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OCR01925 - Knuckles' Chaotix "Door into Chaotix"


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Is the spelling error intentional? Considering the name of the song in the remixers' submission email is "Door Into Chaotix" but everything else (posted name, filename, and ID3 tag) calls it "Choatix", I'm not sure.

Still, it's a great tune.

Good catch. Also, update: no happy dance tonight, Yanks got smacked and Cliff Lee was superhuman.

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I'm diggin this - It was great happy dance music for when the Phillies smacked them Yanks around. :P

In all seriousness, this is really cool. I prefer it to some of the other chiptuney stuff we've got on here - not to say that that stuff is bad, but the overall sound that this track has is more appealing to me. Whatever you did to "enhance" it, I love it. Keep up the good work. Nice choice of source tune too.

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Wow! Excellent upgrade to an underated source-tune/game! I remember Joe Redifer's take, and this one is crazy! Glitch madness, and chiptune rock = gold! There must have been a mix of all kinds of stuff, not just VOPM like sounds.

I actually had this on repeat and when it looped to the beginning of the song, it felt exactly as a video game tune should when looping. If I were to be use this for a video game programming project at school, I'd give credit first though.

Since this give the source alot of credit, and enhances it with not just arrangement play but well-placed key change, you get 10/10.

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When I saw Chaotix on the block, I was hoping for something other than 'Door Into Summer,' simply because there's already a mix there for it (although an old one). Chaotix, while a crappy game, has some amazing tracks and definitely needs some attention on OCR.

I always love the chiptune-y stuff, so I'm digging this. Thanks Will, for a good mix and some Chaotix love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is how you do chiptune. As a rush of glorious chip synths in total harmony with one another.

I'm pretty familiar with the source tune, which gave me even greater appreciation for how its represented here. There's some really excellent, really playful alterations to the melody that lift the mix, both in tone and quality. This genre of music, for me, is such a celebration of classic game music, and I think that comes through in this (despite the fact that the game wasn't from the same NES-style chiptune era).

There's not a lot I can say about mixes that have nothing wrong with them, except that I enjoy that people are still making unapologetically blissful music here on the site. Great stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the intro with the filter-fade, and this is just too happy and chippy to not love. Gives that perfect feeling of running through a field with other anthropomorphic friends doing god-knows-what. Can't say I'm a fan of the severe right-panned lead, but I'll deal with it because everything else balances it out. The drum break could have been a little more varied in my opinion, but with the style you did it in, it works just fine. Production is good, everything sounds nice. Not a fan of the ending though, you played the filter-fade already. Should have just been a "breaking-down synth machine" feel, like the game was just kind of slowly dying, but again, that's my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel bad that Bahamut can't listen to this one 'cause of the bass, because it's really excellent! The opening is a creative touch, but past that it's classic Willrock. Retro sounding synths and bass make this one feel just like the classic chiptunes but with much more modern, upgraded sounds. The synth soloing doesn't get quite as crazy as Will's other mixes, but it's still an enjoyable, sugary-sweet romp nonetheless :-)

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  • 2 months later...

I think it sounds great but I think it can be improved. At 2:00 it becomes redundent though, not to sound mean but it just does and it goes off rubbing me the wrong way sorta. However, 0:00-1:40 kept me jaw dropping and amazing complexity at 1:40-2:00. But after that it kinda made me turned away as mentioned above.

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