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It's that time again.

This time, we're discussing why more women aren't interested in video games. To assist in covering this topic, we have a special guest: Gamasutra's Leigh Alexander.

Special thanks to AE for unwittingly providing end credits music and, as always, to CarboHydroM for my title theme.



You know, when I saw that you started a thread and the title began with "new video!", I immediately thought "Fuck yes!" Seriously though, I am always in wait of your next video. Keep up the good work!

Seph, I love your videos because you address the problem AND attempt to provide an answer for that problem. A lot of people tend to complain and stop there, without trying to find a solution. Another good one, sir.

Like ZeroPunctuation... however Yathzee makes me laugh and I clicked this one away after 2 minutes


And thus you missed an interesting topic. Seriously, you have to draw comparisons to a different series that deals with snarky, sarcastic reviews to a series that deals with open-minded, direct discussion of game and social issues?

You really did that just now? Really? And you didn't even finish the video?

You obviously have no interest in anything new, relevant and serious, and only want to be entertained by the same old things you already know. Please go away.


Saw this on 1up earlier today and thought "there must be something about it on OCR."

Anyway, I like it. Even though I'm not particularly passionate about becoming a game designer, I do find myself thinking more and more like one, and I think this is an important issue, and I side strongly with the idea of "let's make games for people." I especially believe that women can bring some very different and interesting perspectives into the business as well.

There are plenty of great female composers and artists in videogaming like Ayame Kojima, Michiru Yamane, Yuki Kajiura, and Yoko Shimomura to name a few, so it's not like there's a lack of talent there.


Hey Sephfire, if you're open to suggestions for future episodes, maybe you should take a look at nostalgia. It could make for some interesting discussion, and at the very least, give you an excuse to look at some old games you like.

Seriously, nostalgia is a powerful, wonderful, horrible thing, and I think it would make for some damn good good watching.


Excellent video as always.

In college I knew several girls in my circle of friends. They all loved different games, so I think it's more a case of gaming being a "boys club", or at least that mentality being there, than anything gaming is doing wrong.

My sister, however, who is at best a casual gamer, often rolls her eyes at the gratuitous female designs. So there can be that as well.

Hey Sephfire, if you're open to suggestions for future episodes, maybe you should take a look at nostalgia. It could make for some interesting discussion, and at the very least, give you an excuse to look at some old games you like.

Seriously, nostalgia is a powerful, wonderful, horrible thing, and I think it would make for some damn good good watching.

That could be pretty interesting. At this point, James is doing most of the topic-picking, but if I have any ideas on that one, I'll pass the word on to him.

We've already got our next two topics picked and I'm already pretty excited about them.


Great vid Seph. Appealing to both demographics is a great solution to the problem. Of course, I immediately question whether it could ever move from idealism into reality. For instance, look at the automotive industry. They've made cars for men, and miniva--I mean, cars for women. That's what they've been doing, that's what they're doing now, and it doesn't look like they'll stop doing it any time soon. I wonder if businesses are even capable of changing in such a radical way.

Hey Sephfire, if you're open to suggestions for future episodes, maybe you should take a look at nostalgia. It could make for some interesting discussion, and at the very least, give you an excuse to look at some old games you like.

Seriously, nostalgia is a powerful, wonderful, horrible thing, and I think it would make for some damn good good watching.

This is a great suggestion. The more I think about it, the more I feel that our generation is especially nostalgic as a whole.


This was pretty good and also true. I can't say that I exactly transitioned into gaming (the first "video game" I ever played was Prince of Persia when I was five years old on an old Mac. Nice and bloody game for a five year old.) Even so, a lot of what you said was true for me.

I used to be a lot like other girls where I just judged the game by it's cover (marketing) and quickly dismissed it because of a scantily clad lady on the cover. I don't do that as much anymore, I actually read reviews about games, and look for games with good gameplay, story, music, etc.

The whole slutty girl thing has gotten a liiiittle better. Not by much, but it was nice in Portal to play a female character who didn't have her boobs hanging out.

Also, you totally hit the mark on the whole thing about girl gamers not being able to talk to their friends about video games. Trying to talk to my female friends about games always ends up being really awkward. They try to look interested, but usually I can tell they really aren't and are just going along with it for my amusement. The only people I can really talk to games about are my guy friends and all you internet people. :-)

As far as the ratio of male to female gamers...well look at this thread. How many females have posted so far? ....yeah. However, I won't lie, it was kind of fun to be one of the three girls at MAGfest last year. ;-)

Can't wait to see your next one! Keep doing these, they're awesome.


it's pretty funny that you used a picture of Chrono Kristen, one of the co-hosts of the classic VGM radio show Super Radio X (you know, the redhead covered in electronics and game gear) and proclaimed along with it that the types of girls who pose for pictures like that probably aren't really gamers (even though, if you listen to the show, it's pretty obvious that she is). Not that you are wrong for the most part, it's just amusing when one knows the actual source of one of these random images. :lol:

EDIT: Dammit, Doug beat me to it.

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