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The [thread=40687]thread[/thread] BB code tag apparently isn't supported.  The actual thread numbers seem to have been retained, though.  Testing to see if the post tag is also broken: Edit: Guess it's not.


Wooow... I have a warning point from 2013 for insulting someone while talking about the PS4, and I have never been able to read that until the new forum....  :dstrbd: Now I look like some kind of forum criminal cause I got a warning point and everyone else has like 500 facebook likes, reinstagrams and twitter gold. 


How do I find the artist profile link? I use that ALL the time to listen to peoples' music when I click on their link and see their mixes


I noticed that sometimes, animated gifs used as persoanl avatars don't properly animate. They stick to the first frame on some pages, but will work fine on others. It may just be my end being dumb, but jut a heads up.


Also, I can use my old (as in ancient) animated avatar from, like... 1999. IT'S THAT OLD.


Any links to youtube videos *posted as purely links* so far are displaying a youtube embed; should just be listed as a regular link to minimize load times.


It's unfortunately an either/or thing, and I personally prefer the auto-embedding. In fact, I want to enable SoundCloud embedding as well - I think folks will get a lot of use out of it.


Ideally this would be a user preference, and users could choose to disable auto-embedding based on their personal preferences. Hopefully such functionality will eventually be available to us, but until then, my inclination is to leave auto-embedding enabled.


On the old forums I used the default thread setting of newest post first, but I can't find a way to change back to this. Is it possible to do so? 


Otherwise this is looking really good!


Unfortunately, this does not appear to be an option.


Did we just got back 5 years of deleted PM's? :D


So there's no limit to the number of PM's you can send/recieve?


There's still a limit - we've bumped it up to 300.


It also seems that IPB just does private messages a bit differently, and that the conversion script may have had to make some guess/compromises based on differences between how vBulletin did things and how IPB does things.


Found an issue; there's no way of knowing which forum members are OC Remixers.


Working on this as it is rather critical/core functionality. Shouldn't take too long!


So, question - why is the /forums/ url still technically running?  You can even log in (but you can't do anything once you log in, obviously).


That's been fixed as of today, though certain areas within vBulletin are still accessible. We won't be removing it completely until we see which areas are still getting hit by users/search engines/etc. and decide where best to redirect that traffic.


Thanks to all for chiming in with feedback & issues - please continue to do so!


And yes, I know change is rough for some of you. Takes me awhile to adapt as well. 2015 is going to bring still more change to the site, so it's not over. Hopefully, by the time the year is out, we'll be fully modernized & stable and you can then safely get used to things with the expectation of longer-term consistency. Until then, it's going to be a relatively bumpy ride, and your patience & tolerance for change is appreciated. We'll do everything we can to make sure issues are addressed, and (staff can vouch for me), this migration was something that chewed up a lot of my personal time and that I prepared for extensively.

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