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Hello, OCRemix. New member here. About to post my very first ReMiX on this very site. Looking forward to getting to know you guys and gals. Also looking forward to giving some nice feedback and constructive critisism. I want to give as much help as I can, and I hope to recieve some too, when need arises. ;-)




Hello, I'm Dj CUTMAN. I've been a long time fan of ocremix, and I've made a few remixes but nothing I was very happy with.

Recently, I was asked to Dj my friend MC Death Bear's art show. Having never Dj'd live before, I turned to the music i knew best, my collection of game OSTs and OCremixes. Since then, I've made two mixtapes, and a few original beats.

You can listen to the newest mixtape here.

I wanted to say Hi here and see what the community thinks of this kind of DJ thing.

Is anyone else spining this kind of stuff?

I've also made some friends over on 8bitcollective, a very rocking chiptune site.

I'd love to see some collabs (or maybe some mashups? :D) between ocremix and 8bc.

You can listen to my other mixtape and a few originals on my SoundCloud. I'm also on Facebook.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

(-\ /-)



Hello, I'm Dj CUTMAN. I've been a long time fan of ocremix, and I've made a few remixes but nothing I was very happy with.

Recently, I was asked to Dj my friend MC Death Bear's art show. Having never Dj'd live before, I turned to the music i knew best, my collection of game OSTs and OCremixes. Since then, I've made two mixtapes, and a few original beats.

You can listen to the newest mixtape here.

I wanted to say Hi here and see what the community thinks of this kind of DJ thing.

Is anyone else spining this kind of stuff?

I've also made some friends over on 8bitcollective, a very rocking chiptune site.

I'd love to see some collabs (or maybe some mashups? :D) between ocremix and 8bc.

You can listen to my other mixtape and a few originals on my SoundCloud. I'm also on Facebook.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

(-\ /-)



Welcome to OCR.

Please have a look around before you post, just to make sure you're posting things in the right place. Also, if you want to post your music, please use the Post Your Game ReMixes! and Post Your Originals! forums.


Hey there! :) RPQ here. i've known about OCR for a LONG time but not joined the forums because i cant/therefore dont remix but i thought i'd join anyway to both request those mixes which i wish exist and secondly give my viewpoint of said mixes and maybe make some friends. :D

see you!


This must be my.. what, third account here? (I've abandoned the other accounts because a) I can't access the email addresses those are assigned and B) they don't represent me or my music.)

So, I'm Not a Number, (pka "Neotails8762", pka "28% Will Do Fine") I make music, and in the almost five years since first registering, I'm now a student at a music college.

Softwares I use are Logic Pro (at college - curse my lack of OSX at home) and MTVMG (PS1).

Recent music I've made is

, vocals and all. I'm not very good at singing, but I sing anyway because.
Posted (edited)

Howdy. Been a hardcore fan of OCR for a while, now, and have lurked around the IRC for about a month as well.

I don't have any real musically-related talent and am kind of a dummy when it comes to the terminology, to be honest, but I've been playing the drums in my school's band for over 5 years, so I can read music and have a pretty good sense of rythm (When I listened to CrashedMen, I felt mentally abused).

I do have modplug tracker though, and the built in midi samples, and have been piddling around with that a little. Nothing worth mentioning yet, though, as I can hardly even recreate a song as simple as CT's Wind Scene. :|

Aside from the actual remixes themselves, my favorite part of OCR is definitely djp's writeups. They're really insightful sometimes, and it's often fun to read the artist and judge quotes. So, sorry if I contribute quite a bit to the bandwidth traffic, hopping around the site and reading all the reviews. :awesome:

Let's see, what else. Oh, yeah, an OCR T-shirt I ordered arrived last week. Now I need to go out and buy a car to show off this awesome bumper sticker! :razz:

Anyway, my hobby (essesntially what I spend all my spare time doing while pretending that it's productive) is Super Metroid editing... ROMhacks ahoy. Super Metroid literally defines about 80% of my childhood, so I'm pretty dedicated to it. If anyone's interested, please let me know! I'd love to share my stuff with the OCR community. Although my most recent 'officially' released work is over a year old and is really crappy by my standards at this point (haha, I understand how a lot of the remixers here feel. Brainsick Metal comes to mind. Still love that one, Prot), I've been working on and off for over a year now on my main project, Super Metroid: Tierus, which I keep under a big white veil, and in full private development. I'm a little more lax about my other projects, though. For instance, I'm working on a mini-hack that I've simply named Super Metroid: Up. Althouhg terribly short, it's the best I can offer to anyone to play at this point. I might be releasing a demo soon.

...Sorry, I'm rambling.

Nice to meet you all!

Edit: Wow, I just realized that the threads read backwards compared to most forums. I paused a minute and said, "Wait. Mine isn't the first post... wtf!?"

Hahaha. Cool

Edit deux: Oh, I almost forgot. I was going to take a minute and name some of my favorite artists. The order is unrelated to favor. Let's see...

Sixto Sounds, zircon, Star Salzman, bLiNd, LuIzA, DrumUltima, pixietricks, Christian Pacaud (these past people have especially amazing work), McVaffe, Darkesword, Disco Dan, NoppZ, goat, Prophecy, Protricy, Suzumebachi, djpretzel, Shnabubula (did I get that right...? Whatever. DUELING CONSOLES, MAN. HOLY.), Sir NutS, Hale-Bopp... I can't think of any more, and going through Shuffle on OCR isn't jogging my memory, so I guess that's it.

These are all people whose music I consistently love and enjoy on OCR. Your work is really great; please keep it up!

...FAVORITISM awesome_face_bigger.png

Edited by Silver Skree

Silver Skree, don't forget to post reviews too, artists love hearing about their work. ;)

mak, we've got feedback boards for people at all levels of remixing. Post your stuff, read what people think, learn from it.

Not a Number, Liontamer can merge your previous accounts if you want to.

RPQ, there's more to do here than just request and remix. Review remixes, artists love hearing about their work; discuss games and gaming, take part in the non-music competitions, comment on people's works on the feedback boards...

Everyone, welcome. :D


Wow, that seems insanely inefficient... I can kinda understand why you don't want people to just upload their own willy-nilly, but there's gotta be a better way. I mean, isn't djp the superadmin? Is he not able to set more people to be in charge of avatar management or whatever?


As explained by someone in one of the last pages of that thread, Larry's the one doing it, and he has his own standards for what passes as a good avatar and what doesn't. Go back to around page 80 there (20 pages back from the newest post) and you'll see blue LT comments on the posts. Haven't been any of that in a while tho. Thing is, avatars aren't really a priority.

Bring this discussion to the avatar thread if you wanna keep at it, let's leave this threads for newbie introductions and first questions and stuff. :D

As explained by The Coop in one of the last pages of that thread, Larry's the one doing it, and he has his own standards for what passes as a good avatar and what doesn't. Go back to around page 80 there (20 pages back from the newest post) and you'll see blue LT comments on the posts. Haven't been any of that in a while tho. Thing is, avatars aren't really a priority.

Fixed ;-)

Wow, that seems insanely inefficient... I can kinda understand why you don't want people to just upload their own willy-nilly, but there's gotta be a better way. I mean, isn't djp the superadmin? Is he not able to set more people to be in charge of avatar management or whatever?

Just pick what's there. There are a lot of avatars to choose from.


Hey OC, I just joined here. I've been a fan of OCRemix music for a long time; it's filled up nearly half my iPod. I listen to the music almost daily, in my car, at work, and when I'm chilling on my computer.

I've decided to join now because I plan on making music as part of my life and I'd like to join the community which I felt made one of the biggest influences in my love for music. I've been a musician for many years and I've just started to get into music composition using software. I've purchased FL Studio and hope to make the best out of it. Perhaps someday I'll have some songs good enough to be in the OCRemix collection.


Hey guys, I'm new to OCremix and just downloaded a bunch of stuff today!

I wanted to join the community because I just went through my first quarter of an electronic music class and did my first video game project.

I'm still in my newb stages but plan to continue growing and hopefully make a career out of this (or at least make professional sounding stuff in my free time)

Although it's nothing special, here is a link to where you can download the music I made for my friends video game he made for a class. http://rapidshare.com/files/359018220/SoS.zip.html

I did it in my spare time (with a lot of other school work and job-work to do as well) so it's not as good as I would like it to be. But I plan on improving it. :)!!


Hi! I'm wildfire (aka illusen), and I'm sorta new. I've been registered forever, and I've posted a bit on the wip forum, but that's about it. I've been working on the same mix on and off for a few years and hopefully I'll find the motivation soon to finish it. Thought it was about time to properly introduce myself and start participating more in the forums.

A little about me:

I just graduated college (bs in mathematics) in Michigan and am now working as a programmer in an insurance company. Hopefully I'll be upgrading my computer soonish so I can coninue mixing :-)

Nice to finally be part of the site!


Hello members and veterans of OCReMix.

My name is Flam1n90 F1ght3r, and to others I'm known as Sovereign(The name was taken, as it was my first choice). I'm a big fan of OCReMix, as I love listening to the many styles of Mixers. I use quite a few of the Mixes from here, placing them in my Brawl Music List.

Being a newbie, I've come here with a great request for anyone willing to take it on. I'll post it in the proper thread, so I'm not spamming or anything.

I'll do my best to stay active. I honestly want to learn how to ReMix, as well, so that I can express my style and love of music, through other soundtracks.

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