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  • 2 weeks later...

Something's wrong with your url.

Yeah, I'd probably send the uploader a nice message asking them to add credits to the song info. Sometimes people like this haven't even heard of OCR and don't know where the song is from, and they'll be happy to put that in there.

...sometimes not. But that's besides the point.


Well, I was cruising Newgrounds and noticed that this one guy has two remixes that I've heard from OCR, funny thing is the two songs are done by two different people, Star Salzman and bLiNd. This contridiction caught my eye and I thought I'd bring it up.


Sorry if someone has posted this already, or if this profile does belong to one of you guys.

edit: also found a Disco Dan remix too.


Looking around the above link, he does give credits, names and sites of the remixes. I don't think he's really trying to claim them as his own.

But he doesn't give them on the following:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/131349 Zelda Temple Trance

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/134077 Kirby GreenGreens

There are others I can't place as being OCR, but then, I've been waiting for the next big torrent update to get the newer ones.

I think someone should remind this guy that those two songs need to be updated with the proper credits.

Which brings me to another point: why is this guy (or any of them for that matter) getting ratings and reviews for remixes that he admits aren't his? It's like stapling up a picture of the Mona Lisa on a wall, and getting people congratulating you for your hard work. It does nothing for the actual artist, and gives all the attention to the guy that put it up.


http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/137722 - 'Kirby's Mystical Mirror'

He claims he worked hard on that one.

I think there's quite enough evidence that he's intentionally stealing. It's beyond me why he would plagiarize some tracks and then link people to OCR in other tracks.

Edit: The song description is actually an unattributed quote from Nav's submission email, though a part about #ocrwip is cut from the middle. Weird. Guess he's also too lazy to come up with his own descriptions.

Looking around the above link, he does give credits, names and sites of the remixes. I don't think he's really trying to claim them as his own.
Thanks. But for clarification, I'm part of a group OC remix. This is bLinD, but be sure to check out more of us!

He's claiming to be bLiNd though, which is clearly not the case.

Why on earth would people resort to this? This is just absolutely ridiculous.

Most of the answer I or anyone else here could give you would contain some common element of "douchebags" and something about laziness and not having the talent to make their own remixes.

Suffice to say, they are douchebags and are too lazy to make their own remixes.


Wow, can't believe this thread is still goin. anyways, Posted to SarafinaGoddess about her FFIX video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i1PCXpv-qU not taking credit, but not giving it either. Just msged her nicely, hopefully something will come of it. also on the Vega one, gave one of the responders a Link to the song, since he wanted it, and apparently couldn't find it, How ironic that the uploader didn't credit OCR and a listener wanted the music in the end..

  • 4 weeks later...
Thought I'd let you know that some guy added a crappy Zelda tune overtop of this and is hosting it on Newgrounds claiming it to be his work. People are giving it 10's because of the great original track (yours), and he is replying acting like he did all the work. Really burnt my toast if you know what I mean. Here is the link http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/172297 Kick his ass seabass

Quoting it here from the review thread of the remix in question.


Oh, I completely realize it's not a serious issue. Certainly not near the level of plagiarism. But considering the soundtrack essentially came *from* the web (unlike other games that have their music on YouTube), I found it highly ironic that someone posting stage themes *on* the web makes no mention of the website where they can be so easily obtained.

'tis all.

  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if you'd consider this plagarism, since currently, the profile in question has no links, affiliations or references of any kind, nor is this person taking any credit, however, I wanted to point out this particular MySpace profile which I just happened upon.


The user has a few tracks posted via MySpace Music, and the profile itself is an artist profile, but from the looks of things, it might just be some innocent fan worship. I don't really know. Anyway, just wanted to point it out.


I don't think it counts... It sounds like he's just a remixer of sorts posting his stuff.

He does claim the work for himself and it isn't the original soundtrack so I don't think it's wrong to assume he made it. Then again if you know who really made the songs then we have a contender, here (although the response here may not be as violent as before, as it isn't OCR music).

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