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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2016 in all areas

  1. I'll admit that as much as I love retro game audio I never really came across much information regarding the specific sound chips of earlier consoles. It's one of those things where I always had an interest in them but would never be able to contribute to a conversation about them. While I was trying to remedy this I came across these videos that deconstruct the different channels to show how each channel was used in the resulting mix. If anyone is into how composers worked back in the day and the limitations they dealt with then these are an interesting watch.
    2 points
  2. Star Wars, Episode VII: The DoD Awakening #1 Claude D. - Star Wars - Boozin' in Mos Eisley - good +0.05 #2 Ivan Hakštok - Star Wars - Sidious - good -0.39 #3 Shipluss - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Life in Space - good -0.45 #4 streifig - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Her Battle Meditation - above average +0.43 #5 Boroda-kun - Star Wars - Death Star Drakkar - above average +0.35 #6 Sagnewshreds - Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - You Must Become a Shredi Master - above average +0.18 #7 Hat - Star Wars - The Band - above average -0.01 #8 Daniel Alm - Star Wars [JVC] - That Wookiee Boy Ain't Right - above average -0.48 #9 The Valley Kings - Star Wars [JVC] - Your Princess is in Another System - average +0.48 #10 pingosimon - Star Wars - Imperial March - average +0.27 Voters: 17 New Year is here and finally you can see the epic conclusion to this December saga. Congrats to Claude D(arth)., Ob-Ivan Hakštok and Imperial Starshipluss! And to everyone who entered, the force is strong with all of you. Thanks to everyone who listened and voted! Check out the updated songs: At the Month Page: http://dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=15-12-StarWars&month=Star%20Wars&img=15-12-StarWars As a .zip pack: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/15-12-StarWars/15-12-StarWars.zip On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8gbAdBgHQUYzvzknEAPOtBzWlLQGPbVS Okay, enough with Star Wars puns, next month is... Collaboration Month! It's a free month with one condition: NO SOLO ENTRIES! You have to collaborate with someone. Or bring your band. No entry should feature a single person, because this is Collaboration Month, period. In the spirit of the theme, the banner was made by a group of Anonymous DoD Artists. The listening party is gonna be held live at MAGFest 2016! Get to Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland on February 18-21 and join us at the celebration of all things VGM. Gonna be fun. The songs are due: February, 16th, 11:59 AM EST Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com
    1 point
  3. There are only 8 Double Dragon series mixes on the site despite the NES trilogy in particular having awesome music. And only 3 from the original Double Dragon. You see that? WillRock is right. THIS IS BULLSHIT. :'-( Any VGM from the core Double Dragon series is pretty strong, and virt killed it with Double Dragon Neon. Let's see if anyone can find some inspiration. I'm proposing this: 1. If anyone in the next 6 weeks submits a passable Double Dragon arrangement (old or brand new), we'll post it! 2. If we get 6+ solid total tracks by the community by mid-February, we'll aim to release a quick EP soon after, since (surprisingly enough) there are also not many fan arrangement albums for anything in the series. If this idea works to get a few good arrangements, I'll continue this on a regular basis with a new series, and we'll also involve fan voting on what underrepresented comes next. Check out the core series music, and use this thread to announce what you're working on and share works-in-progress. Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77093Txe-c&list=PL918478793D2E4C44&index=1 Double Dragon II - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxnQmBt2Cw&index=1&list=PL07AF4A56EE67B990 Double Dragon III - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83KMTt0625o&list=PLD897946A6015F608&index=1 Double Dragon Neon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQUYUesBHOI&list=PLfUvsxulQQd9B6Yxt5b-WrCMlzTmIr_OS&index=1 The other games in the series have some good music, so dig through those as well. Happy hunting! Double Dragon (Game Gear) - (playthrough video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY9TAd1ihi4 Battletoads & Double Dragon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bl1d3l3SJQ&index=1&list=PLBB632369D9187A99 Super Double Dragon (IV) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9meRqSGB7I&list=PL7C88525809BF9265&index=1 Double Dragon V - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVaMa7g2vGg&index=1&list=PL7A5EB6D0F79A7A32 Double Dragon (Neo Geo) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBQpvj8fZSA&index=1&list=PLONR6CCwpAASArTTveTGxTLyxi8TDGl4W FAQ How can you do this, Larry? I'm Larry.
    1 point
  4. I fully indorse this so much that I'm probably going to do something. Silly to complain and not do something about it right?
    1 point
  5. Honestly, your best bet would be to get a "whammy pedal" vst. They make whammy pedals that simulate whammy bar dives for guitars that don't have a tremolo arm. It's as close as you'll probably get without legit whammy samples...Lol "Whammy samples" Whatever you do though, don't over-use the whammy. Much like overusing the wah pedal, it is one of those unwritten guitarist codes.
    1 point
  6. WillRock + DuckTales = instant download. But... is it just me, or is the backing arp just a fraction of a second ahead of the beat? There's something about it that's just a little jarring.
    1 point
  7. It starts off so majestic, much like the original, and then the theme is kicked into overdrive. I like how you made the intro your own, because at this point, we all know what the opening of the Moon Theme sounds like. So it's refreshing to hear the beginning arranged enough to that it sounds different, while still being able to tell that it's still the Moon Theme. The rock arrangement done here is excellent. I loved the dueling guitars. They didn't try to overpower one or the other, and their performances flowed very well with the track. Great way to kick off the year ;D
    1 point
  8. I don't think you'll need those, since everyone's getting their first picks right now, but I've added them anyway. Took me a little while to find YouTube links, since both names are a little off. No one has Beginning as their first choice yet, and it's one of the all-time classics. But really, at this point all you need to do to find awesome sources is to go to the signup roster and choose a few that aren't anyone's first picks. This guy has a not-totally-unreasonable point about Treasury Room.
    1 point
  9. Wow! Lots of screaming guitar work in here, man! Right up my alley. Congrats!
    1 point
  10. OmegaBolt

    KKND Survivor Theme 1

    Thanks for the reply! Didn't see it until now. Don't hear the Easy Lover connection but I'm ok with it! I don't mind some Phil Collins, and I'm a pretty big Genesis fan. As for the period sound- I wanted to embrace the 90s quality of the original, just because it would be some kind of defence to it sucking honestly. The actual instruments are VST recreations of a Pro One, some Juno model, a Mellotron, and a Hammond, so really none of it is meant to sound very modern. If I go back to it in future I'd really need to widen the sound somehow and fill it up a bit, because it does feel a bit empty. Possibly I could take it in a more industrial, lo-fi direction, with pots and pans clanging around... that'd reflect KKND I think.
    1 point
  11. I know, I know... there are literally already 20 remixes of Schala's theme on the site. I don't think anyone's ever done it quite like this though! (There's a hearty dose of 'The Last Day of the World' too, to pair it with something a bit less-often touched.) I am considering this remix finished, but I wanted to share here anyway because I'm really proud of this track! So, last October I visited Theophany, my longtime friend and one of my favorite musicians of all time, for a weekend and we had a chance to speak at length about our music making processes. That visit gave me a huge burst of inspiration and almost immediately when I returned home from the trip, I began work on this track. It features plenty of my signature bells and pads and a heavy focus on atmosphere, as always, but I think you'll agree that this is far different from my usual style. I wanted to create something dark, brooding, and extremely dramatic to really capture the larger-than-life spirit of the Chrono Trigger storyline. I took a lot of inspiration from film scores like Inception, post-rock bands like Sigur Ros and Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and of course, Theophany's own music. I've worked very hard to push my personal envelope with this track, and I feel like the last 2 minutes of the song in particular are the best thing I have created to date as a musician. Hope you enjoy! PS: Just for fun, here's a picture of my finished project file! This mix took about 30-35 hours of solid work to complete.
    1 point
  12. Sweet, new time passer for the train. If only there was a sweet-ass FFIX remix album for us to listen to *cough*...
    1 point
  13. Don't be frustrated, be happy about what you have accomplished and remember, even those OCR giants started small.
    1 point
  14. I know its hella late but I just wanted to say thanks to Bundeslang and everyone else That has voted and liked my songs enough to grant me Remixer of the year! I am both over joyed and kinda frustrated to see that I have received such a reward. I'm happy because I was able to complete a goal that I have set and told myself to win since last years PRC free round (PRC 286), and The only other Goal I wish to set for myself in PRC is to become Higher in the hall of fame and to be amongst the top 10 of all round remixers; Of course that's not going to be happening anytime soon but its a goal none the less. The parts where I'm frustrated at this reward is simply because I don't feel like I deserve such a reward when I myself still have lots to learn. my ability to be able to stand on my own 2 feet against the giants of OCR is still very marginal but I can do nothing but keep trying and progress through the months/years that will pass by that will hopefully make my efforts fruitful to become a better creative musician and artist as a whole. Loved last year's outcome and I can't wait to see you all again for the new year/season of PRC!
    1 point
  15. Jorito's WIP is very cool Looking forward to more WIPs, and completed songs!
    1 point
  16. Fascinating stuff It's weird how Green Hill Zone could sound like random notes when you only hear them on separate channels. Watching the Streets of Rage 2 one makes me more convinced that Yuzo Koshiro could make any game soundtrack, regardless of hardware limitations, sound so damn good.
    1 point
  17. Corentin


    Hey guys, I've just made a groovy remix of Spider Dance ! Love the Vibraphone and Marimba cover of the shop theme btw !
    1 point
  18. We need an arrangement of Mango Tango from Double Dragon Neon, obviously.
    1 point
  19. Hey everyone, Fan here of the recordingrevolution.com. Graham just released a video of his One Song in One Month challenge and it looks like he's giving away a few grand worth of studio gear this month. Alongside random drawings for people on his mailing list he is also doing a compo of sorts. You just have to write and produce one song and submit it to his site to have a chance at winning a Presonus 192 Interface and Presonus E5 Studio monitors. The winner of the compo will be handpicked by him at the end of the month so plenty of time to get some writing in. It would be awesome to get some OCR folk in on this thing as we've had tons of compos over the years that required completed music in less than half the time!
    1 point
  20. I can play synths for anyone interested. EDIT: I can also collaborate on an arrangement too, I just don't plan on writing one myself haha.
    1 point
  21. Interesting theme for sure! I wouldn't mind entering myself No brilliant arrangement ideas just yet, and I'm not gonna be the one that collabs with live instrument (apart from human whistling)
    1 point
  22. The theme is awesome. And I hope we get some more OCR people. People who can't play an instrument could now collab with people who can. Btw, I talked with streifig a bit and we had the idea for some sort of "artist matchmaking" thing to help people find collab partners. So, if you have great arrangement ideas but need someone to record guitar, help you with orchestration or do the mixing, we might be able to help. I'll post more details once we figure out exactly how it's gonna be done.
    1 point
  23. This topic has put me off of both games. Good work, everybody!
    1 point
  24. Mid January; gotcha! I'll see what I can come up with *edit* I got off my lazy *** and finally started on my WIP. About 1:30 done so far (not bad for a 27 second source) and good ideas on how to progress.
    1 point
  25. Really great stuff, i remember when Will was working on this. The finishing touches and tweaks he put on it really stepped it up, and the modulations in the second half were really welcome surprises in a source that is pretty well travelled. Nice solos too, Im a fan. I agree about the drums needing a bit more oomh, but I can't hate on this, great work, sir! Yes
    1 point
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