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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Funny story. I asked Beth a while ago who her Secret Santa was and she didn't tell me who. Wonderful thing after a long day... I found a package in front of my door. I was so excited to see who it was from. Seconds later I could not stop laughing. Trying to find the gift was an adventure. I honestly believed she trolled me until I ripped the damn thing apart. haha I found this: Not going to lie. This made me cry like a baby...but that's not surprising, right? I've always been the emotional one. Getting the gift made it harder not to go to MAGFest. Unfortunately I had to cancel it. Thank you for this, Beth. I had no idea you could make such a beautiful thing. I'll definitely wear it to MAG 2017. I promise. In the meantime I'll take care of these. I love them. I can't wait for gift #2.
    3 points
  2. ok...I feel very exposed posting this, it rambles a bit, but here goes... So a friend of mine, ran a VGM radio show out of WRUW Case-Westeren Reserve, back in 2009 and every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s house and stay till 3/4am and drink coffee and play video games, I was about to go to Basic Training and I wanted to spend as much time with my dad as possible. I loved every it of playing those game and I loved playing them with my dad even more. Well, One night I was heading back home and I usually left the radio off ( comm’on it’s 3am on a monday well the hell are you gonna find?)……**This next scene hold fast in my memory as clear as crystal**….I was really wired and went was flipping throughout the radio stations, and I heard..(Chip,Bit,Pop, Bleep) and I said that sounds like a Mario game, but it’s….different…My hand went to change the dial, but it couldn’t move…it’s rare in life that we can consciously remember moments that will shift the courses of our lives in such huge magnitudes, but if I would have changed that Dial….I don’t know where I would be….I really don’t where. So the Radio host came on and confirmed my suspicions that this was a VGM,VGM remix, Bitpop, and Chiptune radio show. He would regularly play OCR music and the name never rally resonated with me…it was just good music. So it came to pass every Sunday I would drive to my Dad’s play video games near all night and then drive home and listen to “Power Up” Hosted by Vince Torre. So I would listen each week and one week I decide to call in and request a song, SotC- A Power Revived, He played it and we got to talking and each week I would call in and talk for a good portion of the show while he spun all VGM related music. I’ve always loved VGM music and spent a good amount of time listing to them on YouTube (SupraDarky, silvagunner anyone?) So, my time as a civilian was running down and it was time for me to head out to Lakeland Air Force Base. I was subject to all the anxieties and fears one might feel, but I said I gotta do this. Well I spare the details, but my 3rd night at Basic, they woke me up and took me into and office and looked me in the eye and said "Theres no easy way I can say this so I’m just going to…your father is dead” I lost it. I just lost every semblance or control and I just lost it…they sent me home…I was over…I lost my chance to go to Japan, I lost my hope of being solider, I lost the chance to help my Dad and I lost my dad…I lost it So I was sent back home and I am a mess, I didn’t eat, I didn’t leave my room, I didn’t sleep( and when I did I’d have horrible dreams about seeing my dad and it all being a mistake), I looked for anything that was something I could stand on…nothing. I needed something to grab hold of or this was going to be the end of me…it was the lowest point thus far in my life…and it was a gif that saved me. I saw a GIF with someone named Brian Peppers, the person isn’t important, but that music that was played was “Burn! Bobonga!” I remembered how much I loved playing games with my dad, but he was gone…but I also remembered how much I really did love VGM and I started listening to Power-Up again and talking to Vince. Then that word Overclocked Remix came up again…I went to see what it was, people talk about love at first sight and I always felt that was a copout, but seeing a place where you were asked to stand and deliver excellence, where you could discuss something as esoteric as a game character's name, I was in love. It kept me busy, it enveloped me with all the music I heard from games I loved. It was about then I resolved to be a contributor, I had no idea how to remix or even what to do…I’d played guitar from around 14, but I hadn’t played in about 2-3 years, but I set out and started just trying anything and everything, just kept going, don’t stop to think about anything that seeks to pull you back downwards, forward only. So it was 2013 that I became a member and started using the workshop 2014 after I drove to MAGfest and met some of the remixers in person ( Thank you for the encouragement BliNd!) and that when I kicked it into high gear, culminated with a Post after 2 years of membership and 1 year of diligent remixing. Do I spend too much time on the OCR? Probably. Does it interfere with some of my obligations? Occasionally.For me OCR is more than a website, it's a place where I meet people from all walks of life…I strive to be what many remixers here are, true Superheroes with secret identities, by day students, programmers, office workers, cooks with names and different lives…by night they’re KingTiger, timaeus222, Jorito and many others. I worked hard to earn my place and even though it’s not a degree or trophy, to me it’s a place of refugee, a place where sanctuary was given from the forces that sought to end me. I’ve worked hard at to hone my skill and I hope I never cease to sharpen my skills, though they may never play the bills. On the OCR I am a part of something bigger than myself, a community that has survived and thrived for 16 years, because people were willing to offer up time, effort, energy, money you name it for something larger than themselves…and now I’ve contributed something as small as one track, but for me it feels like one drop of rain joining with a great flowing river with unyielding energy…and it feels good. Thank You OCR...
    3 points
  3. Helpful Review Forum Links: ReMixes with the Least Number of Reviews ReMixes that Haven't Been Reviewed in a Long Time Added these to the first post as well.
    3 points
  4. modreview/eval Intro has me worried about the mixing. The bass drum is louder than it needs to be. I have no problem hearing the Cyber Maze Core source here, but it took me a long time to hear any Dark Necrobat stuff. Once it comes in at 2:25, this feels more like a medley than a ReMix. Fortunately, the lead from Core is still there. The arrangement, overall, is on the conservative side of things, but I think it's in the green. The genre adaptation obviously does a lot to differentiate it from the original. Sound design is an interesting blend of jazz with the drums and bass, and retro synth stuff. It's a cool combination, although might be a bit too aggressive. Not terribly so, but they strike me as a bit of an odd choice. There are parts where that works really well (eg 2:00), and others where they don't work nearly that well (0:20, 2:35). It's often a question of what the arrangement does at the time. Overall, the production is good enough. I'm a little torn on some of the sound design choices, but there are no dealbreakers. That one chip-arp-y lead is sometimes too loud, as are the drums (though with the choice of samples, lowering the drum levels too much would make them sound silly). Maybe the other stuff should be louder instead? The synth stuff sounds a bit too raw and exposed, but I can't tell if it's a problem or a style. I would complain about weird glitches in the background around 2:00, but once I realized those were intentional, it's no longer a complain. 1:46-2:15. Really cool. Glitchy ending. Cool. I would otherwise complain about the note the track ends on, but as that's not actually where it ends, it's fine. There are improvements to be made, but it's in a rather good state right now. Nice work. Do consider timaeus' points about the lead getting old and stuff.
    2 points
  5. Just some thoughts about FFVII being multi-part. A couple of years ago, Square Enix released the MMO Final Fantasy XIV. The game tanked hard because of a myriad of technical and game design flaws. It was so bad that Square Enix pulled the game offline and reworked the entire thing. They eventually released FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, which has been a very successful game for them. A lot of the post-mortem talks about this game focused on the staff at Square Enix learning that they needed to shift the culture surrounding Final Fantasy games at the company to something that was more in tune with the player-base. SQEX has long been known as a studio that makes beautiful looking games, and that art culture was part of the reason the original FFXIV did so poorly. One example was flower pots in the game having just as many polygons as a player characters; this kind of hyper-detailed rendering of environment objects led the developers to limiting the number of visible player characters in-game, which made the game look pretty but empty, which is not what you want in an MMO. The failure of FFXIV caused the company to reevaluate their priorities, and they're much more interested in listening to the player base. The director of Final Fantasy XIV is still apologizing to players all these years later because he realized how important it was to make a player-centric game. A great example of this culture-shift is Final Fantasy XV's Episode Duscae "demo." The game isn't coming out for a while, but Square Enix has this sample game that they've released that players are playing and reacting to. The developers are using this as a kind of beta for the game in order to influence design decisions. They want to get an idea of what players want, need, and like so they can calibrate the experience of the final game accordingly. I think that this culture-shift is part of the reason they're taking a multi-part approach to Final Fantasy VII. I think they're going to release the first part, look at the feedback and player reactions, and take that on board in order to improve each new entry in the series. See what things players like, see what they don't. I think that the gameplay throughout the series of releases is going to evolve based on what players say.
    2 points
  6. So I after listening to Brandon's Scott pilgrim remix posted a few years ago it got me thinking, we should make a full remix for the soundtrack. So I am looking to see if anyone would be interested in joining. I was thinking we could either go for a general remix type album or have each remix styled after a genre of rock. If anyone is interested please comment below! Here is a playlist of the songs from the game, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg-1MHo18OQtH7d06J_0uQVfZVMxHK2m *Edit, posted this in the wrong section, could someone move it to recruit?
    1 point
  7. The People's Remix Competition 312 PRCv12-26 Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Welcome to the last round of this season. Like the last seasons, this will be a free round. Again it is also allowed to remix a different source (like an Anime Theme, an original song (even remixing a midi from ORC) or anything you like). It is even allowed to continue working on a WIP, as long as most of the work is done during this round. It is not allowed to post a song which you did in the past. The only restriction is that most of the time (> 50%) spend on the song is during the upcoming two weeks. Even MIDI rips are allowed, but probably you won't get a first place with that. Source: Free Round - (Anything you like) ThaSauce link: Click here to submit Poll: There's a poll added to this thread, you can vote for the remixer who deserves a bonus point. The remixer with the most votes gets a bonus point in the first round he or she participates, including this round. In a case of a tie, all remixers who end first gets the bonus point. This only happens if at least 5 people vote. I don't know when I close the voting, it will be somewhere between the start and end of the voting stage. Only remixers who entered more than once this season are in the list of the poll. To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Page. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce Page by Friday January 1st 2016 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC314 (the PRC pi round) which will have a special rule. The winner of last round, (unknown yet) can participate without restrictions. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
    1 point
  8. [16:10:56] <Skrypnyk> djpretzel: http://tindeck.com/listen/zsat <--- that's fxsnowy's original version of the mix [16:11:13] <Skrypnyk> everything not in that is what I contributed [16:11:44] <Skrypnyk> tl;dr a bit of rearrangement, scratching, vanilla synths, mixing [16:12:30] <djpretzel> cool. so the guts are his, you tweaked 'em, mor or less? should chime in on the review thread and spell it out, case peeps are interested
    1 point
  9. Ah,one of my favorite songs from OoT I find the groove needs getting used to, seems to change between triplets and straight eights (like timaeus already pointed out), but overall i really like the writing. A cool and unique little ReMix.
    1 point
  10. All right! - What if you added a slight filter envelope on the choir-like pad you start using in the beginning? I hadn't considered that, but at some different points I had considered doing something similar. I'll give it a go, actually what might work in a more interesting fashion is to use a shelving filter and slowly open up through the intro. I have a couple of other thoughts I could do to make it a little more interesting, but this just confirms a suspicion I had. - Is there any way you can make the bells near 1:27 more tonal? Or are they just something textural for the background? They're more textural in nature, but I can make them more melodious with some layering. At least little bits and pieces that way. I have to be careful with what I add or I might find things getting to melodically dense. Most of the things I've added have been more for texture rather than melody. However, there are certain moments that come & go that I feel need something more. Perhaps giving some melody here or there will really help. - The repeated bass pattern repeats a lot. That's really what I'm most concerned about. But you do have some variation on the bass in the second half which helped (for instance, near 5:10). You and me both. As you noticed I did do some switch up towards the end. I'll work on it and try and come up with some more variations. The thing is that I really don't want to overdo it either. In fact I'm finding that to be the really hard part about this. Even a small change typically has a very dramatic effect on something I didn't want it to. Another thing I'm really concerned about that you didn't mention is the perucssion. It is for the most part the exact same thing all through the track. - How about a space-like sweep at 3:24 if you have one? One example I can think of is the one used for this track at 0:21. I heard some sort of sweep there, but I think it could be more obvious. The later instances of that sweep you have now, though, I would keep, though maybe you can thicken the tone up a bit with some slight distortion? I could totally do something like that. In fact I even have an idea for it. Actually this is a legitimately good idea. Though I'm gonna try and make it a bit unsettling or creepy sounding because that is the whole point of that section. But even so you've given me an idea. - 3:59 can have a transition, so some sort of long reverse can work (like a cymbal, noise sweep, etc), and whatever else you may think fits if you add that reverse. I did something in another track that would probably work here too. In that it builds up to almost a cacophony of sound and then drops to silence essentially. I was already starting to kind of lean this way because I feel that whole section afterwards needs something to better transition it to the end. Pacing is something I'm concerned about. That is part of the reason for the entire build up to the breakdown. I mean honestly I think there is good flow up the breakdown honestly. There are other issues of course with that section, but I don't feel like it has anything to do with pacing. The real problem I'm having is trying to fill out that second half with something that not only separates it from the from the first half, but also stands perfectly fine on its own. And this is where I feel the majority of the pacing issues stem from. The front half of the track flows well, but that second half doesn't flow nearly as well. As a quick aside. I know the mix right now has a multitude of issues, but I actually compose & mix at different stages. The overall track will sound different tonally before I'm done. Right now I'm just focused on getting the flow, instrumentation, and voicing where I want it. Thank you kindly sir!
    1 point
  11. Might be able to participate, but the beginning of next year looks like an especially busy time for me. I'll give it some thought but might have to bail out. A pity because I like Castlevania's music a lot and it'd be fun to join in a compo of which you actually know the music
    1 point
  12. I know this is a design question, so it's more of a "feature" than a bug/issue, but... Could we please not have 600 pixels of non-content before the actual content of a forum? My laptop has 800 pixels of vertical resolution. The browser and OS eat up 110 of those, so there's not a lot of room for non-content. I'd rather not have to scroll on every page to get to the stuff I clicked a link to get to. I don't know what Invision were thinking, but this design is bloated and apparently made for HDTVs standing on their sides, and I hope it can be customized into something more compact. I've realized reddit's design is actually really good. I thought it looked cheap and dated when I joined. The noncontent on the front page is about 100 pixels, and then the posts start. It could be fancier, but it can't really be much better in terms of efficiency.
    1 point
  13. oops There were WIPs from Chernabogue for Veggies of Geasal! ....but that was it! I'll get back to you about that Mr. Bogue! To everyone else, I've finally adequately updated the first post... Some songs have been opened.
    1 point
  14. Mirby

    Super Smash Bros. 4

    To be fair, Corrin isn't exactly a swordfighter. His moveset itself seems rather unique. That said, I'm rather disappointed that they chose him, though I get why. More irritated that outside of a trophy and a song (that was a carryover from Brawl), Isaac had NO representation in this game whereas at least he was an Assist Trophy in Brawl. And happy about Bayonetta, but again, why not Isaac?
    1 point
  15. Well, you obviously could! Meanwhile, I was wondering if being able to login/register with social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) would lower the barrier of contribution on the forums.
    1 point
  16. No other WIP? Really? But I sent at least 2 for Veggies.
    1 point
  17. It was from an interview that Kitase said no people survived: http://www.ff7citadel.com/press/int_egm.shtml and CHECK this OUT! http://kweh.jp/ffvii-remake-first-scenario-complete/
    1 point
  18. I was initially disappointed in the somewhat lower than expected amount of comments and reviews for this album. But after a while I starting to think about it. Maybe doing an album like this isn't about accolades and praise. Maybe it isn't something we did, so we could pat ourselves on the backs and say "we did it". Maybe it isn't for others to compliment and rate. It isn't a lot of things. But I do know what it is for. It's for a man that isn't here to listen to it. It's for his fans to reminisce his work. It's for his legacy. And maybe... maybe that's all it needs to be.
    1 point
  19. So basically, the same voice cast they've used for everything FFVII-related that had voices since then. Can't hate that; said cast has been pretty solid over the years. Wonder if that will hold true for the English cash as well? It sounded like Steve Burton again as Cloud, but I couldn't tell if that was still Beau Billingslea as Barret or not. Definitely looking forward to a few more tidbits of Rick Gomez, though. His stuff in Crisis Core was a joy to listen to.
    1 point
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF27TNC_4pc Say what you will about PSY, but I'll be damned if this isn't a catchy and infectious tune.
    1 point
  21. Nice track. Dips into a sort of noir feel. Perfect for a Batman stealth level.
    1 point
  22. Greetings, kupo... Just a friendly reminder that y'all need to get up off your B*TTS and finish your mixes! There was a bit of a scare where katethegreat19 was all like "I gotta drop my song!" but then she was like "Nevermind, bwa ha!" so... luckily that's still happening, for the moment, I think. Apart from that, we're still waiting on other key tracks, and I'm a little happy to announce that mithius (of FF1 fame) is doing what he did best on the first album, which was to make an overly long but amazing and technical piece, send it at the last minute for me to mix and master, then disappear for a few years Hopefully he doesn't do the disappearing part this time. Outside of the multitude of WIPs I've been hearing from mithius, I haven't been hearing other WIPs, or receiving any WAVs or anything from anyone else. That's a bit sad and hopefully it'll change in 2016, the time for patience on my part is long well past, so when the most key remixes are received, the rest that were less essential are going to be left behind. I can only spend so many years yelling, "For gosh's sake, do your darn mixes!"
    1 point
  23. Well, it was my ex-girlfriend who kind of introduced me to OCRemix, in 2004, she sent me some mixes from here. I rediscovered it in early 2006 when I was looking for some new music. I regularly visited and joined the community in about 2010, I'm not quite sure, when I decided to start making my own remixes and since then I'm here on a nearly daily basis. Thanks to this awesome community I've learned so much about music, and being here helps a lot when I'm feeling down. Since I heard my first remix, the remixes are a part of my life, in bad and in good times. I can't live without music, so I definitely couldn't live without OCRemix And thank you djpretzel, DarkeSword and all of you judges and community workers for keeping this project alive, video game music wouldn't be the same without OCRemix
    1 point
  24. Сongrats! I've hit mark of 168 mixes by now, gonna post at least 7 more reviews today
    1 point
  25. I should be able to submit something to this one -- with the extra days I can have a bit more time to refine it.
    1 point
  26. Bahamut

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    I forgot to mention that Rexy gave me several games on Steam from my wishlist! Super Time Force Ultra, Guacamelee! Gold Edition, and Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming Unfortunately I have been in a crazy time crunch & am currently in DC for the week (and in Orlando the next two), but I will carve out some time in January to play these games . Thanks Rexy, looking forward to the second half of the bonanza!
    1 point
  27. That one thing that happened was OK
    1 point
  28. Excuse me, Mr. Strader... do you mind if I take a crack at Last Battle?
    1 point
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