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OCR01573 - Chrono Trigger "Forever Until Tomorrow"


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Supa Fly

Heard this on Star's site a week ago and was wondering when this was gonna get posted. Easily his best vocals yet. Alot of the intonation is fuckin awesome and really sets the mood. The first guitar solo felt a lil too happy, it changed the mood drastically from the intro. The second guitar part is golden. All n all this is friggin epic.:mrgreen:

Lots o' good remixes lately.

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The mix just screams. It's not hooky, but it's dripping with bloody emotion. Vocals sound a little strange to me, though...somewhat sibilant and canned. Maybe too heavy on the compression. That bass, though, is so friggin' phat you could reach out and squeeze it. :P Awesome as always, Star.

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Hi Star, I'm a lurker and a big fan of yours for "Dreams Come True," "Pillar of Salt," "Tatsumakisenputronic," and especially "The Incredible Singing Robot." When I first heard Robo singing, it nearly brought tears to my eyes, and although I've listened to it a hundred times it still moves my heart. ;_; "Forever Until Tomorrow" is ineffably glorious. It distills and sharpens how I feel about "Memories of Green" and the sorrow of Chrono Trigger as a whole. You are amazing.

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It's been awhile since I've heard from Star, but I love his work. He is notorious for taking a crappy videogame song and turning it into something beautiful. His Ducktales remix is a perfect example of this. This new piece does not deviate from the trend. He took a song I hated and remixed it into one of the most beautiful remixes I've ever heard. I rarely say this about male artists, but his voice was mesmerizing.


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Excellent remix! I always hesitate on any remix with vocals (often, for good reason) but this one definitely broke my vocal anxiety! Excellent mix, good lyrics (which is often a big barrier-to-entry in my collection), and great quality overall.

The last mix I downloaded from Star was Black Wind Rising and though it was pretty good, it didn't grab me as much as this one did, for sure!

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