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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Magfest was great, I enjoyed seeing so many friends and meeting new ones, playing games, and having Nandos!
    7 points
  2. There are one or two claims that are still being carried over. I'm going to only be doing one track each for the remaining three volumes (the prelude themes). So I guess I should start getting people for FIRE, but I'm not opening up the claims yet. I need to write up descriptions for the classes/characters so that people have something to work off of. But I do want to take this opportunity to put my plan for one of the tracks out there. FIRE will feature Gilgamesh as the enemy character, and of course, we're going to have a Battle on the Big Bridge remix. For this track, I want to gather eight musicians to form a VGM-rock supergroup called The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh. I want the BotBB arrangement to be very dense and really take advantage of having eight musicians playing together. I think it would be cool to have a really big, epic kind of rock arrangement that's a bit different from what The Black Mages and other bands have done in the past. I don't have a full eight musicians in mind and haven't contacted anyone about it yet, but I do have some names on a wishlist for the roster: sixto, Brandon Strader, OA, SnappleMan, and Ivan Hakstock. If there are any rockers out there who are interested in coordinating this and taking ownership of the arrangement, speak up.
    5 points
  3. Is it magfest yet? http://isitmagfestyet.com/
    3 points
  4. Next year I'm going to make it a point to rally the crew for some gaming
    3 points
  5. Yea, full round! Great job everyone!
    2 points
  6. After listening to a vinyl copy of SoR 2 while relaxing in a vintage rocking chair at SteveO's, I've developed a taste for Natural American Spirit cigarettes and Narragansett.....help me
    2 points
  7. Sorry for the long absence - it has been a long & busy past few years. I am back, and I am going to get this finished within the next 6 months!
    2 points
  8. Music's done for WATER. Finished it last week. I wanted to be able to announce it's done at MAGFest. What I need to do now is put together the visual identity for the albums. I'm considering redoing the artwork for WIND and coming up with a better look that I can use across the series. Alright. Is it out of your system? That's the last time anyone gets to make that joke.
    2 points
  9. You're more than welcome at the Anti-MAGfest. It's going really great. I'm actually making a short list of themes and events present at the show: Personal couch, personal recliner, etc (varies by person) Easy-access beverages, water cooler (again varies by person) Special musical guest my cat No crippling anxiety No armpit stench for 3 damn days from people who don't know how to bathe Quality time with the person you look up to (yourself) The only drama is that which is on our over-sized TVs, which we also get to ourselves Easily drive out to get party food or drink, gas is $1.63 a gallon, lowest it's ever been here All the phonies, sycophants, and assholes are not allowed at your party, unless you are that People don't judge you when you want to get away from their noisy ass, because nobody's there All in all it's pretty ok Oh yeah, I forgot to add, saving roughly $1,000. That's good stuff.
    2 points
  10. HoboKa

    MnP 50: NES SMB FFA

    Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round 50: NES Super Mario Bro's Free-For-All!!!! 50th anniversary SPECIAL ROUND Deadline: Mar 8th Tues 1 PM Vote Ends: Mar 10th Thurs 11 PM Submit your remix Here when completed. Since it's kind of a milestone, I had the idea of doing something fun. Since Super Mario Bros. is one of the franchises best known for starting the trend of home consoles and popularizing video games, we should do the "MnP 50 NES SMB FFA." Rules: Any track from SMB 1, 2 or 3 for the NES is fair game. Mash-ups and medleys are okay (you can even use multiple games in one track if you want), just don't do it for the sake of doing one. Ultimately my bonus vote will be based on production value and creativity, while maintaining all important parts of the source. -Hypnotyk A bunch of .mid files are available at http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/ (Search Super Mario Bros and you wont have to scroll). This YouTube video contains all three OST's:
    1 point
  11. Alright, I'll make this short and sweet. I know we have the excellent Vampire Variations series of albums that covers the Castlevania series, but I'd like to propose a new CV album with a special twist. CastleMania is an album of Castlevania remixes done in the style of pro-wrestler intro tracks. You know how all those wrestlers in the WWE have their own walk-in music? I want an album of remixes that casts Castlevania characters like Simon Belmont and Alucard as pro-wrestlers with their own entrance tracks. We can do the full production on these tracks too, with some light voice acting; an announcer introducing the character, the character themselves doing some catchphrase-filled crowdwork, some crowd noises to make it sound like it's at a big event arena. I obviously cannot run this album, as I have Final Fantasy V to work on, along with this year's FGC albums and some other personal projects. I'm looking to put together a team to take this album project on, preferably someone with knowledge of Castlevania, or pro-wrestling, or both. It doesn't have to be a long album either; even a six-track EP would be cool. Anyone game? I really want this to happen. The pun-based title is too good to pass up.
    1 point
  12. Hey, everyone, we're participating in an official Reddit AMA on Tue., Feb. 23rd in celebration of Fair Use Week! We hope you'll join djpretzel, myself, and the legal eagles from intellectual property & open Internet non-profit Public Knowledge for the AMA! Feel free to check out our 2013 self-AMA if you're already in the AMA mood, and we hope to field more questions later this month. It starts at 12PM Eastern US time, and goes until we're done answering every question. I'll keep checking back every few hours for a few days, so you're not too later if you ask a Q a little later in the day or week as well! ASK US ANYTHING about VGM, copyright issues with arranging game music and putting it out for free, how OCR is run, what you want to see or improve with the site, and any other important questions you have!
    1 point
  13. back from mag and thinking about my entry. I'll do what I can to mix sources together this time, there are a few spots where it'll be really easy, and a few that it'll be trickier. Really curious to hear what my opponents have cooked up, idea-wise
    1 point
  14. I have some ideas. I really dig the theme (..yeah), I'll see if I can clear my project backlog before this one's finished. edit: dammit, Jorito already used that pun.
    1 point
  15. Didn't mean to make your MagSadness bigger. We all missed you though!
    1 point
  16. just sent mine in. I never done a mix where I have to put together 3 songs, so this was a bit of a challenge for me.
    1 point
  17. Bleck

    Street Fighter V

    1 point
  18. This can still come out in February! There's 5 days left!
    1 point
  19. Oh man. This sounds dankkkkkk. So keen. I only hope I'm good enough to be called on by the point "dawn" rolls around.
    1 point
  20. stfu i thought that was the second rule
    1 point
  21. Seriously though, the first rule I told you was not to talk about it!!
    1 point
  22. hahaha i'm going to punch you like it's fuckin FIGHT CLUB.
    1 point
  23. I dunno it's pretty damn efficient and cost-effective if everyone just visits me instead of me going to MAG
    1 point
  24. Just as a reminder, take off the eval tag once you get an eval. That way, we'll know when you're looking for an evaluation of a new version. Glad to read you're making progress. I'll try to catch this next time it's on eval, I don't want to spoil it until then.
    1 point
  25. I would go to MAG just to hang out with zyko and Garpocalypse. And maybe some other people But seriously why pay to go to MAG when you could just come visit me?
    1 point
  26. My main complaint from this MAGFest outside of getting WAY too drunk Saturday night in the shizz suite would be not getting enough hang time in with zykO. Dude was pretty stretched thin at his first MAG trying to get facetime in with everyone he's never met irl haha. But we managed to get some solid kazoo jamming in on our way back from Nandos. Seriously though it was an amazing weekend. MAG Underground made it for me. So much awesome music. Two Bit Brigade sets in one day!? Unreal man.
    1 point
  27. http://www.shinesparkers.net/harmonyofahunter/ Download: zips: http://www.shinesparkers.net/harmonyofahunter/download/ torrent: http://www.metroid-database.com/harmonyofahunter101.php So, Darren of Shinesparkers got together a whole slew of people (including me ha ha) to make a follow-up to the amazing Harmony of a Hunter album. This album would be called the 101% expansion, having remixes from tracks that were not covered in the original album. Well, things snowballed quite a bit, and now Darren has a whopping 3-disc behemoth of music comin' atcha. It has more Sam Dillard, has Cursed Lemon, more choirs, more boom, more everything you'd want. While I know my track won't hold a candle to the other stuff here, I am humbled by the fact I was able to be a part of such a great tribute to my favorite gaming series. I just downloaded it and am giving it a listen right now, but I highly encourage Metroid fans and music fans to take a gander. It's the tenth anniversary of Metroid Prime, after all. EDIT: Gario your track is tight. Gah, why did they make my track come after such a damn good one? ;_;
    1 point
  28. Cause that jerk @Garpocalypse wasn't there to rally the crew.
    1 point
  29. Went to eat and take a walk to refresh my ears and changed once again the notes on the left hand that seemed weird to me plus I adjusted the timing, so now there is an actual offset between notes. After that i Listened to the song through my Sennheisers, Earbuds, Cheap Earphones and Notebook Speakers and now I am really happy with the results: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/Papyrus_8.mp3 Thanks guys for your help, I really, really appreciate it.
    1 point
  30. omg, is this actually coming out? i've been lurking for like 2 years since they said the music was finished.
    1 point
  31. I could be way off the mark, because you're in fact not sharing the music in question (you're asking an IT guy to troubleshoot your laptop without letting him see your laptop). Would be better if we could actually see what you are doing to tell you what's wrong with it.
    1 point
  32. Left hand sounds much better now, and the right hand is integrated with it better. I liked the tempo change at 0:11. Much better dynamics too. I didn't mention this before, but I like how you incorporated a bit of megalovania into this. Concerning the right hand, although it sounds better, I think the "pluckiness" problem is happening because attack of the right hand notes sounds much louder than the sustain. Is this is because you've made most of the right hand notes very staccato, and it's just the reverb carrying the notes afterward? If so, I don't think having so many overly-staccato notes fits the overall style of the song, or the left hand. Some minor things: The grace notes at 0:28 are a bit painful. I think it would sound better if the grace notes were quieter, or started soft, but led up to the velocity of the actual note. Are the right hand notes at 2:37 octaves? If so, I think the 2nd note should have a lower velocity and maybe have some imperfection, because the pianist would barely have to to play it before having to move their hand. I think the repeated right hand notes at 2:11 and 2:14 get overly loud. I think you could ease off the velocity after the first time of a repeated note in this case.
    1 point
  33. This is really a compositional problem, not a mixing problem. You need to voice your ensemble in such a way that every instrument has a place that doesn't overlap with any other instrument. Don't cross voices, and don't write dense lines below C3 (C an octave below middle C).
    1 point
  34. So far, I have been proven wrong about "why didn't you post my remix?" questions. This is the sort of wrong that is acceptable.
    1 point
  35. You've done alright with compos in the past, so you've got the organizational skills! It'd be great to have you heading things up. Let's get a pro-wrestling consultant to handle that side of the equation.
    1 point
  36. It's grand throughout. By far my favourite part is that wonderful start.
    1 point
  37. I swear I hear the Leisure Suit Larry theme...at the 1m 47s mark, just for an instant (listen here)! Maybe it's just me, or just a common set of notes to the genre? Anyway, very chill and jazzy, definitely my kind of sound.
    1 point
  38. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/477lni/we_are_overclocked_remix_releasing_3000_free/ Ask us some questions!
    1 point
  39. I think this piece needs only one word. EPIC.
    1 point
  40. And his name is... DRA CULA *du du dudu, du du dudu*
    1 point
  41. I'm gonna step on all of the toes, and steal the glory of posting about the return of FF5 Water It's coming back guys, for real! DarkeSword announced at MAGFest that the music was done! Look at that, haha! Two years between this post and the one a couple posts up from me... @Sagnewshreds it might! The release date for FFXV is being announced on March 30th at the Uncovered event, we'll see what happens!
    1 point
  42. Thanks brother, and as always, FANTASTIC job! Just entered my submission for round 2, I'm REALLY pleased with the way it turned out, i hope you all are too (when the songs are released haha )
    1 point
  43. UPDATE: I'm chatting with DJP on it now and we've come to an agreement on this subject. We'll be moving forward with his design and policy.
    1 point
  44. You'd better go next year, gotta play late night Tekken with me!
    1 point
  45. Is it that time of the year again where non-American members take over the forums?
    1 point
  46. Bumping with kitten: ...for 3 discs of quality Metroid tunes :3
    1 point
  47. Hey guys! I hope you all enjoy Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run it was a real pleasure to help put this together. We have some wonderful musicians contributing to this project and I think it's a great tribute to Metroid Prime and Metroid fusion's 10th anniversaries. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
    1 point
  48. My name is Darren, i'm the founder of the Metroid enthusiast website, Shinesparkers. As part of our efforts to mark the 25th anniversary of the Metroid franchise, I came up with the idea of an album covering music from a variety of Metroid games from Metroid NES to Metroid: Other M. Harmony of a Hunter is the largest and most diverse Metroid album yet, with 36 tracks covered by 24 artists. It covers a broad range of genres from various levels of talent and experience, all paying tribute to this great franchise. We hope that this will satisfy fans who want to see the anniversary marked in style, and will hopefully be something that gamers enjoy too. Spread the word and celebrate the anniversary of Metroid. Harmony of a Hunter will go live on the 7th August from our website, www.shinesparkers.net Stay tuned for more updates as we have them. ~~~~~~ Updates: 7th August 2011: Harmony of a Hunter released on time, no delays 31st July 2011: Harmony of a Hunter website goes live: www.shinesparkers.net/harmonyofahunter 31st July 2011: Harmony of a Hunter: Final preview video: 30th July 2011: Disc 1 mastered, track list finalised 25th July 2011: Track list currently being finalised 18th July 2011: Mastering begins 16th July 2011: Lee "The Orichalcon" Barber will be mastering the album due to Aaron's busy schedule 10th July 2011: Deadline reached with minor exceptions. Mastering to begin 17th July 7th July 2011: Second preview released: 3rd July 2011: Trimmed down the album based upon what I know won't be completed in time. One week remains 12th June 2011: First preview released: 31st May 2011: We are now closing the album to further suggestions Important notice: Some websites have been reporting that this is an official OCR album and crediting OCRemix as the website releasing this. This is NOT the case. I have been informed that this will not be an official OCR album. Instead, the album will be released through my website Shinesparkers (www.shinesparkers.net) our Metroid fan website and the wider Metroid community. OCR have expressed an interest to feature certain tracks and we look forward to seeing what they wish to do to help. The album was organised here on OCR but was never intended to be an official release for the website, merely a platform to organise things. We thank OCR for allowing us to set this up and we hope fans will enjoy what we have come up with. Disc 1 1. In the Beginning… (Title Screen, Metroid NES) by Mercury Adept 2. Danger in old Tourian (The Space Pirates appear, Super Metroid) by DoctorM64 3. Earthroot (Brinstar Red Soil, Super Metroid) by VikingGuitar 4. Bioluminescence (Sector Four, Metroid Fusion) by Theophany 5. Infectious Fear (Sector One, Metroid Fusion) by The Fishhead 6. Desperation (Escape, Metroid NES) by Mozzaratti 7. Into The Green World (Brinstar Vegetation, Super Metroid) by Sam Dillard 8. Leader’s Lair (Ridley’s Lair, Metroid NES) by Prophetik 9. The Caves of Brinstar (Brinstar, Metroid NES) by Aries T 10. Ashes to Ashes (Lower Norfair, Super Metroid) by Zircon 11. Kraid’s Campfire Ballad (Kraid’s Lair, Metroid NES) by Sebastian Mårtensson ft. Kristin Björkebäck 12. Cave Dweller (Vs Ridley, Super Metroid) by Prophetik 13. The Mission’s Briefing (Last Instructions, Metroid Fusion) by Aries T 14. Metroid Legacy (Introduction, Super Metroid) by Omni-Psyence 15. MQ2 (Metroid Queen, Metroid 2: Return of Samus) by Stemage & Chunkstyle 16. Bonus: Mission Complete: Ending Suite (Various themes) by Sam Dillard 17. Bonus: Metroid Medley (Various themes) by Derris-Kharlan Disc 2 1. Parasite X (Parasite Queen, Metroid Prime) by Mazedude 2. Echoes In Eternity (Title Theme, Metroid Prime 2) by DJTheFishhead 3. Frozen Utopia (Phendrana Drifts, Metroid Prime) by Mesmonium 4. Lore Hunter (Bryyo, Metroid Prime 3) by Darkesword 5. Hostile Shadows (Various, Metroid Prime 2) by Mozzaratti 6. Melting Sun (Rundas Battle, Metroid Prime 3) by Pyro Paper Planes 7. Solitude (Tallon Overworld 2, Metroid Prime) by Zircon & C-GPO 8. Corrupt Beginnings (Title theme, Metroid Prime 3) by George R. Powell 9. Path of Ruin (Chozo Ruins, Metroid Prime) by Darkesword 10. Entering A New World (Tallon Overworld, Metroid Prime) by Aries T 11. The Adventure Continues (Mission Final, Metroid Prime 1,2,3) by The Fishhead 12. Thunder Shooter (Vs Kanden, Metroid Prime Hunters) by Chernabogue & VikingGuitar 13. Symbol Of The Ancients (Artifact Temple, Metroid Prime) by Aries T 14. Lone Star (Ending theme, Metroid Prime) by Pyro Paper Planes 15. Omega Cannon (Title theme, Metroid Prime Hunters) by VikingGuitar 16. In the End… (Title theme, Metroid Other M) by Mercury Adept 17. Bonus: The Crimson Depths (Kraid’s Lair & Brinstar Red) by Sam Dillard 18. Bonus: Phazon Corruption (Various themes) by Video Game Music Choir 19. Bonus: What’s Past is Prologue (Metroid: Other M commercial music) by Theophany
    1 point
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