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I'll stop it here, but I will say for once you are right!

I flame you because I don't like you.

I could further explain but I shall respect zircon's request.


atma quote who you are directing what you said to so it doesn't look like you said you disliked me

sorry good sir i was speaking to the neighborhood friendly thin crust

  • 4 months later...

I used to frequent the forums here alot about 2 or so years ago and I spent most of my time in Unmod, what ever happened to it? I did an quick look and didnt see it. Did I just miss it or what? Oh well its groovy being back.


Yeah, basically some users were out of hand, and so part of the solution was to delete it and erect Offtopic, and make the forum rules more well-defined & enforced. Before, it was almost impossible to do something without users going into an uproar over it, no matter how trivial.

I used to frequent the forums here alot about 2 or so years ago and I spent most of my time in Unmod, what ever happened to it? I did an quick look and didnt see it. Did I just miss it or what? Oh well its groovy being back.


Or, if you don't feel like scrolling and clicking the link on the left side...



Nice article, Coop.

In retrospect, I think the deletion of UnMod ended up punishing the innocent, and just making the guilty very angry. OffTopic's, erm..."erecting" process could probably have been achieved just as easily by renaming the forum, stating the rules, and banning anyone who broke them afterwards.

Yeah, basically some users were out of hand, and so part of the solution was to delete it and erect Offtopic, and make the forum rules more well-defined & enforced. Before, it was almost impossible to do something without users going into an uproar over it, no matter how trivial.

Ironically, the mass bans and the culmination of UnMods deletion resulted in probably the worst backlash in site history, and alienated 90% of the community that was here (regardless of their contributions or lack thereof, they were still community members). I agree with Dhsu that a "phase-in" grace period would've been a MUCH better way to do it, and wouldn't have left nearly as bad of a taste in peoples' mouths. Never mind what the staff themselves had to say about the whole debacle, and of course the glorifying the entire event (as seen above from Radiowar). It's all old hat by now, though. The forums are boring, and that's okay.

Ironically, the mass bans and the culmination of UnMods deletion resulted in probably the worst backlash in site history, and alienated 90% of the community that was here (regardless of their contributions or lack thereof, they were still community members). I agree with Dhsu that a "phase-in" grace period would've been a MUCH better way to do it, and wouldn't have left nearly as bad of a taste in peoples' mouths. Never mind what the staff themselves had to say about the whole debacle, and of course the glorifying the entire event (as seen above from Radiowar). It's all old hat by now, though. The forums are boring, and that's okay.

90% is a pretty exaggerated statistic, don't you think? :roll:

And all that stuff about renaming UnMod and/or phasing in was discussed heavily, long before any of the really bad shit started to go down from either "side." The deletion of UnMod had been in the works for quite a while (on the order of months to a year), and the moderators (back when guys like Gray and I were mods) spent a lot of time figuring out the best way to do it. And when I say "best," I don't mean "best" for the people who made being a mod hell, I mean "best" for the interests of the site and the community at large.

Renaming the forum wouldn't have changed anything. Outright deleting the forum made a lot of people get pissed off and leave; people that had made it clear that they didn't give two shits about anything related to this website except for UnMod itself. I'll probably catch a lot of shit for saying this, but good riddance. I think I've earned the right to say that, after the bullshit I had to put up with the night the forum got deleted.

Yeah, I know other people left that did care a little. I'm sorry to see them go. But despite everything OCR's gone through, the community always survives and grows. People still make music, talk about music, play games, have compos, do meetups, go to concerts, etc. etc. etc. I prefer that kind of community far more than what UnMod "offered" by a long shot.

But what do I know? I'm just a shitty judge.

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