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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2016 in all areas

  1. AngelCityOutlaw

    Pokémon Go

    Tried the game out, not really seeing the appeal, honestly. This is the game 10 year old me dreamed of, but 24 year old me lacks the childlike imagination required to suspend my disbelief to really feel like I'm in the game, even if it is AR. I walk, at the very least, 3km every day and now it's like "WHAT TEAM ARE YOU ON!?" and I'm just like "Dude, I'm just out walking. People did this long before Pokemon Go was a thing". Like, I see this quickly getting to the point where I'm not going to be able to even glance at my phone in public without being accosted by a Pokemon Go player. On the one hand, it's great that a video game about cartoon monsters has inspired people to go outside, but on the other - it's also really sad that it takes a video game about cartoon monsters to inspire people to go outside.
    1 point
  2. Well, I do hear the jazz influences, but I think these are more like... jazz with significant hip hop influence (due to the drums, like the claps and sub kick). There are jazz-based instrument choices, but the mixing seems to be by someone who mainly likes hip hop; not necessarily a bad thing, but it's what I'm hearing. Mainly what I'd say is that the saxophone is narrow and upfront, particularly in track 1, 2, and 4, making the soundscape feel empty/not full (not in terms of EQ, but space). The piano in track 1 is distant and narrow, which adds to the emptiness. You can help that by increasing the room width on the applied reverb on both instruments and cutting down on the midrange on the sax. Try listening to other tracks with a fuller stereo field and thinking about how you want to fill out yours, as that's the major mixing issue IMO. Here's an example:
    1 point
  3. During one of OCR's staff meetings Larry and I figured out some really great tools that YouTube has for creating playlists. In addition to game-specific playlists, we've started putting together some themed playlists with the help of some other staff members. Check 'em out. Hit the Gym, Bro: ReMixes for Working Out Don't Sleep on This: ReMixes from Obscure Games Rock Out with Your Clock Out: Rock and Metal ReMixes Take it Easy: Relaxing ReMixes YouTube allows us to deputize people so that they can add videos to playlists we create; if anyone wants the collab link to add OCR videos to these playlists, post here to request access. Once you get access, you can start adding videos. Remember, OCR channel videos only! We know that we don't have all of our albums up on YouTube yet; we're working out a solution to that, so please don't add non-posted album tracks uploaded to other YouTube channels. If you have an idea for a themed playlist that you'd like to create for OCR's YouTube channel, post here with your idea and I can hook it up for you.
    1 point
  4. Ooo, an improve, sudden jazz album, out of the blue! Nice. There's a lot of really awesome saxophone playing throughout, and the e-piano works great with it. The drums are dry and drum-machine-y throughout, but they're not terribly sequenced, either - they could just use some humanizing TLC, overall. Yeah, I'd call this jazz. It's a very soft jazz, but it still has decent improve over the VG tune base throughout. Like you said, there's many types of jazz out there (not that I'm THAT familiar with it all). One tiny thing, though - since you're posting this in the WIP boards, you should label this as an album. Otherwise, it looks like you're posting a bunch of individual tracks in the same thread, which is looked down upon (and against the forum rules, even). It seems that this is intended as an album, though, so just put that tag on there and/or make it clear that it's an album on the title. I enjoyed it, though, for what it was worth. It certainly is rough (Bowler's points are not inaccurate), but for a ten hour investment it's pretty darn good. Nice work!
    1 point
  5. hmmm... not sure what to think of this. First thing first, this isn't jazz. It's more kinda like hip hop or some kind of hybrid, but definitely no jazz. Not that it matters, but still kind of important to know i guess. I'm not sure if you're actively looking for feedback or just posting this for our enjoyment, so i'm just gonna quickly mention the stuff I noticed while browsing through the multiple tracks. - Some harmonic ambiguous stuff happening. Clashing notes which could be easily fixed. Nothing too big. - It could be my crappy laptop speakers and/or soundcloud, but the balance was a bit of at times. Too loud accompaniments compared to the leads. - The drums in the first cover don't flow at all. When writing for drums, always think in patterns and fluent motions for each limb. It kinda stops right in the middle, which disrupts the flow. It could work in another context, but the piano is playing swing time, and those drums ain't swinging at all. It all kind of contradict each other which makes it sound very unnatural. - At quite some moments the countermelodies are going straight through the frequency of the lead melody. Take care to have a clear distinction between the multiple melodies so that they don't interfere each other. Well, I think there was quite some more stuff, but this is all I can remember. If you want more feedback, some more explanations behind the things mentioned above or something else I can help with, just say so. Then I'll leisurely take the time to closely listen to your tracks. Nice work!!
    1 point
  6. So, good news everyone! We've hit the 50% mark! http://americanpixels.com/50-percent.php And, umm, not quite bad news, but well, there's still that other 50% to hit. Now, I personally have been on the other side of the equation where I see a Kickstarter I like, I don't go pledge right away, and rather I'll sit back and watch for a bit... and then eventually pledge when it gets down to the wire. Well, if you're reading this, do me a favor. Don't be that guy. (Now that I've been on the receiving end here, I'm making myself a promise not to be that guy again, heh.) Let's ensure that this thing becomes a reality; if you've been waiting and wondering, well, now's a good chance to act. Get your pledge in before time runs out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1265656914/american-pixels-a-game-music-tribute-album-by-maze In other fun news, I've been enhancing that link with extended track previews in the "Updates" portion - and will continue to over the next couple weeks - so if you want to hear more of the music before deciding how much to pledge, feel free, and enjoy the stories behind the tracks! (Stay tuned to my FB page for more stories as they are released.)
    1 point
  7. Here is my First Pass at The ending(If you like it you can put me down for the track):
    1 point
  8. Results Time The results are as follows.: Number of participants: 2 Number of votes: 2 HoboKa did a great job, but he ends with 5 points and the last place woorden spoon. And the winner of PRC326 is Supercoolmike with 6 points. Congratulations Supercoolmike with the victory. You may pick a source for PRC328. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before this Friday (22 June), 10:59 AM ThaSauce time. You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). Check the ThaSauce Page for the results.
    1 point
  9. Oh, awesome. Chiptunes are pretty sweet - glad I could introduce you to them! I think this came out in January, though First post is updated with minor mixing changes, will not be working on it further (got more things to work on!). Thanks for the input, everyone, it helps greatly!
    1 point
  10. gonna have to be contradictory on this one. Slowing a passage down is a great way to learn something especially if you have problems playing it at normal speed. If you take audacity for example and slow the tempo of something down by up to 30% in many cases it'll be easier to hear the intervals despite a small amount of artifacts that are generated. Beyond that though it allows you to hear how the notes are being shaped during the passage in greater detail. Even if you are the type to mouse in every single note, little things that you can do learn to do to shape individual notes either through playing or through CC controllers and mod wheels are much easier to hear when a passage is slowed down. Not only that but slowing something down wakes your brain up to pay attention to what is being heard. Which is really why people are able to hear small articulations or individual notes so well as you mentioned to end up with a nearly perfect cover of the original. You might discover that the 2 notes played in succession that you thought were a 4th apart were actually a 5th, or that a note glissandos quickly from a minor 3rd before landing on the intended note, both of which can contribute to the "this doesn't sound wrong but something isn't right" phenomenon that occurs often in the early stages of ear training. As far as recommended programs. Audacity is a great one for slowing things down though the free program can be cumbersome to use. If you get NI Komplete, Guitar Rig has a variable tempo knob that goes up to 50% i think it was. Just load it as a plugin in your daw, set an in and out point, then crank the tempo knob down.
    1 point
  11. Saw this on Facebook today and lol'd
    1 point
  12. There's a park near my house. It used to always be empty. ..... it no longer is. Ever.
    1 point
  13. This is nice but I think the arrangement could be better, for example, some of the instruments and that whistle too don't seem to be playing in synch with each other
    1 point
  14. Nutritious

    Pokémon Go

    I was surprised yesterday evening to find this guy outside my front door. Especially glad I was able to catch him after a few attempts with both berries and Great Balls.
    1 point
  15. So, it turns out that my office is a Pokemon Go gold mine. There's a pokestop within range of where I sit, which means I can farm free stuff all day, but the building itself isn't on the map so the game thinks I'm standing in an open field. There's a decent chance of running into wild pokemon whenever I open the game to hit the pokestop again. I've probably caught a dozen pokemon without getting out of my seat this morning. Of course, the downside is that since I'm at work, I can't leave to go hunt down things that I see in my "nearby" list. There's been a psyduck one footprint away all morning and it's killing me. Oh, wait, it's lunchtime. BRB.
    1 point
  16. Nutritious

    Pokémon Go

    I'm not a pokemon guy (I think I've played one of the games before), but my friends kept talking about this last week, so I went ahead and got it. Quite a fun video game that actually makes you want to go get exercise, who knew? Anyway, I've made it up to level 12 and have put together a decent little stable so for. Unfortunately, the gyms around me are starting to be populated by super-high players (one has a 1400+ CP pokemon stationed there), while my best range from 450-680. I'm never going to be hardcore enough to take on stuff like that, likely. So, it turns out the capturing mechanic is actually slightly more complicated than that. The color of the ring indicates capturing difficulty (green-easy to red-really hard). Several factors go into whether or not the capture is successful: the quality of throw, the type of pokeball used, and whether or not a razz berry was used. Nice or Excellent throws will increase your odds of a capture on tougher targets (curve ball throws may as well but I don't know for sure). Feeding them a berry first will increase the success rate of your next hit. Using a better quality ball will cause the ring color to become easier. If your capture doesn't work, it'll pop back out and may try to escape. Usually, you'd have several attempts, though. As far as throwing, I've read the developer said to throw when the ring is at it's smallest, but I'm almost certain at this point the idea is to get the colored ring to match the grey ring at it's widest (meaning you'd throw right at the moment the ring closes in the middle to try to time it).
    1 point
  17. Hey everyone, I've made a new thread for the OCR playlist initiative. Since making the old thread we figured out a better process for putting them together. So let's start fresh here. I'll try to keep the first post updated with new playlists as we publish them.
    1 point
  18. That's a known bug. (OOOOOOH POKEMON PUNS. But no, seriously, I've seen people mentioning it elsewhere online.) I live right across from a shopping center, so there's a pretty good number of stops and gyms within a few minutes' walk of me. I just hit level five today so I haven't messed with any gyms yet, but so far the game is surprisingly compelling despite the fact that the capturing pokemon gameplay is almost pathetically simple. (That said, I've run into a few cases where I nailed my target with a pokeball but they escaped and disappeared, and I have no idea why). Whenever I see a blank silhouette in my nearby pokemon tab, I have to resist the urge to track that sucker down.
    1 point
  19. Mirby

    Pokémon Go

    We tried challenging a Gym only to find an immortal Paras that just wouldn't die.
    1 point
  20. I'm enjoying the game so far... LOL JK, I live in Canada.
    1 point
  21. Kat

    Pokémon Go

    I went to challenge that gym today only to find that instead of the measly 130CP that was guarding it earlier, it's now populated by several 800+CP pokemon. RIP.
    1 point
  22. Kat

    Pokémon Go

    I've seen like 3 churches around here that are also Pokespots. There's also an Abby's Pizza nearby that serves as a Gym. Some of the GPS stuff seems a little wonky right now, though. I can be right next to or even inside Pokestops and be too far away.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. So umm... (necessary) BUMP! Been having a ball (no pun intended) so far. One guy in the Indiana Pokémon Go Trainers FB group caught a 573 CP Vaporeon in the wild! https://www.facebook.com/groups/PokemonGOIndiana/permalink/1012611315504636/ I've got lots of Eevees and bird/bug Pokémon in my area. I'm hoping that silhouetted Snorlax comes back when I'm NOT driving. Which teams are you all on? #teammystic #teamblue
    1 point
  25. So did you want every song in 70's/80's style, or can the remixers choose themselves?
    1 point
  26. I love how the lead into the ending made me think: 6:02 "here comes the picardy third..." 6:06 "okay, well, they'll definitely put it in the piano part...nice touch, leaving it out of the voice" 6:09 "here it is--this 4th will resolve down to the major third" 6:10 "no, it just went up to the minor 6th. ..So they'll put it in the final chord, a fast arpeggiation." 6:13 "...it wasn't there! But wow, that was a nice clean finish." I still felt like the major third was implied, just because I've heard it so often. I think my mind tricked me into thinking it was there, the first time I heard the piece. What I'm trying to say is that I salute you for the clean finish with no major OR minor third. It worked well for the piece.
    1 point
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