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If the combat in TP sucks, then the combat in every 3D Zelda sucks. That is, unless you got the Wii version.
That's what she said.

lololol i said sucks and wii in the same sentence

TP had some pretty bad gameplay though (or, rather, mediocre gameplay with sub-par combat), so I think the story was a pretty big highlight. I mean, if the game had no story to look forward to, it's likely I would've stopped playing before the end. But since the story sucked too, I'm thankful for the nice atmosphere and music, and crazy characters.

.minor spoilers.

I whole-heartedly disagree with you. The combat in TP was was the most expanded upon that it has ever been in any Zelda series; there were far more techniques and moves that you could do in a battle, counters, and just a lot of moves in general. Especially when you compare it to earlier Zelda games. I kind of agree with you in terms of the story, not that is sucked, but that it was just same-old same-old. The first half of the game was really intriguing and interesting, but towards the latter half if it was collect 7 things to fight the last boss, like any old regular Zelda before it. I love the way the game was presented, but the game's atmosphere didn't draw me in like I was expecting it to, and maybe that's because I've been playing games like Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Windwaker which really did suck me into the world the developers created. Phantom Hourglass on the DS even did a good job of this, although in a smaller scale. However, the dungeon level designs were interesting to me in this go around.

So anyway, yeah, combat in TP is way expanded upon the previous Zelda's. I mean, if you didn't unlock all of the combat techniques then I can maybe understand your reasoning, but anyone coming into Twilight Princess having played any other Zelda should know what to expect in terms of story and characters.

I do feel as if Twilight Princess needs to be the last traditional Zelda. After 20 years of Zelda I'm just now starting to get tired of the same old formulaic story structure.

and I loved WindWaker.

Several of Yoshi's tilts, smashes and aerials were improved either in range (longer tail) or power, but his B moves haven't changed much. Of course, his B^ now kind of stalls him in the air and you can use it multiple times, but his smash B is quicker as well. Can't double jump cancel.

I'm happy to hear that yoshi maybe has gotten some improvements, he wasn't that bad in melee, but he was definitely weaker than his 64 version. :S (And it didn't help much to be mocked by people for playing yoshi, even if I generally whipped the floor with them in an actual game).


Yoshi does have a pretty steep learning curve, and I don't feel that's going to change much with Brawl. Out of all the Melee characters, I had the hardest time playing with Yoshi. Kirby, for me, was second only because of how badly nerfed he was; with so many laggy and weak attacks, I'm very excited that they've once again buffed (puffed?) up Kirby's speed and power in Brawl. The new Yo-Yo Kirby dash attack certainly looks cool, too.

Oddly enough, i think the character with the fewest changes overall in the Demo was Donkey Kong, hands down. I'm fine with that, really, since he was exceptionally balanced in Melee, but with such a gimped Final Smash it would have been nice to find a few tweaks here and there. Ah! Well, actually, there was apparently one change to DK: when his smash B buries you underground, your opponent will become "dislodged" after just one hit instead of a set time period. Since they also seem to have lost the immunity to knockback while being buried as well, seems like smash B to Giant Punch would be a good idea for a basic setup.

The combat in TP was was the most expanded upon that it has ever been in any Zelda series; there were far more techniques and moves that you could do in a battle, counters, and just a lot of moves in general. Especially when you compare it to earlier Zelda games.

Maybe so, but the enemies are slow, dumb, and weak compared to the likes of OOT, and not even comparable to any of the 2D Zelda games I've played. What's the point of doing fancy moves when you can kill any enemy just as quickly with the move that's simplest and easiest to do? Usually it's FASTER to kill enemies without using your special sword techniques, and much less risky too. And when the enemies are total pushovers, the only thing that matters in combat is speed - because I want to get the "fight" over with as fast a possible, because it's pointless and boring. I'll admit some of the more difficult enemies were fun, like those lovably frustrating ice-based enemies, but for the most part all the enemies were harmless victims. That icy dungeon really made me think "wow, I hope the rest of the game is this hard!", but from there it just got much easier...

And my "the story sucked" comment was based mostly on my expectations - I got my hopes up because of all the raving fanboys on this site, claiming "OMG it's the most epic Zelda story ever!!!", or "The story's not that great, but it's still the greatest Zelda story ever!!" Curse you, fanboys! Curse you, Sages! Curse you... Link!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled Brawl thread.




yes they better be

the only thing to make this more perfect would be the ability to use mp3s from the sd card



i called this like 2 years ago, and always argued with people that it would WORK PERFECTLY. but NO.

holy wow it looks awesome

edit "And I’m happy that this is compatible with SD cards. You don’t have to worry about size, so make as many stages as you like." i hope they change their mindset on replays to this



yes they better be

the only thing to make this more perfect would be the ability to use mp3s from the sd card


That occured to me, too... but one should never look a gift level editor in the mouth, hey?


OK, well obviously the PURE AWESOMENESS of this update does not need explaining...

But what really struck me is the pic of Mario climbing a ladder...You can do that now? That'll be different...

And the news of the SD Card compatibility puts to rest all complaints about the 3 mins of recording battles. It's obviously gonna mean that recording will work in the same way.

This game is gonna rock beyond description. It's replay factor is gonna outlast mankind.


Sakurai is a master if he pulls this off... OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!

I'm going to have to put in some serious Melee practice when school is out.... now if they just have a way to get it permanent, that would be remarkable, but I'm sure we can get some blog online somewhere on how to design the levels. The MP3 idea is nice, but with all the game music they have and the excellent composers, that's not on my list of concerned things.

Now we can just hope it makes February. I guess Galaxy, Metroid, and Fire Emblem will be the flavor of the season for me, with Brawl up for next year. Oh and some multiplayer game... Wii is too much fun with multiplayer. :-)

Oh, Mother Snowman music confirmed! Um... is that from 1 2 or 3. If it's from 2 (Earthbound), it's probably from the boarding school. Anyone play 1 and/or 3 have any clue?


I was pretty 'meh' til I got to the bottom and read that everyone with wifi will have a level picked by Nintendo and sent your Wii every day. Now that is a pretty awesome idea.



Latest update BLEW MY MIND.

Latest update blew my geekwad.

I hope they let you do more than just have it as a "once in a lifetime" thing, for the daily maps.. like if you like it enough, save it to SD card and store it on your computer, or something.

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