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I will laugh if this thread doesn't actually fail. Ok, so this thread is (obviously) about your first memory of playng a video game.

My first memory was playing Mario Kart 64 at my cousins house when I was 4.

"Quote is invalid."


I think the first video-game I ever played and this might be wrong, was Kirby's Dreamland for the Gameboy.

For my brother, it would have to be the original super mario bros for the NES, and/or Zelda NES.

But my memory is fuzzy, and so it might've been Dreamland, Tetris for the gameboy, or Super Mario Bros. All Stars for the SNES. He started with the SNES, but when he was 5 (and I 2...) we got an SNES, so I had to start with that generation.

See, my brother said he was three years old and already playing video-games, but I can't believe that... I just don't know if you have the ability to play late into age 4 (which is when I think I started playing video games with the aforementioned games).

What I DO know is that when I was old enough to comprehend things, that our library of SNES games essentially never changed at all. Up to this day we've had essentially the same games with a few additions here and there.

If I believe my brother, we apparently had a Coleco Vision that we used to play, but I can't remember it (aside from maybe Pitfall?) and he said I spilled milk on it and broke it, which I don't recall.


I have no clue - it's a test of insanity, since every time you swear that a game was the first you come across another that must have been earlier. I remember Megaman 2, but before that was Track Meet, before that was Mario, before that was Duck Hunt, then Karnov, then Bad Dudes, then...

You see where I'm getting at. I'll cap it at 'Zelda', for no particular reason.


Mine would be the original Super Mario Brothers.. remember playing it at my grandmother's with my uncle.. When I got to the first big gap you had to jump across I'd put the controller down and cry because I couldn't make it and I didn't want Mario to die.. Ah the memories.

Mine would be the original Super Mario Brothers.. remember playing it at my grandmother's with my uncle.. When I got to the first big gap you had to jump across I'd put the controller down and cry because I couldn't make it and I didn't want Mario to die.. Ah the memories.

if i could like this post, i would. innocence... now I can't make it through the day without purposefully killing my character at least 2-3 times. ah.


Quite a few of em floating around in my head. The one that stands out the most is Stargoose cuz I remember playing it quite often. Super Mario Bros and the very first Zelda are also tucked in my memory but I'm not sure which of the three came first.

See, my brother said he was three years old and already playing video-games, but I can't believe that... I just don't know if you have the ability to play late into age 4 (which is when I think I started playing video games with the aforementioned games).

your brother very well might be telling the truth. my little brother could actually PLAY super mario world- using both the run and jump buttons- at age two. I remember it clearly


I was purely a PC gamer until about... '97? when we were given a playstation as our first console

so I'm fairly certain that my earliest game was the original Prince of Persia on an old 386 in '92 when I was 4 (well I guess not the original original since it came to apple first)


The first game I remember clearly is Crash Bandicoot (god damn I'm a young one here), but I'm pretty sure I used to have a Genesis or something before the PS1... not Sonic, though.

I also (not so clearly) remember some helicopter game with old graphics, but that could be anything.


Pitfall on the old atari 2600 handed down to me by my uncle just before I got the NES with Zelda and the Super Mario Bros. & Duckhunt combo. Shit I know I still have my old gray gun way before they decided to change it to orange somewhere...

Safari Hunt, a light gun shooter for the Sega Master System.

Thank you, Tectoy.

That game is awesome, played it way more than Hang On! and I still play it now and then.

I think the first one I played was Scorched Earth or Duke Nukem 1. Either that or Munchman for TI-99/4a. I can't really remember.

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