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  1. If so, I think I'd need @Sam Dillard's permission to do so --- and you could help me to convince him by leaving your upvote in the comments. The more, the better! I'd really be hyped if people in this community had an interest in a successor to Metroid: Organ Transplants and to let me build this 1h45m monster! IMHO, Sam's work is just BREATHTAKINGLY PHENOMENAL. However, sometimes you can add even more cherries on top of the sundae... ^^ Let's make this the world's most buttered and sugared icecream milkshake candybar piece of soundtrack awesomeness on this planet! EDIT I'm talking about his most recent album, Metroid Cinematica Recharged, which was released just a few days ago on July 1st 2020. Watch his release trailer here:
  2. I don't know if I've got the wrong BPM, what the time signature is, or if it's just a composition with randomly placed notes. I'd like to make a remix of it, but I'm having trouble with the time signature. Could anybody help me out here? Thanks. Also, if this isn't the correct place to put this, I'm sorry.
  3. Hey, for any and all Metroid fans, a Metroid Tribute mix that I participated in is gonna be premiering tomorrow to celebrate Metroid Dread coming out. It's gonna be over 2 hours of fan remixes from the Metroid series, should be fun! It's premiering on October 8, 8:00 PM PST @ https://youtube.com/c/Kodylee21. Here's a little trailer/preview that I made for it (I'm not an experienced video maker, full disclosure: When the premiere is on youtube I'll put a link here for it.
  4. I crafted my remix based around the idea of "what if I were asked to score Samus Returns," and the answer to that question is "less sci-fi inspired dark wave, and more Saturday morning cartoon superhero music." To that end, although I have listed my remix as being for Samus Returns, I arranged it based on the original version of the theme from the Metroid II, rather than the iteration heard in Samus Returns. I believe that Daisuke Matsuoka (the composer for Samus Returns) did a magnificent job of interpreting Yoshitomi's original composition. Sadly, Matsuoka's version does not speak to my nostalgia Samus Aran is an important character for me not only because she is the first female video game character I ever played as, but because I was a closeted trans girl when the original Metroid and Metroid II were released. I found solace in playing as a character perceived of as masculine or a man, despite actually being a woman. So consider this remix to be a little bit of a celebration for Pride Month too I kept the structure of the verse identical to the original piece (save for the all new rock percussion), but created an entirely new bridge in the style of a Riot Grrrl punk riff (maybe a little more grunge?). Anyway, I had fun creating this remix, and hope you all have even more fun listening to it! Song Title: "Fearless Hunter" (Surface of SR388 Remix) Originally Composed By: Ryoji Yoshitomi Arranged and Performed By: The Native Dialect BPM: 115 Style: Synth Wave/Riot Grrrl/Grunge Hardware: iMac, Ibanzez Talman Software: GarageBand, Zebra2, Audacity "Fearless Hunter" Source: "Surface of SR388"
  5. Celebrating Women’s Month with an orchestral medley for the OG leading lady! Enjoy
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWZq7zHjH68
  7. Hello all! Here is a heavy electronica track! It's certainly got a dark and heroic vibe!
  8. Hello again guys. I have just about finished this new melodic dance track. I think I have a banger!
  9. Here is my remix for Rundas so far! I just need to add some guitar and some other things. This may change quite a bit. So far I have almost everything finished! The voice may not stay as it is. I may use a vocoder. Let me know what you Metroid Prime lovers think about it so far. August 3 Update Added guitars! August 4 Update Added Rundas' Voice! August 5 Update New Guitar parts
  10. Here is a track I made just as a test. But we all know that a lot of emotions that we vent are from recent contemplation, anxiety, etcetera. I have been thinking a lot about the ethics of human augmentation lately. If you like Metroid, Half-Life, Deus Ex, 80s music, etc then you will likely like this. What do you think so far?
  11. Hello everyone! It's been a long while since I have begun a new composition! This is more of a spiritual composition that is deeply emotional (at least I think it is so far). June 26, 2020: New Version!
  12. Hey all! On 2018 I published an album called The March of the Machines. It's a robot themed concept album consisting of 10 NES & SNES title songs. On 2021 I will be releasing new Sinfinian stuff and I would appreciate any constructive feedback / criticism on the previous release. Thank you and happy holidays! -M / Sinfinian Here's the links for the album: Track listings: 01. The Trail Of Tears (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - Bloody Tears) 02. The Essence Of Alloy (Mega Man II - Metal Man) 03. Awake In The Dark (Zelda: A Link To The Past - Dark World) 04. Technological Knock-Out!! (Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Fight) 05. Lunar Path (Ducktales - The Moon) 06. Alchemy In A Tin Can (Final Fantasy VI - Devil's Lab) 07. Dragon Morph (Double Dragon - Mission 1) 08. The Remains Of The Last Droid (Super Metroid - Theme) 09. Unite The Robothood (Secret Of Mana - Leave Time For Love) 10. The March Of The Machines (Mega Man II - Dr. Wily Stage 1/2)
  13. Hey all. Here is a continuation of my piece called "Lethal Light". This is more like the boss's cavernous lair.
  14. Hello everyone! If you like rockin' music in the style of Kelly Bailey, Kenji Yamamoto (Metroid Prime), or Metallica, check this out
  15. Hello everyone! It's me, and I am once again up to no good. Here is my latest work in progress. My goal is to recreate the original track closely and then add new elements on top!
  16. Hello all. I just recently posted some remixes in the remixes subforum. I am new here and would like to share some WIP pieces for feedback. Here are some tracks to check out and critique. They should give you an impression of the extent to which Metroid, especially Prime, has affected my creative life. I hope you enjoy these and become immersed into the world of Metroid
  17. Hey guys! I am new to this forum. I have been a fan of Metroid since I first started playing Metroid Prime around 2003. Here are some tracks I made. Hopefully you can judge from the tracks how much Metroid Prime has affected my creative life. Listen to Metroid Prime Prologue Remake - {WIP 2} by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud Listen to Metroid Prime Prologue Remake - {WIP 2} by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/trevor-baker-26/metroid-prime-prologue-remake-wip-2 Listen to Metroid Prime Main Menu Remake [WIP 7] by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud
  18. Hello! Since I have only seen journal articles and threads related to Metroid Prime 4 consisting of discussion about when it will release, I have decided to create a thread where people can discuss what the overarching story may be. The main concerns here are the introduction of Sylux into the Metroid Prime series, the possibility that Sylux is Samus's brother, and how the word "Prime" even relates to the series now that Metroid Prime has been defeated and Phazon extinguished from the universe. These are just a few of my own personal questions concerning the series, but of course, the discussion can be as expanded as you want it to be.
  19. I guess I should first mention that this is actually a collaboration made with my bro, who doesn't have an OCR account. More importantly, this is an amateur's fusion of the Rundas Battle (Metroid Prime 3) and the Boss Battle themes from Freedom Planet made with Soundtrap. Metroid has always been one of my favorite games for music, and I loved Rundas' battle from the first time I heard it playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. When I heard the boss music from Freedom Planet, I thought that it would go great with Rundas. So, several weeks and two failed finales later, my bro and I made this little piece, named after Rundas’ last words in Metroid Prime 3. Some kind of attempted rock-techno thing. At any rate, I gladly look forward to any feedback to make this a better arrangement! Sources: And a time stamp, in case anyone wants it. Zero to 0:37 – Rundas Intro 0:37 to 1:05 – Freedom Planet Boss part A (with Rundas intro underlying.) 1:05 to 1:32 - Rundas part A over Boss battle part A melody. 1:32 to 1:54 - original bridge loosely based on Boss Battle part A. 1:54 to 2:25 – Rundas part A with liberal ornamentation and variation. 2:25 to 2:53 - Rundas part B 2:53 to 3:00 - Boss Battle bridge 3:00 to 3:29 - Rundas and Boss Battle part A. 3:29 to 3:56 - Boss Battle part B. 3:56 to 4:30 - Boss Battle bridge, Rundas part C. 4:30 to 4:34 – A little made up transition. 4:34 to 4:48 – Boss Battle part C with original counter melody. 4:48 to 5:15 – Boss battle part B, Rundas part B (failed finale 1). 5:15 to 5:42 – Recycled ornamental parts, with some Rundas part B (failed finale 2). 5:42 to 5:56 – Boss battle part B. 5:56 to 6:15 – Dueling solos? 6:15 to 6:44: Boss battle part B with Rundas intro and part A.
  20. Howdy everyone, just wanted to announce the return of the CD albums for Chrono & Metroid Cinematica due to popular demand! They also include digital versions of the albums for every order, but supply is limited so if you're interested in picking one up now's the chance! Feel free to check them out on my site- www.samostudios.com Thanks for listening!
  21. yoo back with a new game remix this time with a classic game for NES Metroid! Kraid's Lair hope you like it.. enjoy download coming soon.
  22. Once again, I decided to try to experiment with style and arrangement to make a unique take on a classic VGM theme! If I were to give it a title, it would probably be something like "Hunting for Ridley". Whadya think?
  23. Hello. I released this quite some time ago, but I wanted to share it here for those who might enjoy it. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for listening! https://theamazingbrando.bandcamp.com/album/m3troid
  24. Hey everyone, So, the idea for this track was birthed out of the most recent MnP Competition. I've been playing around with this for close to two weeks. After getting the song into a more stable place I feel comfortable getting this evaluated and seeing how close or far away I am from the threshold of OCR's standards for submission. I feel this is an improvement from my last remix and would like to try and submit this song to the site, if it's not too far off from the standards. This is like some weird combo between synth wave and standard electronic fare. The idea was to mimic the concept in my head of being on an alien train going between different stations, in this case Brinstar and Torvus. While I know what the concept is, that does not ring true for everyone else and may just come across as disjointed or incohesive, so I want to make sure this isn't going to be a problem for the judges. I'm also worried the lead may be too powerful. Tested my song on a couple different speakers and it sounded a little iffy on one but fine on the other. Even if you are not an evaluator I welcome any and all feedback, or just general comments. Thanks!
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