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Heh I did this source once, great to see it get some ocr lovin' :P

Also, nice source choice, and its great to see it get a rock treatment :D

Pretty cool take it has to be said I'm liking the arrangment... Production could be better tho.

First thing that I notice are those drums... man they sound really thin and cheap... sorry but personally thats a big grip for me, I don't think they fit in the soundscape at all...

Some meaty guitar work with some nice playing, altho the introduction of that first polysynth you used sounded pretty cheap and didn't work well with the soundscape you had going imo... The lead synth sound was better, but personally, I would have preferred a more warm sound with that lead, it sounds strangly distorted...

To conclude on production it sounds like you have good guitars but you really need to work on your backing synths and drums to make them sound more realistic and punchy.

I gotta say, while this mix shows promise, I think it could have been alot better. Some may love this anyway, but the production kinda stops me from liking it as much as I should, which is a shame. Still, I'd recommend this for anyone that likes castlevania and/or rock or metal music.

Nice first post man, shows some promise.


Not going to lie; this is pretty darn great. Love the guitar work, as well as the rockin' synths (I do love me some synth-rock).

Also good drummin'.

Glad to see Bloodlines getting the OCR treatment; it more than deserves it.


i'm with Will on this one.. the arrangement is definitely tight and the guitar performances and drum programming are strong, but those kick and snare samples really hurt this mix imo. very dry and unrealistic, and lacking punch - a couple easy fixes drum-wise would have made this one much more enjoyable to me. :sad:


Glad this one made it through - one of my favorites on the WIP forums...

Yeah, the guitars sound a little too far back in the mix, but otherwise it's just sexy music, man. For some reason, although I can hear what Will is saying I personally find the drums strangely fitting... Waitin' for more from ya!

Oh, and for those that haven't played the game... just play the damn thing - it's seriously one of the best games on the Sega.


First off, I must apologize for never playing Bloodlines. I must also apologizing for only knowing of Castlevania from my step-bro playing it on the NES. Stake me, I have a lot to get caught up on in games, but I do of the series and how awesome it can be.

That being said, when I listen to this mix, I can definitely feel the monster hunting vibe from this and how closely connected it is to the series. I seriously feel as if I am a part of the game, whip in hand and a full arsenal of weapons for the other with a multitude of monsters surrounding me and wanting a piece of awesome. Truly epic stuff, man, truly EPIC!


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for finally breaking the CV:Bloodlines cherry here at OCR. I can't stress enough how much it pained me that such a great soundtrack was largely overlooked.

That being said, wonderful job you did here. You picked two of the best tracks of the game (though almost all the game's music was awesome) to arrange, and did so in a manner that both preserved the original source while giving just enough fresh sound to make it equally enjoyable.

I salute you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Arrangement's good, guitars sound nice, and personally, I really like the synths.

I do agree with some of the comments made on the drums/kick/snare, though. Production-wise, that aspect could've been handled better.


At first I was all :-/ but then I was all :-D

This is a great concept, and well-executed, but I have to echo that the production could have been a good bit better. The production is, frankly, what holds this back from being "OMFGJHJSHFnj NJhu Awesome!!1", instead it just being "dude, this friggin' rocks".

Guitar playing is great almost throughout, and the synths are what put it up there as being kickass. Arrangement is clever in how it moves, and never really stops for directions to the next place to shred.

The overall mixing, especially the drums, have room for improvement.

I'm still giving it two-to-three thumbs up. Looking forward to where you go from here. It may have me needing to "acquire" a fourth thumb just to give it four thumbs up.




The gothic days of swinging across levels from the ceiling, much fun indeed! This has so much going for it, the guitar, drums, and all the nuances I can't pick out; they mesh together so well like John Morris' vest. Matching Michiru Yamane's work is a task unto itself, and Elzfernomusic, you did excellently! I am not one of much musical talent, but I know the source very well, and this could very easily be subbed in without much hassle. The changes between songs flow very well, even though some of BL's songs don't match up quite well, and the variety of sources you used matched the original's variety. Thank you very much for remixing a long deserving game!

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome! This has the CastleVania feel written all over it and that arrangement is to die for. Such rocking gothy goodness in a little less than five minute package makes this an enjoyable ReMix for sure. Some of the production bits were the only drawback, but hell, for a debut this was a damn good one.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02033 - Castlevania: Bloodlines "Unintentional"
  • 2 years later...

Did you know that you've made one of the top 10 best remix on this site?

I had this on my smartphone and i listen it sometime on my car.

Very good job dude !!!


Love from France.

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