie wise, for what it was attempting it was a massive failure.) You go the route of say a Castlevania movie, you get all the fleshed out universe, but unlike Zelda, you get a decent amount of wiggle room within which you can create your own unique tale. The other problem I have is that it's a re-hash. You can only get away with a film re-hash (we won't go into Zelda as it's own series) when it's better than the original. From what I'm looking at right now, while cool, it would not prove to be the case.


The CGI stuff is pretty good and it looks neat, but we must all fear the green gannon and his plastic red beard of doom! ( face palm why cant they make it look more like skin that is kinda green instead of skin that "is" green? if someone can explain that to me specificaly why they cant do that the ok)

face palm why cant they make it look more like skin that is kinda green instead of skin that "is" green?

A better question is why does Ganondorf, clearly a big black man, need green skin.

A better question is why does Ganondorf, clearly a big black man, need green skin.

I always saw him as more of a arab-looking man, but it's a moot point because his appearance varies from game to game. The preview looks pretty cool actually even if some of the characters look kind of out of place, from the trailer, the "film" has a certain aura of professionalism to it.

I wish the new street fighter movie was an April fools joke :(

ya rly

If they were to make a real Zelda movie, though I would refuse to see it unless Ganondorf was played by either Jack Nicholson, Hugo Weaving, or Clint Eastwood.

OH. MY. GOD. Any one of those 3 would make it the most epic movie in the universe.


Even as an indie project, I find it hard to believe they couldn't find somebody who could look more like Link. And seriously, I think even an indie based project could tell this work is utter cheese and would probably only serve to piss people off.

That said, I gotta say? One hell of an awesome April Fool's Joke.


Let me be one of the people to say that I think this is real. Look at the trailer, even though it's an indie film, it still has alot of money behind it.

I think IGN posted this purposefully on April Fool's day as part of a marketing viral kind of thing for the movie. If they ARE fronting this movie, it can only get better.

Maybe it's a fake, but I hope not. It has so much potential.


Okay, well, I finally got a look at the trailor, and...well, I'm trying not to get too excited about it. So far, this 'Link' isn't actually all that bad-looking. Prolly 'cause he hasn't had any speaking parts, sans Link. Also...it's LOZ. Done in a movie. I may be branded an idiot for the next seven years (also sans Link) but I'm actually excited about this being an actual movie. So. I'm gonna wait till I see another trailor to actually think about this.



Face me.

also i really want to believe this is actually being made but i'll have to play devil's advocate:

in the ign article they said they were merely asked to premiere the video for the film company. ign stuff is all over the credits, so real or fake, ign had a big part in this. the way this movie could have worked is if ign was working together with the film company on this by funding them. they have no reason to lie about that in the article (unless of course, this IS a prank in which case ign would be funding the company without saying they were.)

another thing is IGN's lack of any other april fool's joke for today. if this was real, then they would probably have some other april fool's joke going on.


If they wanted to make a movie, I'd think they'd have to first think up a plot that makes sense.

Something that's always bugged me about Zelda games, which appears again in this April Fools trailer: why does Ganon always want to fight Link? How many times has he done battle with a kid wearing green and equipped with 10 different magic items and the very same Master Sword and lost horribly?? Is his greed so great that it overpowers his common sense century after century???? I suppose it is... either that, or he wants to prove his power by defeating Link once and for all.... and if he fails, there's always next time, right? He's got nothing to lose, I suppose... and everything to gain.

This is the kind of thing I think videogame movies should explore, you know; deep character and plot development that the games just don't have. If the plot of a videogame movie is as thin as the original game's plot, it fails in my eyes (at having a deep plot).

Hehe, "speak to no one"...clever.

Didn't notice that one ;)


So they did the trailer, and parts of the trailer are in their demo reel - how does this imply there's a real movie?

And, I mean, they did some pretty sad casting for Link. And what's with Zelda's pale pale skin? Really, they would have put a lot more work into it if it was a real movie (I would hope...)


[EDITOR'S NOTE: April 2, 2008 - 12:01 a.m. PST. Yup, you guessed it. The Legend of Zelda trailer featured above is part of an elaborate April Fool's Day prank. Check back in later today for more details on the IGN/Rainfall Films collaboration that resulted in this "love it or hate it" piece of videogame movie history.]


Considering that it's just a throwaway April Fools joke, I think this trailer showed quite a lot of work. Bravo to IGN for putting together something that looks like a watchable movie despite low-budget special effects.

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