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  1. EDIT (20-10-23): Updated the mix and master as it was very kick and bass heavy. Should be a more balanced sound now. Updated spooki sounds here A dark psytrance remix of "Jaffars Theme" and "Final Battle" from Prince of Persia for the SNES. A sampled reference from the original Apple II version of Jafar conjuring forth the hourglass is also present in the song though that's more of a soundeffect than any sort of musical score. Original composers for the SNES OST are Toshiya Yamanaka and Tetsuya Nakan. The small sampled bit was a melodic sting for the Apple II version written by Francis Mechner, as far as I can discern, alternatively Tom Rettig who did the sound. I worked myself into kind of a burnout mode with this one which made the song hard to really progress in any meaningful way and complete. I really wanted it done now for Halloween so I focused a lot on it these past weeks but also kind of got worn out since I'm also studying at a university now. However, this still marks quite a leap forward in my psytrance skills. I have much yet to learn about effectwork and really adding proper flourish to my tracks but this one still became quite rich and elaborate. Enjoy and happy halloween. c:
  2. https://youtu.be/_xPqx0-ssXw Star Fox remix my buddy, Tee Lopes, and I recently had a lot of fun putting together.
  3. UPDATED VERSION Hello again I just finished another DKC remix, this time putting a spin on the factory stage music. A welcome break from trying to perfect my Aquatic Ambience mix (mixing = argh!) The overall composition is fairly conservative though I did add a few personal touches here and there to keep it interesting. I experimented with sounds and FX and did my best balancing the mix. I actually think this turned out really well, which makes it a positive experience for once. Every time I come back for a listen I just feel satisfied and there is nothing that stands out to me as being "wrong". I hope you'll feel the same way Please listen to at least 30 seconds, even if you don't like it right away, so the play counter more accurately reflects views. Anyway, here it is: What do you think? Have any nice memories playing DKC and hearing the factory BGM for the first time?
  4. Here is a Mana style score that I created by the influence of the Secret of Mana I paid close attention to the elements and the progression to get a sense of making it feel as if it belonged in the game please let me know what you think
  5. Hey guys! This is my take on the Stickerbrush Symphony theme from DKC2. I went for a Joe Satriani feel on the overall track, I hope you guys like it! https://drive.google.com/open?id=15bq3BVBAGtGuEGPSmdlFuQ5oAi8XNPI_
  6. If I wrote the soundtrack of a traditional JRPG, the airship theme might sound like this. What if there's no airship? Of course there's an airship.
  7. I always loved this catchy tune from this classic game. So here is my remix of the Battle music from Chrono Trigger done in a electro house/blog house style. Download and Stream links here: http://mercuriusfm.com
  8. I received a request to cover the Magus theme from Chrono Trigger. Here it is, with a suprise at the end!
  9. I finished another one of my emulation style remixes. All sounds extracted from the original games as separate channels using sound emulation, then mixed together/distorted/stretched/manipulated. Sounds are from NES Castlevania 2, Super Castlevania 4, SNES Dracula X, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Super Metroid. Source:
  10. I started working on this remix a few months ago, been on ice since then until this weekend. Damn it was a long time ago I could finish a song in just 2 days. So what do you think? Would it be something for the OCR community? Everyone loves the Zelda melodies, right? <3 //Glejs
  11. This game is pretty short but has some great music.
  12. I'm new here and I think I've found my home. I'm a Hip-Hop head and love remixing game music from Hip-Hop's view. I've remixed Schala's Theme from Chrono Trigger. I've used old TV dialogue (cleared the sample) in the beginning. I wanted to give it a real hip-hop feel with an Asian twist. I hope you guys enjoy!
  13. Hey, everyone! Late last year I posted some live clips from my VGM/jazz group, The Hard Modes. Since then I've written a bunch of new arrangements for the group that we've been playing locally, and about a month ago we recorded some of our repertoire. I wanted to share the first of the bunch with you--the beloved "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger, written by Yasunori Mitsuda: I never really intended to arrange this tune, especially because it seems like a lot of people cover it (and cover it well!). But, I kept hearing it while I was at MAGFest this year and was infected by the groove so much that I felt like I had to give making something unique a shot. The resulting arrangement is pretty straight forward with the exception of some harmonic variation and the incorporation of 3 additional Chrono Trigger melodies therein. Hope you enjoy, and would love to hear your feedback. Thanks for listening!
  14. I've done Chrono Trigger arrangements in the past, but the short 14-second theme for "Manoria Cathedral" has always been one of my favorite pieces of music from the game. Since the original theme was so short, I decided to do an improvisation based on that theme and flesh it out. My good friend Nathan offered to transcribe the piece and ended up finishing it in just a few hours. The sheet music is linked in the video description. Hope you guys enjoy!
  15. A classic game from Disney with nice songs. Genesis Megadrive console. My favorite is Level 1 Also available in Super NES, the same song at level 1, but the sound is different. I like Megadrive music better Thanks Level 1, rooftop run
  16. Here is my remix of Anything But Tangerines. I used only instruments taken directly from the SNES and Genesis versions of the game, then mixed them in a DAW. It was quite the ordeal unscrambling the crazy sound channels in the SNES version, but that's a video for another day.
  17. Here is a straight literal remix of Ken's Stage for Super Nintendo. As in, I used emulation of extract the highest quality version of each sound channel from the original game, and then remixed it all in a DAW without adding any outside samples or tracks from any other source. Modern EQ, reverb, compression, and guitar amp simulators helped a lot to improve the sound. A few measures of the original SNES sound are spliced in for comparison.
  18. Here's another one! As the nights are becoming longer and colder we thought to keep you guys warm with a proper shuffle blues riff, this time from the amazing niche SNES gem PLOK! The then very young Tim and Geoff Folin got something amazing out of the limited capabilities of the SNES music chip, something that is as quirky and unique as the whole game. Enjoy and remember! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feMWBujjQ2M Stefan of REMEMBER CITADEL ( https://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband )
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