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It's looking like SS-ing all the stages in Dustforce is going to be the next one of these for me. Night Temple was the first of many several-hour attempts at perfection (not even going for a high score), and I do NOT look forward to doing this on any of the gold-key Laboratory levels.

I've only got three of the Lab gold key areas left. Abyss and Night Shift are going to be a pain, especially since I'm taking a break from the game.... I also have the Core Temple left. That one's a bit less painful to me. I've gotten pretty high rankings in some levels; I don't remember which ones.

Btw, doing it all with Dustgirl (the red one). And, it's actually Backup Shift, not Night Shift.

You mean Yaizmat? I can't believe I beat him twice. I only did it the second time because I accidentally deleted my 100% uber-game save.

Yeah. The first dragon down in Sochen Cave Palace wasn't too bad since I had two people with holy weapons (Excalibur and Holy Lance), but the second one was painful as all hell and no fun. At least you could leave and come back, since all you did is slowly plink away at his health. I have no idea why Square thought this would be fun.

When i was in college i somehow managed to beat Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. (non-Black) The game then sat in my collection for a few years and one day I popped it in for about 10 minutes then promptly turned it off, ran it down to the mall and traded the game in.

No way in hell was I going through that again.

I beat the 2nd Ninja Gaiden for Xbox 360. That's something I'll never do again.

My dad used to able to beat (the awful) Street Fighter 2010 on NES like it was nothing 8O

In the original Disgaea, you could only get the best weapon in the game (Yoshitsuna, if I recall) by going into a difficult dungeon and delving to the bottom (100 levels of dungeon). Then, you had to steal the sword from an enemy. The steal chance is 1%. I literally tried 99 times and on my 100th try I got it.

On a side note, I was playing at the time with a friend of mine who was into mathematics, statistics, etc. I was joking that because I had tried 99 times, it would obviously work on the 100th time. He said something like, "No, probability doesn't work that way!" And then of course I got it on #100 and he was literally gaping. Haha.

never tell that story to mmo player please. :D

and to stay in subject think i will never do again, knife run in RE veronica.

I've only got three of the Lab gold key areas left. Abyss and Night Shift are going to be a pain, especially since I'm taking a break from the game.... I also have the Core Temple left. That one's a bit less painful to me. I've gotten pretty high rankings in some levels; I don't remember which ones.

Btw, doing it all with Dustgirl (the red one). And, it's actually Backup Shift, not Night Shift.

Backup Shift's now the only one I have left to SS. That uppermost portion where you have to dash-attack PERFECTLY through five sets of narrow pairs of spikes has stopped my SS run in its tracks hundreds of times now. I've beaten the level with an S in completion, so I know I can do it, but good lord I'm never doing this again.

On topic, I remembered a few more:

Getting a character other than Collette to show up first in Flanoir in Tales of Symphonia. This was much harder than it should have been.

Trying to S-Rank the final stage and all its challenges in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. This was at one point all that stood between me and every single medal in the game. I never managed to do it after my save file was deleted.

Getting the Golden Axe in Animal Crossing. To this day, I still do not understand how I managed to keep the town clean for that long.

Completing the Pokédex in Pokémon Pearl. I had to import from a whole slew of old GBA games to make it happen. Never again.

Attempting to 100% Hard Mode in Metroid Prime, only to miss the scan of Ridley and save absentmindedly afterwards.

Beating Final Fantasy XII at all through judicious use of an auto-leveling exploit. I loved the game's lore and battle system, but hated licenses and how long regular fights were taking towards the end.

Digging straight down in Minecraft. Only once. Never again.


Just thought of another one: In Vagrant Story, starting a New Game (not New Game+) and playing it through without using any weapon other than Bare Fists. Except for a crossbow, and that only to break boxes when necessary - didn't use it against enemies.

Such a pain in the ass.


Two instances come to mind here. The first is the excursion that I call beating R Type III. I consider it my greatest gaming achievement, being that it's probably the hardest game that I've ever played bar the Ghosts and Goblins/Ghouls series. When I beat the game we recorded it and I had several shots of rum to celebrate. I don't think I will ever try and beat it again, but if you're wanting to play something that might give you a panic attack then look no further than R type III: The Third Lightning. Not only is it difficult, it is extremely intimidating. There have been very few games that make the think "Omg, what the heck is that?" every few seconds.

The second instance that comes to mind is the 'cave of ordeals' quest (thanks to the poster below for identifying this correctly) on Zelda: Twilight Princess. It wasn't anywhere near the hardest side-quest that I've played through, but it was lengthy and challenging enough. The reward simply wasn't worth it and I doubt that I will try for it again.


Two things:

1. LoZ Skyward Sword - beating that flying whale thing called Levias, the one with the eyes underneath it. I hated the flying bird mode of travel in that game, and trying to kill those constantly moving eyes while trying to fly and not crash into the darned thing all the while was excruciating. Once I beat that, I sat down, took a break, vowed to only do that one time, and continued the game.

2. LoZ Twilight Princess - completing all 50 levels of the Cave of Ordeals. Ok, yeah I'm proud of that accomplishment! But once was enough. :)


Well yesterday me and my cousin played Sonic 2 and got to Winged Fortress Zone and then died, after noticing we had used 4 continues and like 20 lives. We weren't the best at that game.

I sorta sat there and was like, "did we seriously just get so determined just to do that? What is the point?" Of course, that's how it is with most video games. Beating a video game hardly ever actually has an effect on your actual life.


I once beat the first Star Tropics. Good game, but super frustrating at times. If i remember correctly, my roommates stopped watching me play it out of fear that a flying controller would get a little too intimate with their face. I also made it to the Technodrome on the first TMNT for NES. I can't imagine putting myself through that again.


Digging straight down in Minecraft. Only once. Never again.

That's one I think everybody has to try, even though you're warned never to do it. We all have had fun falling in lava at the bottom of a big cave.

I once beat the first Star Tropics. Good game, but super frustrating at times. If i remember correctly, my roommates stopped watching me play it out of fear that a flying controller would get a little too intimate with their face. I also made it to the Technodrome on the first TMNT for NES. I can't imagine putting myself through that again.

StarTropics 1 is an awesome game. Startropics 2, despite the better controls, never really reaches the same level of awesome. But yeah, the final chapter of the first game is brutally unforgiving. One contact hit from Zoda and it's game over.

On-topic, in Final Fantasy X, I actually went through the effort to give Kimahri an ultimate weapon. Not his real one, though. I got 99 dark matter from the monster arena by capturing something like 10 of every monster in about 6 areas... Or something. I used 60 to teach the weapon Break Damage Limit, and it knew Magic Counter and Evade & Counter. I also taught it something else, but it turned him into my greatest killing machine. Took forever, but not half as long as if I tried to catch butterflies.


Arena grind in the first GBA Fire Emblem to get all of my characters to second tier max level. And I mean ALL of the characters. I must have been more masochistic back then because I've never been able to do it again, and wouldn't want to. So much of this: :banghead:

I also made it to the Technodrome on the first TMNT for NES. I can't imagine putting myself through that again.

One of my friends perfected a no-death run for that game. I saw him do it with my own eyes. I could not believe it.


Beating megaman zero using a keyboard using a emulator. was done on a bet and i refuse to do it again on the megaman francise in general, rush jumping and attacking all at once is almost imposible on a keyboard.

Beating megaman zero using a keyboard using a emulator. was done on a bet and i refuse to do it again on the megaman francise in general, rush jumping and attacking all at once is almost imposible on a keyboard.

Beating MegaMan Zero 4 in Hard Mode in a

, using a laptop computer keyboard on an emulator. Yeah, I'll probably never do that again, lol. Rush jumping and attacking all at once on a keyboard is very possible for my config, though. :P

A for A, B for B, S for L, R for R, Right-Ctrl for Start, and Right-Shift for Select.

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