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So I'm sure many of us were into VGM Remixes before we found OCR - and then when we found it, heard that one track that made you go "hey I know this one! This is OCR? I thought it was legit/SOAD/whatever"

So i'll start!

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00986 - Rayzas Green Hill Zone Remix. This one was uploaded in quite a few youtube videos back in the day, and I thought it was a offical released remix by the original composers or something. McVaffes IceCapped was another one I was aware of before OCR for the same reasons.

So, which tracks from OCR did you know before you knew about OCR itself?


, from VotL, actually led me to OCR. At first, though, I just thought it was a really awesome background piece taken from Advent Children
, which I must've watched fifty times over a three month span. About five months after I found that video, though, I got ahold of a copy of Advent Children for the first time and watched it, and realized that the music was nowhere in it. So I went back and found the video, read the description (for the first time) and realized it was for some project I'd never heard of. Went and found VotL, and that led me ~3 months later to OCR.

I guess it's not a perfect example, but for about half a year I really thought it must've been either from Advent Children since I hadn't seen it yet, or made specifically for the video. Boy, am I glad I was wrong.

Posted (edited)

A Magus' theme techno mix by Daknit, Bard of Tarot. Don't think it was an official OCR release, but it had OCRemix in the metadeta.

Found it on Kazaa I think? oh man p2p...I almost forgot.

Meta data says:

Album: Best of Overclocked Remix 2k1

Comments: remix.overclocked.org

Edited by Wiesty
I feel old.


While I didn't actually know about the comic beforehand, I started checking out remixes on the site somewhere around 1999 or 2000. I used to check out midis on VGMusic, then decided to look up remixes and ended up finding OCR almost straightaway. One of the best decisions I've ever made.


I heard A Rose for Zelda on VGMix before, which was a slightly different version.

I'm not 100% sure what exactly brought me to OCR. I was actively seeking video game arrangements thanks to being a fan of Axes Denied. I ended up reading somewhere how OCR is just a bunch of elitist snobs and thought well, I'm not going there. Then I heard Halls of Abandonment - from the site or somewhere else, I can't remember - and couldn't ignore the site. Turns out I'm an elitist snob myself! :tomatoface:


I was just grabbing Metroid remixes from wherever I could find, didn't actually notice ocr was a thing until I decided to make one of my own (for those wondering, it would have been an older, crappier version of Dragonfood). I wanted to submit it, and vgmix went down just then, so after I got tired of hoping it'd come back up, I came here instead, and didn't submit my crappy track.

So any Metroid track that was on both ocr and vgmix is my answer. Possibly some Zelda tracks as well. not sure.


"Its my turn to Dream" by Cthonic was the first one that really got me into game remixes in general, but it wasnt until i heard "Snowfall on Forbidden Lands" that I found OCR. I didnt realize Ben Briggs was part of OCR until a good bit later.


Got ahold of several of Protricity's Donkey Kong Country 2 remixes through P2P program called WinMX. Some of them had "Overclocked ReMix" in the tag, so after a quick Google search I found one of my most favorite sites ever!

Posted (edited)

I remember a track about mega man with a track titled "my groin" or something like on back on vgmix /ocremix radio back in the early 2000s.

I also remember "2-2 blues", "dirtymix", "2001 elasticnewyear" (or something like that), and "hyrule angel" since then I been hooked on ocremix. (=

Edited by underworld_imp

Monstrous Turtles :3


My sister linked me to a video that was using it. I kept going back to listen until one day when I finally read the description about ocr and came here. c:

I guess what I'm trying to say is... she is to blame! :P

(But if she ever reads this, I apologise because I fear thy hammerspace! ^_^')

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